What mode is this?

What mode is this?


Attached: 1538187922918.gif (382x554, 2.57M)


Alpha burger mode

half-full bloat

doubt mode

going to death chamber mode

Back off mode or cleaning the streets mode.

Attached: 1537545602414.jpg (539x960, 162K)

What did they even argue about?
Are trash disputes common in USA?

Walmart frozen dinners 365 days a year mode

nah, that's just fat

if you live in a shit-infested rural town then kinda. not many turn into gun brawls

Fatass mode

>shit-infested rural town
Aren't the big cities worse? Niggers live in urban areas.

people don't argue over trash in big cities they just throw it in the middle of the road and nobody gives a fuck. Rural areas are full of stand-your-ground fat rednecks who think everything, including trash, is an assault on their civil liberties.

frontier mode

I missed out on this..
Someone has video or backstory?


And white people live in rural ones, where they shoot each other over garbage disputes.

Really makes you think

>50% bf


Quints confirm
