
Can anons offer any advice on the subject of slampigs now that I am fit?

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this has nothing to do with fitness you tiny penis retard. fuck off.

I just wanted to have a fun thread

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Avoid at all cost, you don't want this trust me I've been there

have some self respect nigga
only actual niggers fuck slampigs
you work out to fuck some fat bitch? to enable her behavior and spread it to more fat bitches?
you will be the first one to snap in the day of the barbell

Dont do it unless you want constant fph stories, their mentality about food and how delusional they are about eating and being healthy will set you off. The hygiene is pretty gross.

What the fuck is wrong with you

You don't have to be fit to get them. What advice do you want?

You don't have to be anything to get them. Well, maybe a bit of cash to feed her first

Reminder putting sage in the options field of a post does not bump the thread to the top of the board.

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