What are your thoughts on the Keto diet?

What are your thoughts on the Keto diet?

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works for some, not my cup of tea tho

An effective diet but it`s much easier when you just watch the glycemic index of your carb intake and also pay attention to your micros for optimal perfomance.

A good diet for the mentally retarded, voluntary eugenics

I did it for 6 months and lost around 19kg.

So it works fine.

Wasn't fully sustainable though, the 'no hunger' phase only lasted a short while for me.

On reflection, it seems unreasonably restrictive in the long run. I couldn't have food I like, like peas, sweetcorn, apples, grapes, oatmeal, milk etc.

It works but pls gas the Reddit/Instagram idiots. "HURRRHHEHEH MUH BACON MUH DRINKINH COCONUT OIL XD"

Fatasses looking for one weird old tip to get shredded quick.

personally, i love it

im not biased for or against it, desu, because the research is just not clear enough

for me, its more about easier sticking to my diet
im less hungry on a 1k deficit, and it forces me to be dedicated to my diet
1 carby snack, and it slows down progress for the next week

Formerly obscure diet with equally obscure benefits that got blown up (kek) by a bunch of retarded fatties who thing the 8 lb water weight they lost the first week means it's magic.

Works well enough for me.

I like it, just got to make sure to get rid of the egg yolks which have 4 carbs.