Well, where are your gains?

Well, where are your gains?

And I'm 6'2.

Attached: gains.jpg (640x800, 42K)

Sure you are ;)

>that face
Lets just hope you never stop lifting

Attached: 1513022311419.jpg (240x196, 13K)

Damn bro your face is fucked. you need jaw bone and nose surgery
Gains are great btw

That belly button is no where near high enough above that doorknob for you to be 6'2

post yourself before talking shit

His nose is big but what the fuck is wrong with my jaw?

Post yourself before TAKING shit. Thats not natty at all.

thats not gonna change anything Kek

Attached: 1526176382851.jpg (2941x3000, 1.31M)

There's nothing I can tell you to prove it, but it's natty

looking great, what are your current lifts?

OP is 5'8" max. Still impressive though.

Lmao no wonder, I would cope that hard too with that face Jesus Christ hahaha. Unironically looks like that CoD incel.

Well, today I accomplished one of my all time fitness goals:
I joined the 1000lb club, with a 345lb squat, 235lb bench press, and 420lb deadlift at a bodyweight of 145lb.

Why is the bottom of the door so warped?

Attached: 1526260323154.jpg (782x960, 141K)

Couldn't fucking tell you

muscle density warping the fabric of space and time you retard.

thanks and congrats!

Bad face. I feel sorry for you

where is it?

>OP claims 6'2"
>that post claims 145 lbs bodyweight
>being that tall and that built and only 145
Don't be fucking dumb, user. This is the laziest bait imaginable.

Troll thread
Heavily shooped

Id grow a beard if i were you

Attached: 43a9434.jpg (750x741, 76K)

who gives a fuck about your autistic height wars.

all I wanted is a ballpark of how much I have to lift to reach a body like that, because I think he looks pretty good. if it's a little exaggerated by e-stating then oh well.


You turbo autist little shit. I'm not engaging in "height wars." I'm pointing out the simple fact that a 6'2" man at 145 lbs would look like an Auschwitz prisoner, not fucking Zeus. You are being lied to by a very obvious troll and falling for it. Stop.

>calls me a turbo autist
>gets incredibly angry over a Jow Forums thread

you are touched in the head. all I wanted is some subjective reporting. I don't care if it's inaccurate, because I always assume self reports here are.

how is this talking shit?

Someone hasnt taken the neckpill

skin looks terrible

When you lift for how others see you, not for self improvement!


>that face and neck


You are right im 6ft 2 and 188 pounds. Tgat weight is normal for my height bracket

>188lbs at 6'2"
Would disappear as soon as you put clothes on

Right here, brother.

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-q3nElZnUHcy.jpg (754x564, 127K)

thats nice

You’re not 6’2”, you’d be closer to the top of your doorway.

T. 6’2”

You’re a massive retard kid. Have fun bagging groceries like a tard

>his nose
>my jaw

More like 5'2

If you know it was inaccurate why even ask?

what the fuck are you even talking about lol
was that an attempt at a burn?

OP just leave the thread its over. you've been exposed as a dwarf

its like youve never seen this before

Attached: 1505753201820.jpg (1876x2066, 467K)

its a social experiment bro

Amazing physique, just train your neck and grow a beard

6-2 145 huh?

Attached: 9ABF6F24-9562-48E1-9DF0-A9D07CD870D7.jpg (1337x1289, 248K)

It's amazing. You have such large gains that they warp spacetime. The doorframe and bottom of door are no match for your powers.