>What would happen if you follow a sub 1000 calories diet for a prolonged time? I'm /fat/, currently working on losing. I used to believe the 1200/1500 cal meme but people are living eating 0 and drinking salt for semi-prolonged periods so who fuckin knows anymore I've been staying around 1000 a day for the past few weeks and have noticed little more than a bit of fatigue.
better than being a fasting retard I would only go that low in calories after quite a bit of time losing weight, don't make your metabolism adapt to a really low ammount of calories right from the start.
Nathaniel Johnson
I actually did it for 3 months. From February to April. At at ~500 kcals/day combined with no carbs and OMAD. Lost 70 lbs overall.
At the end of it I felt pretty tired and had moments of dizziness but acted like I'm the most energetic guy I ever been. I was really hungry, often craving high caloric density foods, looking at fast food ads was torture but never gave in.
During that time I lost tons of muscle to the point that climbing stairs would cause me a burning sensation in the legs and the end result was skinny fat with skelly face.
For the 1st month after, I ate shit tons of sweet foods but while keeping calorie intake in check, the cravings were strong. Then I somehow switched to a normal diet with with less sugar and more variety, I also started lifting and started eating at TDEE. During the summer I gained 10lbs because lol summer break but kept lifitng. Now my weight has stabilized at 145lbs and I'm doing lean bulk with motivating results.
tl;dr >did 500kcals/day >lost 70 lbs in 3 months >ended up skelly fat >craved sugars >regained 10lbs during summer >now everything is fixed
Luke Bennett
your body is only capable of using 800 calories from fat per day. anything higher than that will be coming from your muscles.
John Rogers
What the fuck did you eat every day?
Joshua Martin
>your body is only capable of using 800 calories from fat per day. anything higher than that will be coming from your muscles.
you are genuinely fucking retarded I'm not even gonna explain out this
James Miller
youtube.com/watch?v=APZCfmgzoS0 fasting >no hunger pains after a few days >hormonal profile in check extreme calorie restriction >constantly in hunger >constantly thinking about food >hormones are fucked. temperature is dropped due to low thyroid activity.
Eli Wilson
Permanently slow your metabolism, possible organ damage, definite tremendous loss of muscle
Sorry fatty, there aren't any shortcuts
Angel Kelly
Lot of veggies, as much protein as possible within the limit and a bit of fat. I took pictures for a while.
Forgot to mention that I'm a 6'7 manlet so I don't need that much food to live to begin with.
I lost 50kg eating 1200 a day, had almost no hunger whatsoever during any of it.
For whatever reason, going lower than that made me very hungry, so that seemed to be the perfect spot.
Also everyone claims "pErMaNeNtLY sloWs ur MeTaBolIsm" yet there has been no study to ever show any significant change or any reason for your body to do such a thing... even if it did, why would that be a bad thing, bulking requires too much food anyways.
This study is fucking meaningless, it doesn't show if they've changed their diets at all and they still weigh less than when they started. also they are obese this is a completely different field compared to fit people.
Zachary Roberts
hehe typical NPC response
even when the truth is presented, you can't see it
Isaiah Martin
Is NPC the new forced meme? Have you read the results at all?
Joseph Phillips
not that poster but metabolic damage is a real thing my dude.
I've been doing 500-600 calories OMAD for a few months and haven't really lost a noticable amount of weight. What did i do wrong? 6'1 260 pounds currently for what it's worth
Nathan Wood
I've been doing it for 3~4 months, and there aren't that many side effects - except muscles take longer to recover (and I do mainly cardio). I lose 4~5 kg per month.
What I ate everyday was: - Lunch: rice, black beans and some meat (600~ calories) - Dinner: as many fruits as 200 calories is + one spoonful of oats
200 calories of fruit is usually two apples (not big reds) + one plum.
First three weeks I felt like dying, couldn't even sleep until 2 or 3 am. But after those three weeks, never felt better.
Jason Cruz
How much did you lose in how long?
Are you sure you aren't underestimating your caloric intake? Are you consistent with it? Zero cheat days?
You need to stay active too, can't lay down in bed or sit on a couch all day and expect to make huge progress. I used to walk alot, everywhere, did like 10 miles/day.
There is really no reason why you wouldn't be losing weight, even if you have "slow metabolism" or "muh thyroid" problems you can't break the laws of thermodynamics.
Robert Parker
I started the year at about 300 and had been doing a measured calorie thing on and off for a few months but for the last 2 or 3 months I've been eating the same meal almost literally every day that measures out to about 600cal. Been jogging 2 miles a few times a week and about a week ago i started a HIIT routine. Basically the last two weeks have been the best I've done overall and i keep hovering around 260.
Nolan Sanders
there's no possible way your still 260 eating 600 calories a day..
If you're being honest, you need a day to refeed.. your body needs it.
It doesn't hit that fast, and not that low. 500~600 is well below maintenance levels, no way he's not losing any more weight. I mean, if your body ever goes into homeostasis at 600 calories/day, you'd be lying in bed all day.
Cameron Brown
Yeah i use MFP. I have days where i have something else but it's not often.
Landon Wood
How's that loose skin doing? If you lose weight too fast your body won't have time to adapt so you'll lose muscle and get flabby skin
Parker Collins
>6'7 manlet >145lbs
Gabriel Miller
That's my calorie count for yesterday. I felt great, but a bit hungry.
I've been doing this for the last 27 years just like most traditional cultures with low rates of diseases. Just eat basmati rice, beans and veggies. Fat adds the most cals so when you eat with no or little oil, it's pretty easy.
Noah Barnes
Post body
David Powell
>Better than being a fasting retard Found the omad pussy boy
That only works if you're super obese Once you start approaching a healthy weight, it becomes harder and a severe caloric deficit will actually fuck you up
Colton Bell
This is the correct answer. Fasting beats caloric restriction because being a fatty means your hormones are all fucked up. Calories don't approach the problem hormonally. Fasting does, as it fixes your insulin resistance. Eating fewer calories works, of course, because there's less energy going in. But it sure isn't the healthiest way of losing weight. Still better than being a fatty though
Leo Bell
Slight derail but if im Skinny fat and want to be skinny, should I just keep eating sub 1500??
Juan Gonzalez
Honestly being skinnyfat is just being a little fat and having 0 muscle mass.
Just keep lifting to normalize your body then cut or bulk if you desire.
Aaron Edwards
>Permanently slow your metabolism lmao
Liam Powell
I did sub 2000 calories for a month. Lost 22 pounds. Ate chicken, bananas, oranges, kale and steak. Small portions on top of vitamin and mineral supplements. Worked out fine. You gotta be fat to begin with.
intermittent fasting is the only thing that has worked reliably and consistently for me. It's a wonder drug, pretty much.
I lost 8lbs in the last 12 days, while going on vacation and eating deserts and carbs. Haven't lost any muscle as been hitting PRs on lifts this week.
I eat during a 6 hour window and don't really count calories. I don't have enough appetite to eat my planned food, I just try and get as much protein as I can.
My energy is great, my appetite is in check, I enjoy my food more and don't need as much portions.
My appetite is so good I could do 4 hour windows with 20 hours fasted, but I can't fit enough protein in that window.
I eat twice trying to get 8 oz of protein each time (usually don't finish it), and have a 2 scoop 60g protein shake that's 500 calories. So it's probably between 1400-1800 calories.
Adam Reyes
stop eating 10k calories on the weekend buddy
Easton King
lol. Obese have done quite well losing weight on 800 cal diets. Look up VLCD (very low calorie diets) if you want to read about the efficacy
I've been doing so for a few months (1200 actually, my BMR is 1175). I went from normal weight to underweight (BMI 15) without issues. Just make sure to get 100% RDA on most days. Leafy greens, fatty fish, organ meats and cheese are your friends, avoid empty calories such as refined grains and sugar.
Hunter Rodriguez
>How many kg will I lose per week >Giving a shit about numbers
Quit eating like a fat ass or just fast until you're not fat it's not easy when you're addicted to eating like a fat ass but who gives a shit about the numbers. How many calories you eat is the last of your problem, you need to learn how to stop being a slave to your desires.