
Can anons offer any advice on the subject of slampigs now that I am fit?

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this has nothing to do with fitness you tiny penis retard. fuck off.

I just wanted to have a fun thread

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Avoid at all cost, you don't want this trust me I've been there

have some self respect nigga
only actual niggers fuck slampigs
you work out to fuck some fat bitch? to enable her behavior and spread it to more fat bitches?
you will be the first one to snap in the day of the barbell

Dont do it unless you want constant fph stories, their mentality about food and how delusional they are about eating and being healthy will set you off. The hygiene is pretty gross.

What the fuck is wrong with you

You don't have to be fit to get them. What advice do you want?

You don't have to be anything to get them. Well, maybe a bit of cash to feed her first

Reminder putting sage in the options field of a post does not bump the thread to the top of the board.

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Are they really clingy or just down to screw? Do you need to take them out?

They have poor appetites and you’ll get fat if you choose to clap her cheeks in the long run.

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Story time??

Goddamn you dont know what sex is until youve plowed a slampig
they just unleash something primal in you that makes you wont to fucking breeeeeeeed

>tfw live in one of the least obese countries in europe
its actually hard to find slampiggies man

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Not this poster but I'll give a story
>Be me 18
>Be drunk as fuck
>friend offers to bring slampig over that graduated with my class
>talked with her before she's not Norman and shes not a dumbass
>party continues and we talk a little bit here and there
>get enough drink and leave late as fuck at night
>text her when I get back saying I'm gonna drive back to get some of the weed she brought (I lived a few blocks from the house)
>she stays with my friend at his house for the night (shes fucked him before but shes not that into him)
>go back later for some pussy
>we're kissing
>things escalate and she's sucking my dick
>I eat her pussy
>shit does not smell fantastic but drunk me doesn't give a shit
>her pussy is actually pretty loose and can't get me off
>end up being caught by friend
Worst decision of my life anons not only was she a whore but her pussy wasn't as great as you would think overall brao hogs aren't that great thick ≠ good sex

Do Jow Forums girls desire their boys to be braphog slampigs?

>not liking slampig threads
>accusing someone else of having a small penis
Holt shit can you project even harder you fucking dicklet?

Banged one bonny 19 yr old earlier in the year but it was weird mounting her, like it was less about pounding away and more just rubbing up n down to get stimulated. Awkward.

>got drunk and ate a fat girls pussy in any situation other than 2 minutes after she showered
>think you can tell anyone anything

fuck off

was nearly blackout drunk obviously my decision making was off just a bit

Wtf why would you eat a fat drunk sluts pussy

because she was thick as fuck and had very nice wide hips

also didn't learn how big of a slit she was until afterwards, unbelievably lucky I didn't catch some nasty shit

Eating pussy is weak shit anyway, let alone a fat slut's

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I agree user that experience put me off of it for a life time

"Slampigs" are lazy and have bad hygiene, combined with bad diets and lack of air flow their vaginas perpetually smell like stale sweat and rotting flesh, it's indescribably repulsive

Jesus. Who pissed on your corn flakes this morning?

You go ahead OP, you have your slam piggy thread, don't mind this arsehole.

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Neck yourself fat enabler

t. incel

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slam tight piggy

Jesus Christ is that a slampig? Sign me up

Can tou even satisfy a grill lie this if you don't have an 8" x 6" dick BREHS...

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how does she wipe her ass

muh dick

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bitch's face is 8x6 lmao

slam tight piggy

Measure your own face. Guaranteed to be 8x6 too kek. Except you're probably a manlet

just send pics of your abs and flex. fat girls love muscles since no fit guys ever pay much attention to them. they see it as a one time chance to do a fit guy.

slam tight piggy

high test thread? high test thread

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B R E H S . . .

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H E R M A N O S . . .

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B R O E D E R S . . .

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Mia sand on pornhub. You’re welcome

this bitch has no ass

B R O E R S . . .

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nice idea, but when you actually get near their pussy/ass and see all the fat rolls and shit going on down there (I'm talking old toilet paper that got stuck and wasn't washed away in a couple of showers, normally liquid that comes out from a pussy during the day but it's all stuck in weird places bc of the fat) you realize that they're basically terminally ill.

B R U D E R L E I N . . .

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you lie m8

I can attest to this.

A N I . . .

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Please stop, I'm doing NoFap

Can you even satisfy grills like that if you don't have an 8" x 6" dick BREHS...

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>come home with a 8/10 slampig
>Shes really good looking big tits big ass nice face just a little bit overweight
>We kiss shirtless
>Smell weird odor
>Ignore it, continue
>Really horny now she is amazing in every way dick boutto explode
>She sucks my dick for a little
>remove her panties
>Putrid fucking odor emerges smells like the sewer
>Literally smelld like something died down there
>Start gagging
>She is visibly insulted, puts clothes back on, storms out my apartment
>i run to the toilet and vomit from overdrinking and the smell of dead fish

bitch goes to my class and i see her almost every day

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who tf is this?!

slam tight piggy

slam tight piggy

slam tight piggy

F R E R E S . . .

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Here you go breh...

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Forgot the link breh...

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