To train your whole life is futile knowing that Chad will always be far ahead

To train your whole life is futile knowing that Chad will always be far ahead.

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>comparing yourself to others
Never gonna make it

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yeah but you can make your life go from shitty to less shitty to even sort of nice

idk why you guys dont grasp this

Why are they t posing?

The incel is 5'10 that's why he looks like shit. Any average guy won't get mogged that badly.

>theres no point of self improvement because some faggot thousands of kilometers away from me is doing better
Thats what you sound like, you nigger kike

this message was exclusively addressed to ugly people or manlets (most people browsing this board)

You can lift to be happy with yourself

>Comparing yourself to an incel

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he looks like 5.5

He is like 5’3” shit bait man you can do better

connor murphy is 6'1.5". The poor lad is likely around 5'2"

Well, the good news is that real life Chad, as in the tall muscular Aryan chiseled featured meme... does NOT sleep with nearly as many girls as you think.

Even if he happens to make you look bad standing right next to you.

The reality is the monogamy drive in these guys is very genetically ingrained. Or at least culturally. Something about R & K selection theory. Evolutionary psychology and the environment of ancient europe. You ditch the bitch, and it's still genetic death as any offspring she bore you would surely perish.

Will there occasionally be a Chad who happens to fuck a lot of girls? Yes, but they account for a small% of Chads.

Chads generally go from girlfriend to girlfriend with a lot of under 1 month relationships, Chads actually do dump girls, and Chad doesn't have an issue getting a new girlfriend, that is true. Also, girls are less likely to dump or cheat on Chad.

Buuuut Chads are NOT the lions share of the reason most women have a higher number count that the average guy.

The numbers ARE lopsided, but clearly some guys then must be fucking a profound amount of women for the total number to work out.

So if its NOT Chads, then who is it?

Scumbags. Seriously. Low level drug dealers and basically losers who always have access to drugs, weather weed, meth, or prescription painkillers, molly ex, whatever. The guys who about a dozen people show up to their crumby apartment to each week to get high.

Hell, half the scum bags still live with their single mom.

This isn't a reason to go be a scum bag low level drug dealer who doesn't have shit going on or any future other than jail etc... but the facts are the facts.

5'5" skinny fat with a little dick, dressed like a nig-nog wanna be, with a shirt 3 sizes too big, and obviously is a scum bag low tier criminal will rack up bang counts into the hundreds.

I have a hunch that dudes like OP are trannies. Men don’t scorn other men for being great.

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Hows that video called again?

Not a tranny just your average girl (female).

ive been asking for weeks now everytime i see that image but i cant fucking find it

of course they do. people here accuse others of roiding all the fucking time

The other thing is that Chads aren't deliberate creatures. They aren't calculating or scheming. They're just attractive people who have been so used to being attractive that people have been really nice to them and they naturally have an optimistic view of humanity because it seems like everyone is really wants to be friends. That feeds back into a positive loop where Chad then behaves pretty nice to almost everyone and then they're even nicer to him. Chads aren't narcissists and genuinely believe that pretty much everyone has this sort of conduct with everyone else, not because Chad is special.

If other people aren't having success, Chads believe it's because they "aren't putting themselves out there" or "being themself"- views that are consistent with Chad's view of an optimisitc humanity.

Given all this though, it does mean someone deliberate and calculating with acceptable stats can outperform most Chads.

>implying connor wasn't on the juice
>implying he isn't balding already

lol /fraud/s are such faggots.

Exactly right. Chads are attractive to everyone because they pursue higher ideals than the hedonistic pleasures of most people. They have less sex, but ultimately better quality sex. Excersize, lifting, sex, career jumps, athletic achievements, and money are naturally ingrained into their lives. They don't crave them, because they are always right within their grasp. Chad's ultimate goal is making an impression on his father, in which he is usually fighting a losing battle because his father is Chad sr

Feels good knowing I'm 6'4, so I'd actually be taller than the guy to the left, I guess life is constant moggin' there's no rest... it never ends.

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A guy from my college cs program looks like Captain America: 6'2", 200 lbs lean, blonde hair/blue eyes. decent looking, nice jaw. NOT good with women.

Yes being good looking is important, but there's a threshold where if you pass it, confidence and charisma matter more.

good post. but even if chad isn't sleeping around, he's still becoming the benchmark for the average woman in college whose exposed to a lot of men. i went to a uni of about 3000 people and i remember at one point nearly all of
dozen or so female friends had a crush on the same gigachad football player. it was to the point where a couple of them turned down guys who they probably would have fit pretty well with because they were still holding out hope that this guy would come pick them out of a crowd like something in a romcom. even when you meet a smart women with technical skills comparable to a mans, they are still usually incredibly dense about life stuff like this.

hes at most 5 5

>no matter what I'm always far ahead
feels good

There’s so much compensating in this thread