Golden tidbit thread. post golden tidbits that you have found boosted up your physique and strength gainz

golden tidbit thread. post golden tidbits that you have found boosted up your physique and strength gainz
>buy a resistance and and do 100 pushdowns everyday at home in addition to your usual tricep work at the gym for the bench and tricep gainz
>do a row variation every gym session for the back gainz and see carry over to every compound lift since your back is your foundation
>do every bench with close grip and a pause

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do a few sets of curls after every work out

Considering this was the only thing that finally got my UPPER TRAPS to grow after half a decade of lifting and getting no Upper Traps growth....

>reverse barbell shrugs in the 20-50 rep range with straps, not worrying about grip, entirely focusing on dragging the bar up your glutes and squeezing the bar, lean forward.

Also, you can try this right now even if you're not access to gym.

Put your arms behind your glutes, pretend youre holding an imaginary barbell, now lean forward and pull upwards with your traps.

Even without holding any barbell/weight you'll see how much better your traps contract compared to the traditional way of shrugging from the front.

So when leaning forward, you are pulling the bar up on your lower back??

forgot to add, close grip pause because: you are getting more rom so better muscle buildee, more tricep activation, and you are cutting out the momentum off the bottom and make sure you don't bounce it off your chest when you do touch and go. true benching is close grip paused and it is what you should be doing for the majority of your benching.

>Shrug fast for trap gains. Squeeze and hold is bullshit
>Trap bar deadlifts might fit some body proportions better than conventional
>isolate forearms early

>retards not doing above knee rack pulls for trap growth


>above the knee rackpulls

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get easy calf gains by doing daily raises off of a stair for full ROM

Start with 200 with as little rest as possible and work up daily