ITT things you wish people would've told you growing up

This thread we'll be listing facts and techniques and other stuff that we had to do our own reaserch to find. Things that would've saved us if people told us sooner. I'll start

>beware of estrogen in food
>how to properly style your hair

Not many of us had good role models in our life did we?

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Yeap father got arrested when I was 10. Discovered mewing 6 months ago and now im 19 and with a defined jaw and finally looking like a man. Also im doing IF and since I come from an Asian country cut out all onions and beans but very gard to cut out grains. Went from 88kg to 81 in 2 weeks and put on some height in 6 months. Gained 2 cm to put me perfectly at 6ft 2. But I have no idea for hairstyles. Just stuck with a buzzcut

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How do you mew properly? I think im doing it wrong.

Say the word 'sing' notice how far your toungue goes to the back. Now HOLD it there and push against your upper palate. You will look like a model. Keep doing this and you will push your mid face to the point where the cheekbones are visible

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Stick to sports, could have made it in tennis or swimming

Take roids sooner

Worst thing she can say is no

Everyone is suffering. You are just an asshole.

Yeah I will agree with you on the last one.

Finasteride at 19

do you clench your jaw as well? did mewing actually work for you

Yes your haw will naturally clench. Yes mewing did work. I was looking like Reviewbrah before this.

how long did you do it per day? I want to start trying this. The main thing is the upward push of the tongue?

Yep push as hatd as you can and do it all day everyday. At the shower, gaming, watching movies and studying. Also do IF for a bigger jaw as the body will secerete mor HGH

The first three are memes. Also you wouldn't need mewing if your parents could have afforded good dental care to fix your crooked up mouth.

And how the fuck didn't you hear about hair. Did you never visit a hair salon or what?

>Worst thing she can say is no
You never had people make fun of you after she told everyone you asked her out, clearly

thanks for answering my questions man

If you feel bad about people making fun of you asking her out then you are a pussy. Show the people you are not gayy

>nofap is a meme
Keep the jews happy and fap good goy. Just go on yourbrainonporn and take a look at the epidemiologic studies them come back.

>hurrr Durr it's because of porn you don't find Stacy at the office attractive
Nigger, porn has never made me unattracted to women.
If you don't fantasize on real-life women, the problem isn't porn, you're just gay

>References studies
>Unable to actually interpret studies
>Zero postsecondary education in biological or chemical sciences

Every time.

>Taking roids

Are you literally too retarded to read research papers? Posting out of your ass doesn't make you look intelligent.

Hell, *this*.
Thank you for wording it spot-on

Yeah my parents gave me a (((modern))) birds&bees book when I was 9 or 10. Its only message on wankin was "do it faggot, it's nothing to feel bad about." That fucked me up.
has improved my face in ~3mo, it's great
>estrogen in food
meme, I chug milk and feel great

And I'll add
>going for leanness after 25
your major growth phase is over
>SS will make you worse at everything that isn't SS
now I'm /calisthenicspilled/

Don't skip school and get into the habit of being lazy.
Don't mouth breath
Hit the gym NOW
Take up boxing or a martial art
Get a fucking education for God sake

t. 36 year old unemployed, single, incel loser

Do i just press the tip straight into the top or like align my tongue with the top of my mouth and press up? My tongue doesn't go very far back when i say sing so i have no idea.

>your major growth phase is over
It's not over if you didn't lift before. Your "major growth phase" is whenever you start lifting.

if its going to take 6 months to accomplish something thats all the more reason to start making progress towards it now instead of just dreading how long it would take.

it all comes to discipline which you probably still don't have, your past self wouldnt do any of these things

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Just be happy and don't worry about anything, do your own thing, don't be a follower and most importantly never grow up


True. Wish I'd had strict/abusive parents instead of a permissive and soft single mother.

Ah well

4 gallons of milk per day is the only way to make it clean.

Tell us more about your mom

She's a good person, would do anything for me. Just too soft on me for her (and my) own good. Never had discipline at home but then thats a fathers responsibility

Good i'll pray for you and your mom before going to sleep

Before/after pics, or at least current jaw?

>manly grocery list

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The science behind CICO. My mother taught me that fat makes you fat so I avoided fat and grew fat due to all the carbs I ate.
Also the fact that working out and being healthy are linked somehow never got mentioned explicitly.

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>Life's not out to get you
>Stay away from onions
>The right people will happen along your life, you don't have to search far and wide for them
>Your strong brow ridge and lack of an inclination to smile can come across as intimidating once you grow up and get bigger


No fap is a meme. Fapping has no associated negatives, but not fapping can be bad for you. Don't fall for the nofap meme.


I find it very VERY hard to believe that nobody ever told you to "don't breathe through your mouth" or "breathe" through your nose growing up.

You were given the advice. You ignored if. If you had allergies you should've seen the doctor.

Your parents are to blame but mostly you.

>beware of estrogen in food

Not a significant concern mr Jones.

>how to properly style your hair

You don't style your hair, you go to a hairdresser, you pay them and they cut and style it for you. If this is something you needed to be told then my friend, your lack of brain is probably the thing that holds you back, not your lack of hairstyle.

>permanently destroy your endocrine system to keep something superficial and unnecessary.

lmao retard.

>You never had people make fun of you after she told everyone you asked her out, clearly

Is this real life? I have never, even in my most juvenile part of the youth seen this happen. Ever.

Surely such fiction doesn't occur outside of American movies?

Okay but come on growth hormone isn't gonna be like when you're literally growing. To go reductio ad absurdum on you, an 80 year old does not get a 15 year old's newbie gains

The latter.

It's like a quarter-sized part of your tongue that you focus on. It's towards the front but not all the way to the tip. Basically press into the hard palate *without* pushing your front teeth forward

Sports in your teens is mandatory to max out your growth.. i wasted all those years playing vidya and now I'm stuck being a 5'9 manlet my whole life while my father and both grandfathers are over 6'3...

I guess it's back to the pit for me..

While you're in school, socializing is more important than studying. Once you graduate, as long as you passed your classes, nobody will ever give a shit about how good your grades actually were. But if you end up as an adult with no social skills and no contacts, then you'd better learn to love being overworked at a shitty minimum wage job until you actually develop some social skills while being too busy to socialize.


>The science behind CICO.
Is "de novo lipogenesis is hard and your body avoids it so carbs are good" a mere meme???

Wait I thought onions were good for hair or something?

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>No fap is a meme. Fapping has no associated negatives, but not fapping can be bad for you. Don't fall for the nofap meme.
fuck you, mr.jew

>Lift weights
>Skulls gets larger

Happened several times to me.
Even had a girl tell me "woaw I'm disappointed I thought you were above that"
Yeah, better stick to your sexless ant role, faggot

That's no reason to avoid strength training in your 30s and above. There's still plenty of gains to be made at that age for a novice.
And being strong will help you getting lean more easily.

Literally every time I have seen anyone criticize NoFap even MILDLY like that user did everyone is just like


I find it funny you Jow Forums rejects constantly complain about the left never being able to listen to reason and instead call everyone a racist to shut down their argument without bringing anything to the table but you faggots do the same shit all the time but just replace 'racist' with 'jew.'

Honestly, you should kill yourself. You're fucking pathetic and no one loves you

>then you are a pussy
Which is obviously the problem in the first place. May as well just tell the guy to "be himself bro".

kind of a joke, esp. here, Rabbi Noseberg


No, the worst thing that can happen is that everyone in your tribe sees you get rejected and now you either leave that tribe or you're an incel.

it doesn't affect the bone in adults, aka your age range and up
I dare you to prove me wrong, because there is zero skeletal imaging evidence online


you're a giant fag

>He doesn't do head day
Never gonna make it

foreskin restoration