ITT: Post the thing someone said that made you start lifting

ITT: Post the thing someone said that made you start lifting
>At least you're not fat

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"I'm just not ready to start dating."

Going to the gym is fun

or alternatively (wasted trips), when graduating from machines to weights
>you’re just gonna hurt yourself, come back in a few days and i’ll show you how to lift

I always have an amazing time with you but I’m sorry that it is this way

lol do u faggots really let other people's words decide how ur gonna live ur life? never gonna make it lmao instead of hitting the gym why dont u find ur balls


You're my favorite guy friend

"hey, you should come lifting with me"

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t. eunich

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>Post the thing someone said that made you start lifting
Wait, you mean people talk to you outside social niceties and business?

I was 6'1 115 starving to death and some guy made fun of my "chicken legs"
Got my shit together and I'm up to 195 but the whole experience of being that small definitely motivated me and I never want to be back there
There's a picture on one of my ex gfs cameras of me at that weight, wish I had it, would make for one hell of a before and after

"i think we should take a break"

My father always said that i looked like a skinny little rat when i was in middle/high school. Now i'm dyel and he makes me do all the manual labor in the house
He played me like a fiddle right from the start

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>you look jewish

fuck off

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I don’t love you anymore


>ayo white boy gib me your wallet or ima Busta you

>You can either be a sick cunt or you can be a sad cunt, don't be a sad cunt bra.

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fuck his wife to cuck him

It was me being suicidal that triggered (lol) something

Yeah no, she's too fat for my liking

Hitler has great taste

It's not what someone said but

>get dumped by first "real" gf
>she starts dating jacked manlet (literally 5'5) that I introduced her to
>dates him within 2 weeks of dumping me
>work part time at uni gym
>manlet comes in, we exchange artificial "sup dude"
>huge grin on his face, he makes sure to flash his bare neck as he walks by
>covered in hickeys
>he knows I know

Made me so pissed off I went back to my dorm and ordered a tub of protein and hit the gym nonstop for 2 years. That was 4 years ago now and I can still feel the anger I had then when I think about it, it still motivates me.

“Man if you worked out you’d look like Superman”
Best friend killed himself 2 months later.

>mogging your best friend to death
it's not fair

people making jokes about how skinny and lanky i was

kill him brah
do it now

Its better to be skinny than it is to be fat

>people make jokes about me being skinny
>i laugh about it then make a joke about them because i am "quick witted"
>they get upset and call me an asshole

my entire life story

/fph/ threads. Used to laugh at all of these specimens. After a bit I took a look at myself. Realised I was 2 lb off of being overweight. Did not want to be a specimen (did calisthenics for years before this but at low rates so I have huge pecs but nothing else), and I needed to set myself apart to keep my sanity. Now technically overweight but I can bench 220 so I'm cool with it until I cut.

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>be shopping for clothes
>see a nice pair of pants and a shirt that would go great with it
>try to put them on to see if they Jow Forums me
>somehow manage to put them on but it's a struggle
>try to walk but it feels like if I lift my legs too high the pants will explode
>ask the clerk if they have a larger size
>"Sorry, they don't make 'em any bigger"

It was that simple, he wasn't trying to be mean or anything. What he said made me imagine having to go to one of those XXXL clothing stores for really obese people because normal stores didn't have my size and how embarassing that would be. When I came home that day I decided to not have dinner and instead went on a walk for an hour and then the next day I bought a 16kg kettlebell and started training with it 5 days a week for at least 45 minutes. Now I'm 30kg lighter and I'm still doing kettlebell exercises but with a 36kg kettlebell.

just realised myself i didnt look the way i liked and wanted to fix that

>be 16
>get in only fight ever
>guy at school threw a fit because I wouldn’t help him cheat in english
>huge asshole so I had no inclination to help/never talked to him once before
>gets in my face at lunch, starts screaming at me
>he throws a terribly aimed haymaker because he has no idea how to fight (granted I don’t really either)
>instinctively close distance between us
>headbutt him
>he immediately crumples, I have a terrible headache instantly
>looks like no one saw the “fight”, so i calmly go to the office to let the principal know
>they sit us both down and we tell our side of the story
>fucking retard tells them he was mad because I wouldn’t help him cheat
>I say I retaliated in self defense
>he gets a week suspension, I get a slap on the wrist saying I shouldn’t escalate things
>Get home, tell parents
>dad says it’s unnacceptable, should have thrashed him
>”but you probably couldn’t have, look at you, are you gay, boy?”
>start lifting
>after about 2 years dad no longer chided me
T.Boomer who’s parents could call him gay and beat him.
Kids today will never know what it’s like not living in a hug box
>dad hits on my wife now