If you bring this to the gym you are a faggot

if you bring this to the gym you are a faggot

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People who drink from these are not taking care of themselves properly. Chemicals from the container seep into the liquid and enter your body. Even the BPA free ones. If you're drinking this much during your workout, you're over-hydrating yourself, and if you don't, then you're just carrying it around for show.

is metal safe?

Kek I used to do this when I was younger.

Yes as long as it doesn'thave an internal plastic coating. As is glass.

Metal is safer, but you have to consider the type of metal and also what process was used to form it. You won't completely avoid toxic chemicals in this modern society, but as long as you limit your exposure, your immune system should be able to pick up the slack.

The main thing is to never microwave anything in a plastic container. The study i read of 425 different plastic containers had a 95% endocrine reaction rate after consuming food microwaved in plastic regardless of bpa of bpa-free.

why is this a bad thing? i carry it when i go to college

>not carrying a water-filled bottle of vodka for max 'mires and hydration

>over-hydrating yourself
Bad meme, bucko. A gallon a day is essential.

It's flashy as fuck. It draws everyone's attention to it, and it makes you stand out. You are trying to virtue signal your water consumption. Just drink from the fkin fountain at uni.

i dont want to stand up and walk to drink it, besides it tastes weird

Whatever you say boyo. Still look like a massive faggot.

Yeah I just carry around my 5% mammoth jug so people don't judge me


>look like fag for drinking over for drinking water on a container

Don't people really think this? Are you some type of hydrolet? I've never see somebody carrying a gallon of water and think "Wow, what a faggot. Who is he to try and keep hydrated?" They're probably cutting weight, or have some type of condition. It's a thing, and that's all it is. Faggot.

>people eating up this bait
I drag a jug around. I am swole and cut to fuck. Everyone knows it, if you think I give a fuck what you think you're just projecting you're insecurities on me. Stop coping OP

Anyone who uses plastic bottle is a faggot. It's 2018 stop being porn cunts and get yourself glass.

sorry but ive almost died twice from force feeding distilled water, it did start to taste like urine once it was too much

whats funny though is that nobody will come to help you when youre water intoxicated because your cheeks and eyes look like fucking balloons and you start to look repulsive

>distilled water
There's your problem, you fucking idiot.

Stainless steel is superior in every way, fite me fgt.

You almost died once from drinking distilled water? And then you did it again? Are you actually mentally retarded?

In other countries they mark distilled water as inedible. But then again dumbasses get what's coming to them.

dude, get fucked.
best water goes as follows: well water>bathroom sink>water fountains>water hose water>spring water>everything else

if you're afraid to drink from the water fountains at your uni then you're an enormous faggot. no one ever uses the damn things, they're as clean as a pornstar's bleached asshole before Take 1

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>Fucking water enthusiasts
Anybody have a screen cap of the threads "praising Neptune" by drinking water constantly?

nigga, you're made of water. everyone should be a water enthusiast. best food lives in it. it makes up your planet. stop labeling shit.

>The fat Filipino kid who showed up to school in lifting gloves and drank from this as loudly as he could during class
Oh the memories

This. It's literally the most important thing you put in your body. Even more so than food. You can do everything right, but if your not properly hydrated, you're walking in place. 3-4 liters a day. No questions asked.

>If you're drinking this much during your workout, you're over-hydrating yourself
not if you have 8hour arm workouts

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If you don’t bring this into your gym you are a weakling

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You sound envious of my properly hydrated state bitchboi

>not drinking only pellegrino
>drinking out of plastic
>not brining pellegrino to gym

never gonna make it

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Maybe I don’t want to keep buying cases of water bottles twice a week you stupid fuck

Where do I get one of these in Australia?

I'm going to bring Pellegrino to the gym thanks for the idea

>me after 1.5 gallons of water a day

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This, I can spend an hour and 30 minutes lifting and never feel the need to drink more than maybe 2 16 oz bottles at best. If you need a giant jug please see your doctors for your obvious diabetes.

You people are incredibly self conscious about literally everything.
Nobody gives a shit what you drink from, nobody even notices you exist.

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>Bathroom sink>Water fountains
Wait what?

And what do you think happens when you drink milk from a plastic jug?

i just have a half liter bottle that i fill up at the sink when it runs out. usually 2 full bottles are enough for a 1h workout

The gallon lasts people 2-3 gym sessions you idiot. No one’s in there chugging the whole thing.

b-but what if I use a sharpie to tally mark how many times I've drank it? And on the side I wrote "Grind and Shine"?

> He ONLY takes 1 gallon of water to the gym

I'm afraid you aren't gonna make it.