How do I get rid of skelly wrists?

how do I get rid of skelly wrists?

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Butcher knife should to the trick

i'm a brainless who has been deadlifting almost every day for a month now and my forearms have grown like crazy.

what's wrong with skinny wrists. Makes your forearms look bigger

Do some dead hangs to work the inner forearm. I find that lateral raises work the outer forearm as well. The way Jeff says to work them is to pick up a heavyish barbell and twist it in your hands, flexing the wrists as you do it. Make sure to stretch the forearms on rest days to prevent adaptive shortening.

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Pick up A freaking weight gosh dangit . Only skelly boys have skelly wrists

I have 6.5" pencil wrists. I do farmers walks around the gym with 25kg plates. I get lots of weird looks but fuck it, helps build neck too

Wank everyday!
Wank everyone you meet!
Wank the dog, until he can no longer walk!

also makes you look fucking weak and pathetic

I have bitch wrists as well. Not much you can do besides as many forearm exercises as you can, or take up work as a bricklayer.

>thinking the size of your wrist is what makes you look weak and pathetic

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You can't do anything about them, especially if you have shitty insertions high up your forearm.

okay, seriously,

it is possible to change the total size of your wrists, ive done it on one of my arms lmao.

Its possible but its not like muscle building and it takes about 10 years to get 0.5 cm growth, but its possible, because my left wrist is about that much bigger than my right even tho im right handed, and its becaue of heavy fappin for about 10 years with left hand , not joking.

>but it makes your forearms look bigger!
That's my problem with it. I don't want the illusion of big. I want the actual big.
that looks like shit you retard

It’s impossible to increase the circumference of your wrists naturally, you need hgh to stimulate growth. There’s barely any muscle in the wrist area, it’s just tendons and ligaments

Well fuck

synthol them.. I dont see another option

Those are your tendons for you ring and middle finger you dumbfuck.

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You can't. Also it's scientifically proven that wrist and ankle thickness translates to muscle building potential. If you've got skinny wrists you'll pretty much always look like a thinner sportier guy instead of a thick muscular guy.

And it makes wrists smaller

Post the scientific study then

So what niche is their for wristlets as strength is less suitable?

that's not the actual mechanism, it probably has to do with hormone levels

It's only frame, more bone more real estate for mass. Outside of africa starvation, there isn't radical variation.

If it makes you feel better, seeing people with 8-9+ inch wrists is pretty rare

rock climb

Anything to do with construction or electrical work is a sure way to break all your joints and ligaments but you'll get big forearms in the process.

So long story short, the only thing you can add on the wrists is fat?

I have thin wrists too but if anything they make my forearms look bigger

So I'm a faggot for life. That's just epic

Yes, but not because of your wrists.

you want your bones to grow bigger not the muscles, that way you'll be ready for afterlife skellie war, I reccomend at least 5l of milk every day


Growth hormones and milk

same but with farmer's walk. I fucking love those.