How many pullouts to have this ?
How many pullouts to have this ?
if u want a girl to do that to u ur not supposed to pull out
this made me a little sad.
>she'll never cute punch your dick
Why do i fucking wake up every morning
Depends on your age, user.
If you're remotely close to those two, get off this thread, talk to some people and live the rest of it.
If you're an oldie, then I hope you don't get caught during your voyeur hobbies.
>mfw no tomboy gf
Being punched in the dick isn't as fun as this asian girl makes it look
I'm 26 late?
It took me a minute to realize that this was an adult, male-female couple. The absolute state of Asians.
>11433518th virgin thread of the day
Speak for yourself.
nah, hell, 50s isn't too late
you're all good man
there are 70 year olds in the dating scene still... so I think you have some time. in my experience, I've had more luck dating in my 40s and 50s than any other age.
let me tell you, these mature women fuck like you wouldn't believe. but i've settled with a woman i've been with for 7 years now, married 4 years go.
happier than i've ever been
looks pretty gay to me, nty op
>unironically calling 4chaners virgins
Did you get lost from all the way from jewbook? You know where you are? We need to call your parents
I turn 22 and a half on October 6th. Please user tell me what to do I don't want to die like this
This is patently false because you misunderstand the type of dating he's looking for. Cute shit like that doesn't happen in 50s
Teach me, oh wise one
Pffft, you're still a baby.
Just need to find some qt asian to date
now that's bullshit too! sure as shit happens between me and my woman.
tell that to her when she's jumping up on my back for a piggyback ride on our way to the car or when she tickles me so bad that i almost piss
I guess that is pretty cute. Nonetheless some of the aesthetic is gone. I need to be less shallow
honest truth? go out.
all you need to do is go out somewhere and talk to people.
been to a lot of bars and i was pulling women left and right, but if you're looking for a relationship, same thing.
just go out and talk to people. get to know them and just talk to them.
you'll find a lot of people.
you can start talking to anyone about anything. see a girl in line at the grocery? make conversation, get her number. easy as that.
this sounds cliche as shit but be yourself... but be more confident you.
None, they're both horrendous.
I really wish I could drink bars seem great in theory. I get weird hang overs that leave me depressed and nonfunctional for like three days though
you'd be surprised. she runs 5 miles a day and takes great care of her skin.
her hair's thick and black as ever.
looks perfect as she did when she was 20
i'm the one trying to keep up with her. lol. there's a reason i'm on Jow Forums
aw thanks bro i m. i will start going to the grocery stores pick on the women get the number. to be myself the only self
fuck that! haven't drank a beer in my life.
get some soda.
Won't normies think it's weird that I'm not drinking at a bar. That's like the whole point isn't it?
it can be anywhere!
I see guys these days on that tinder shit.
nah, best way to date is to talk to girls face to face. really sets you apart these days.
a lot less people give a shit than you think. that goes for about everything.
matters even more that you don't give a shit what anyone else thinks.
how to get over crippling non existent self esteem user
nigger your leg is a brick of adipose.... please for the love of god, walk more often.
yeah that's true it's so hard for me to not care thouh. Guess I just need to practice more
i wanna cuck that guy
>Tfw qt3.14 azn gf that is 18 yo, has the same haircut and does the same cutesy shit and I can also playfully kick (without hurting her Obv) or lift her up and throw her around and she thinks it's fun.
It's a comfy feel brehs
if you got no self esteem, you got nothing to lose right? just don't give a fuck.
i had social anxiety so bad i couldn't leave my house in my 20s.
sounds like shitty advice but just give up self esteem and stop giving a fuck what other people think and do things for yourself.
want to lift? for yourself.
want to learn drums? for yourself.
want to wear a star trek shirt to a wedding? fuck it, do it.
don't worry if it's hard to stop caring at your age.
should happen naturally in your 30s I bet. lol.
I have this
Why are you fags even here just make me suffer?
I'm not one to use this word but God, these people should be pictured in a dictionary next to the word 'Proletariat'
look at the flat they're in. It's messy, it's unkempt, it's absolutely basic in every sense of the word. There's no character to it, no reflection of the owner's personality because there isn't one. Both of them are normalfags of the highest order; look at the clock behind them. The contents of this webm took them over 5 minutes only to make, it was probably a spur of the moment thing, the 'cute' moments come completely naturally to these Proles. And that's how I know they'll fade in time. No one who films shit like this spontaneously at 8 in the night is blessed with the means to craft their own destiny. She will break up with him once the normalfag cuteness wears off and he will work a dead end normalfag job and end up looking like Jiro, and neither of them will reflect on this moment again because it meant as much to them as it does to me: nothing.
i wanna be that guy
Haha, you and me both pal.
>Tfw have a 4'9 Japanese girlfriend 6 years my junior who does the exact same shit, shakes when she gets excited while make squeeling sounds, has an obsession with sniffing my armpits and refers to me as user-san.
Because both of you sitting in the living room on your phones not talking or interacting is much better.
y u lie on internet
fix your house before you fix your face on photoshop
Based dadposter
Habeeb it!
>All dat projecting and butthurt
Realistically, they'll both finish university and then work for some zaibatsu company and then eventually get married and have a child together, creating a nuclear family like any same and normal Japanese household despite what you've been lead to believe about Japan's declining birthrate by the ((MSM)) while you'll still be pessimistic and alone, desperately waiting for a tinder match on a sat night lmao
Forgot my pic ;^)