Is creatine a meme pushed by the (((fitness industry))), or is it the real deal?

Is creatine a meme pushed by the (((fitness industry))), or is it the real deal?

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One of the most researched supplement in the world. There are a lot of meme supplements being pushed but I doubt creatine is one of them.

this is what creatine looks like

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>this thread again

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>This is what ass cancer looks like

It's legit for a few pounds of muscle.

But that's it. You probably don't need much more than 1-3g long term. It's fucking cheap. And no you don't need to splurge on mega-super X forms

i dont take supplements or portein pwders and i eat probably 2 k calories max per day

im 5 feet 11 inches
168 lbs in the morning with abs

how much muscle could i gain from protein and creatine ?

>easiest to digest food for a human

try again

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50 lbs

i dont believe it if i were 50 lbs heavier of pure muscle maintining the pound for pound strenght and speed i have now i could literally go straight up to rugby and boxing and mog everyone

It's proven to be effective in causing hair loss.

Look it up

None. Creatine, by itself, doesn't make you gain muscle. Eating a calorie surplus and working out does. Creatine just keeps you from depleting your effective ATP stores as quickly and you can get an extra rep or two on a hard set.

Is it possible to gain muscle while losing weight (as an absolute beginner)?

oh then i dont need it because i can work out pretty hard almost every day

i try to eat as much as i can but meh i dont lose strenght even if i eat too little

Don't listen to that retard. There are tons of studies showing that creatine supplementation results in a greater increase of muscle mass than simply working out without taking creatine.

Because it makes you able to lift more weight. Lifting more weight causes you to grow more muscle... whoa

Yes. Eat at your TDEE. Not above, not below. You'll trade fat for muscle. Eventually you'll need to eat more though

i did, steak is very easy to digest, maybe the easiest

It's real to end anxiety and depression, I, as a scientist, can tell you that much for sure.

I believe it's good for it's intended purpose too (muscle performance), but you'll have to rake the word of other scientists on that one.

Risk factors for colorectal cancer include meat and a diet low in fiber

Bodybuidlers and powerlifters have been using creatine for last 30 years and there are indeed alot of memes in this idustry but this isnt one of them.
Actually Whey would be a better meme.

>this is what "Im a burger and I only do my shopping in supermarkets where everything has preservatives and cancer in it" looks like

It's one of the 3 supplements that do anything at all.

The only other 2 being Beta-Alanine (when taken with creatine) and Caffeine before a workout.

Everything else is bunk assuming you have proper nutrition from food and don't have any glaring mineral or vitamin deficiencies.

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the largest risk factor for colorectal cancer is a sedentary lifestyle, hence why people have been eating steak for thousands of years but colorectal cancer incidences have skyrocketed over the past 20 years.

It's definitely not a meme. Its myostatin-reduction effect might be though.

>user posted steak saying its easy to digest most mean he only eats steak so he will die of cancer
Nigga, what is balanced diet?
When it comes to nutrition this board is so fucking retarded.

After 3 weeks Jow Forums already commented on my arms so it's definitely something there.
I personally do 5g of it every lifting day and I'm feeling great, plus it's not that expensive. Even if the effects are placebo, it's worth it imho

they only understand extremes. if you say 'i ate a steak' or post a picture of eggs you made for breakfast, they assume that's all you eat, ever, or that you're on keto, because a singular steak or plate of eggs is a representation of your entire diet in their minds.

Its the same with politics on here. From one extreme to the other.
Low IQ cunts everywhere.

There are vegetarian non responders to creatine so yeah creatine is useless.

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that's not the same as being easiest to digest, that's the bioavailability of protons. and for what its worth, whey hardens my shit like nothing else, to the point i dont eat it anymore

drink milk instead

I use it for some things and eat unsweetened yogurt. Honestly don't miss whey at all. Easy enough to get enough calories, feel full and get a decent amount of protons without it. Literally feels like a meme now.

Pushed by the Finasteride industry ;)