Should I just get contacts? Lifting/running with glasses is a pain in the ass.
Should I just get contacts? Lifting/running with glasses is a pain in the ass
How the fuck is bad vision real lmao. Literally eat more vitamin A ahahaha
Take some fucking beta carotene pills
contacts are amazing these days and wearing glasses sucks dick.
i dunno why anyone would wear glasses voluntarily.
beta carotene and or vitamin a doesn't reverse vision issues.
Google astigmatism retard
There's also no proof it prevents them. The strongest link is genetics.
It's up to you user glasses are a fashion statement and tell alot about who you are
>wearing unnecessary annoying shit on your face
>that can get scratched, bent or damaged
>causes you to have poor vision in areas to the periphery
>as a "fashion statement"
Astigmatism can’t alwsys be corrected properly with contacts
>>that can get scratched bent, or damaged
Every single pair of glasses come with a case to keep them safe only children have damaged glasses you fucking idiot
>abnormal curvature of the eye
uh no shit. Elongation of the eyeball causes near-sightedness. Shortening causes far-sightedness. how else would it possibly work.
It still can be fixed with vitamin A/beta carotene
you dont have like -16 astigmatism user. i have extreme astigmatism and wear biofinity toric
t. has never worn glasses in his life. when glasses are in a case they're not on your face meaning you can't see you dumb fucking idiot
>Elongation of the eyeball causes near-sightedness. Shortening causes far-sightedness. how else would it possibly work.
lol except this is totally wrong
>laser surgery cannot possibly exist, how could a laser make your eyeball get longer or shorter??
people on this board are honestly /b/ Jow Forums tier dumb as fuck or worse
I have a pretty bad case of that and I'm doing great with contacts
Mate I just made the transition a month ago and it's fucking great. Glasses since I was 10 now 21. Should've gotten it wayyy sooner. Running is enjoyable and I don't need to keep adjusting glasses. And I went +1 on the looks scale
I'm getting LASIK as soon as I can
t. Sleeps in his glasses like a fucking kid
Every pair is also made to fit your face so there's actually no reason they should leave your face except for in your sleep brainlet
>Every pair is also made to fit your face
lol no they're not. you have never worn glasses and know nothing about them
i wear contacts you poor fuck
>lol ur wrong
>doesn't explain how
epik. That's literally exactly how it works. learn some physics. Or just look it up.
>laser surgery cannot possibly exist, how could a laser make your eyeball get longer or shorter
and what does this have to do with my post? Laser surgery strips off parts of the cornea to make it shorter. Or adds a lens to make it longer. Again I don't see how this is relevant.
>lol no they're not. you have never worn glasses and know nothing about them
If you actually get some glasses made for you, they measure your face, eye to eye distance, eye to ear and shit like that so that they fit perfectly
you've obviously never had a pair of glasses if you don't know that they check if they fit before you walk out the door with them you faggot that or you go to the 25$ optical in the ghetto
>the onus is on me to educate you about shit you speak authoritatively about yet don't understand in the least
LENSES are made for you GLASSES are not dumbfuck you are still constrained to commercially made frames
I have 2 old pair of designer glasses that were over $400 sitting around in my house right now. Youve never owned a pair of designer glasses and youre so fucking poor that you dont even wear contacts now. Jesus you smell bad
dont mind me just wearing my carbon fiber raybans every day over my contacts that are more expensive than your $20 black plastic frame hipster faggot glasses
>Nearsightedness (myopia) is a very common condition in which the light coming into the eye is not focused properly onto the retina, making it difficult to see objects far away. The condition is usually caused by an elongation of the eyeball that occurs over time. Farsightedness (hyperopia) is the opposite of myopia, and is usually caused by shortening of the eyeball.
>Astigmatism is an imperfection of the cornea preventing part of it from focusing light onto the retina. The result is a blurred area within an otherwise clear image. This problem may occur along with either myopia or hyperopia. These frequent conditions are termed "refractive errors."
>Types of Astigmatism
>There are three primary types of astigmatism:
>Myopic astigmatism. One or both principal meridians of the eye are nearsighted. (If both meridians are nearsighted, they are myopic in differing degree.)
>Hyperopic astigmatism. One or both principal meridians are farsighted. (If both are farsighted, they are hyperopic in differing degree.)
Mixed astigmatism. One prinicipal meridian is nearsighted, and the other is farsighted.
>over my contacts
>Nearsightedness can be caused by the cornea and/or lens being too curved for the length of the eyeball.
Youre fucking stupid
>self-referencing wojackposting
im sorry you cant afford the cost of contacts little buddy
dont worry, your 2008 fashion black plastic frames are "stylish" :)
i didnt say raybans were designer btw
Get LASIK surgery.
Save up for it or take out a loan or whatever, it is the best decision I've made. Wore glasses and contacts for 20 years. Contacts dried the fuck out of my eyes and like you said glasses are a pain in the ass. In the long run you will be saving money. Any dumb shits that say "but you'll still have to wear glasses when you're older" is retarded. You'll get at least 25 years of not having to bother with or pay for glasses and contacts and visits to the eye doctor. And if you need glasses later in life, at least you won't be wearing glasses until much later in life.
>cornea/lens is too curved
thereby elongating it...
Are you genuinely retarded? Are you just baiting at this point?
widening of lens != elongation of eyeball
>Spend 800$ on designer glasses
>Brag about falling for the designer jew.
Congrats you spend 400 dollar TWICE on a piece of carbon fiber.
You're either a white trash nouveau rich, Chinese or indian.
contacts cost 60$ a box and designer glasses cost upwards of 300$ you must be handicapped
So the lens isn't part of the eyeball now?
I got PRK recently and it was such a good choice. Glasses are a huge pain in the ass, contacts cost a ton, and now I've got better than 20/20.
Switched to contacts when I started driving, made the difference in the world in my everyday life in general
Now I wear glasses only at home for extended screen use
glasses are one of those things that look super sexy when you bust em out like once a month
makes you look smarter, more sophisticated etc when used sparingly. but if you rock them everyday people think you look weird when you're not wearing them and the sophisticated intelligent look magic fades with everyday wear
there is so much truth to this
>be chilling outside dorm with bros after class
>i have my glasses on because my eyes were irritated that day
>girls come join us
>none of them have seen me wear my glasses before
>"wow, user! i like you so much more with your glasses"
>they're all gravitating towards me
>keep asking stupid questions about how often I wear my glasses and dumb shit like that
>make comments about how smart I am
>y-you too
and they never saw my glasses again. Mostly because I hate the weight of them on my face and only wear them if I absolutely have to. Contacts > glasses always
Are visionlets even human? I guess with surgery you can get your vision fixed, so its a step-up from being a manlet.
putting contacts in is also a pain for the first few weeks. plus glasses for qt nerd gf
Can you even read?
I didn’t say it can’t be, I said it can’t ALWAYS be
>dont mind me just wearing my carbon fiber raybans
Some of my older friends were weirded out because I started wearing lenses but this chick whom I haven't known for long started getting closer after contacts lol
Jfc ok great technicality there bro for the 0.1% of the cases
[spoiler]Manlet Marino[/spoiler]
Contacts get super easy to put in after a short while. I could put them in shitfaced drunk in a pitch black room with one hand on my cock.
The real pain with contacts is that you have to carry around a case (if they're monthlies like mine) and fluid if you plan on staying out somewhere. It doesn't sound like much of a hindrance but it gets really fucking annoying to have to faff about with fluid and cases and shit when you just wanna go out and have a good time.
I really wish that I could just wake up in bed, open my eyes and see the world in perfect detail without having to amble to the bathroom to stick lenses onto my eyeballs.
Gonna get the new ReLEx surgery and be done with it.
Fun Fact: During WWII Propaganda was spread about beta carotene and carrots, saying that It would help you see in the dark. This was said by the English to hide the fact that they had secret radar technology.
reminder that this faggot is calling himself Alpha male
They make monthly leave in contacts.
>I'm getting LASIK as soon as I can
Pretty interesting actually.
It's funny how such false info can live on for decades.
I hope that’s not you in pic related OP. Looks like a high test dyke tbqhfamalam
>glasses are a fashion statement
Oh fuck off.
I was wearing glasses for several years and I have seen it mostly as hindrance.
I had laser eye surgery, it fixed right eye, but left eye is still sort of shit due to genetics. Such is life.
Not him, but what is wrong with it?
I got it so I could not wear shit on my face ever again...
I think I started to see flares around lights, but I'm still just about two months after surgery, so it might improve.
Its not that bad. Don't you shower, brush your teeth, get dressed and groom too? Because if you can do all that you can spend 1 minute sticking in contacts.
Glasses can cause anxiety and depression, especially thicker frames, it reduces your field of vision which is more likely to cause your brain to be in a state of mild stress because of the tunnel vision.
Glasses also absorb certain wavelengths of light, fucking with your circadian rhythm, causing you to be more tired during the day, again causing anxiety and depression.
Wearing glasses also causes your eyes to be more sunken in because of reduced muscle movement, so not only will wearing glasses make you lose an aesthetic point, if you are a regular wearer of glasses then even when you take them off you'd look worse than somebody who has never worn them, your face degrades the longer you wear them (pic related)
I have worn them daily for about 5 years, in that time I've become depressed, anxious and amount of pussy has dropped dramatically. I only learned about all of the above potentially being the cause last week. Now I'm looking at contacts/lasers.
Don't fall into the glasses Jew trap anons.
Virgin Vs Chad
Protip: Contact lens manufacturer have been forced in court to admit that there's physically no difference between a daily disposable lens and a weekly or monthly disposable lens, in other words you can safely wear daily disposable contact lenses for more as long as a month and save yourself a lot of money
hypervitaminosis A caused by excess of vitamin A lead to hepatic disease, vison trouble a others symptoms
lol stop blaming that on your glasses you fucking worm
There are differences, in thickness, rigidity and strength, any experienced contact lens user can tell you this.
However yeah if you keep cleaning them you can wear them longer than stated, but they do still get crusty and weird after a while, folded too much etc
that doesn't sound fun. i got spoopd out of monthlies by my friends and use dailies.
>The real pain with contacts is that you have to carry around a case (if they're monthlies like mine) and fluid if you plan on staying out somewhere. It doesn't sound like much of a hindrance but it gets really fucking annoying to have to faff about with fluid and cases and shit when you just wanna go out and have a good time.
Yep. Don't ignore this. I was once on an intercontinental flight with contacts in and had put my case/fluid and even glasses in my regular baggage by accidents. For the last quarter of the trip I had to deal with excruciating pain on my eyeballs. I still remember the sunrise being absolutely torture.
I've blamed it on multiple other things, when I heard that it could be the glasses then I realised the timeline adds up pretty accurately.
Either way I'm getting contacts, so we'll see, hopefully I'm right.
>alpha m.anlet
>saying that It would help you see in the dark
half true. Vitamin A deficiency causes night blindness
>that facial expression
I dont kbow why noone knows about this. But Night Lences are literally the best thing ever.
You put them in when you go to sleep and take them out when you wake up. They change the shape of your eye back to a normal shape and you have 20/20 vision for the entire day.
I have bbeen using them for years and my eyes are so used to them that I can go several days without using them and still have normal vision.
And you don't have to worry about them falling out when swimming and shit like that.
For someone so obsessed with his appearance how does this guy not realize that the earrings look fucking shit and make him look like a lesbian. Also right glasses look the best on him.
He's 5 foot 6 right?
don't try to run with contacts, if there is wind you'll burn your eyes
What about something like jiu-jitsu?
Not even true while snowboarding at over twice that speed in ice storms, much less running in normal winds
>Bend over for deadlift setup
>Glasses fall off
yeah no thanks.
You were wearing googles user
Left looks best. Middle glasses are ugly af
>tfw natty 20:15