Anybody else here 6'3 and feel short still or do I have body dysmorphia

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I'm 6'5" and know a couple guys who are 6'3" and they just seem normal/average to me. You're not short, but you aren't tall either unless you're living in Mexico or Asia.

6'5" is too tall. Sorry bro. You're just a freak at that point

You’re not tall unless you’re 6’4. You should probably commit suicide, I couldn’t imagine living life as a manlet

Why'd she have to do him like that?


I understand that, but that doesn't make OP tall.
t. skelly lanklet wizard.
He was right about me though.

you're full of shit, and I'm saying that as someone who's an inch taller than you. A 2 inch difference isn't anything, the 6'3" guys are essentially your height while in motion or on uneven grounds

If I were him I would make her disappear desu

Ha! Look at the gangly tall freak bitch. Go dike it up in your rec softball league.

As someones who's 6'6 funnily enough I've only ever heard this from other, shorter guys.

Never from girls, make of that what you will

women are pure fucking evil but for some reason normalfags and society keeps ignoring this fact and call you an "incel" or a [buzzword of the next week] if you do tell them

>tfw 5'10 king of manlets so I never actually think about height in real life

More like the guys at my work are full of shit when they told me their height -- and I guess I'm full of shit for believing them.
I just walked up to a tape and 6'3" would put the top of their head just above my eyebrows. I guess that's why they feel normal to me. Tall doesn't start until I see eye to eye with someone.
I was at a skatepark once and this girl was sitting on a bench with a male friend and he yelled out "hey dude! she wants to give you her phone number." and then she shook her head and said "he's too tall" as I got closer.
6'0" is king of manlets though.

I was under the impression it was 5'11".

Kinda. 6'3 doesn't really feel tall when the average, especially among the peer group of university students in a nordic country is atleast 6' if not 6'1. I'd say you have to be atleast 6'4 to be considered tall.

>Being less than 7'

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Yea I'm 6'3 170lbs and a lot of my friends and colleagues at uni are taller, 6'5+. i'm thin, tho, but they are generally tall, specially those born 96-
i was born in 99

Who cares what women think, they want to get pumped full of your sperm so they can make 6'8" babies and then marry some 5'10" cuck accountant or lawyer, big deal, you had sex.

I'm 6'3 and yeah I do sometimes. When I'm with someone taller than me I notice it. I'm just used to a small height difference so I don't notice that but looking upwards at someone feels weird.

>women are pure fucking evil

How can I tell you haven't had sex for at least a year?

6'3" is tall in every country and you're retarded

I’m 6’2” and wouldn’t have it any other way

I had a 280lbs, 6'7 tall bf once, it was fun because I could literally use him as a bed



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>5'5 all through highschool
>Played tons of Runescape and WoW
>Posture is 0/10 complete shit with the back arch and everything looking like gollum
>Start lifting heavy after I got a stable job and stopped playing so many games
>2 weeks ago get measured at doctor and I'm 6ft now
>Legit had such a bad posture it effected my height so negatively

I'm not super tall but I look pretty decent with a farm boy body. I'm more self conscious about my posture and do everything I can to correct it or improve it.
>When using inversion tables and nike shoes I can get up to 6'4

>6' to 6'4
are you serious lmao

>when you can overpower taller guys because their knees are weak as fuck.

Oh so you're a tranny


Remember that just because someone's head comes up to your eyes doesn't mean you're shorter.

>pretending to be a girl

kill yourself, worthless gutter trash. degenerate, misfigured miscreant. You will burn for eternity for your disgraceful behaviour on Earth


bottom line is everyone thinks their height+2 inches is the best height

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lets say I usually don't notice if a guy is an inch shorter than me, but definitely notice a guy that's half an inch taller than me
am 6'2

Nah, I think my height -2 inches is the best height.

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stay mad

Nah, 6'1-6'3 is still tall

You are pretty tall, don't sweat It

Do you want to disappear into the negative realm or something?

This place is terrible. I'm 1m83 tall. Which is above 1m80 (similar to the 6' for us limit despite being shorter). For the first time in my life I'm self conscious about my height. Not a single girl told me I'm short. I have even been told me I'm tall enough. Never saw a single girl say she wants mens above my height.

I'm 6'3 and 14y/o are taller than me these days...


>negative realm
Nah, 6'3" seems like it would be perfect. I hate having to order all my clothes online.

> be 6'0
>go outside
>taller than almost everyone
>go on internet
> practically a hobbit
Yeah okay, you guys are so full of shit that i can smell it from here

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I tend not to doubt ppl online only because certain topics attract certain posters. A thread about being tall isn’t exactly gonna be a gathering point for 5-5 and 5-6 manbabies.
That said, I’m 6-1 and I agree with you, I’m usually one of the three or four tallest guys in any given circumstance. Still don’t consider myself tall though. Oddly enough I think 6-2 is the minimum for “tall.”

I basically live in Mexico (california) and it’s extremely rare for me to see someone my height, 6’3. I’m always the tallest. Even among the fellow white people here.

>was 5’3” at age 15
>was 5’6” at age 18
>now 5’9” at age 23
>Growth has been spaced out averagely over this period from what I can tell

If by some miracle I manage to hit 5’11” what manlet subcategory would I be in?

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The point I was trying to make was that the whole "you're too tall girls find that weird" spiel is rooted in jealousy and not in truth

I guess it's not universal by in most cases it won't be an issue

You will never be 5'11"

Leave for a country which is using the metric system instead. You are 1m80. Which is our 6' equivalent. Congratz you aren't a manlet anymore.

Only 4 cm left

I believe although it’s still a lot

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Great advice, chief
>move to the Netherlands
>become an actual manlet

>Oddly enough I think 6-2 is the minimum for “tall.”
i agree. 6'1 is probably the most neutral height there is. and 6 foot is most certainly king of manlets. it's interesting that we perceive almost everyone as "kinda tall" or "kinda short" when it's just a couple of inches apart.

t. Femtard

No one outside of Jow Forums uses the word incel

you are pushing it buddy.

>be 6"0 barefoot
>hate leaving home to do literally anything without a pair of boots and lifts so im 6"2

Jow Forums gave me body dysmorphia

>arched back, swinging arms, and sunken eyes matched my troll warrior so it was a badge of pride in hs
>tfw still trying to fix posture

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You probably aren't 6'3.

If you're too tall it's hard to be quick and athletic. I'd rather be 6'2 but I'm only 6'0 :(

6'3 is tall in all of Africa, latin america and asia, and a little bit tall in white countries as well where average are at 6ft-6'1

I'm fucking 5'6" nigga get over yourself

did you grow after 21?

Incel has become huge in normalfag talk ever since Toronto van attack, it's pretty much eclipsed virgin (and wizard/robot) in most online communities..

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Im not a girl retard

It is 5'11"


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Im 6'3 and very insecure about my hieght

I was 5'10" at 13, I'm 5'11" now at 29.

>even if I manage to reproduce my child will be 6’ or shorter
>6’ will be manlet tier in a few generations

Why live

I’m 6’ and taller than most people, but there are many >6’2” guys as well.
t. Mexican

I'm 6'5" and I never worry about my height.

Because he's a little short faggot that tries to deceave people over Facebook. Its like a fat fucking whore that crops out everything but her face to look remotely normal. It's pathetic and deserves to be publicly made fun of and humiliated and I'd do the same thing the girl did.
And guys like this one are the people that try to fool others into thinking they're normal, then when they get called out for being a retard they cope with shit like "women are evil :(("

jebeni patuljci, kad će više naučiti

>Come from a family of gaints
>Grandfather 7ft in his prime
>Dad 6"5ft
>Mum 6"4ft
>Me a 6"7ft

Feels good knowing my kids won't be manlets. Why do manlets reproduce? It's embrassing enough having them breath my air.

I'm 5'9" last time I was measured and am 20 years old
Please tell me theres still time to grow.
Ive always had bad poster, will it really help to fix it? Are there exercises that help?

I'm not asking for much, just a couple inches so I can at least be king of manlets...

Lol nice cope. 6'5 is a great height, 6'9 and up is bad but even then i would rather be 6'9 foot than 5'8 manlet
T. 6'1 that considers 6'5 perfect height

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it's tall-ish
comfortably above most men and at the point where you'll almost never see a woman the same height, but not quite at the stage where it's notable and people will comment on it


6'6 and still feel too short

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6'2 here
6'3 is perfect height imo
6'1 is neutral
would rather be 6'4 than 6'1 though

croat, e.g. serb babies BTFO

It's a shit photo to begin with. He's looking up (suggesting, correctly so, that he's a manlet) and looks insecure and as if he's about to cry.


Im 6'4 I feel short but tall at the same time to most men, when im next to a average shot thot Sheila I feel godly

good bait shame you got noone

What have we manlets ever done to you ? You are no better than roasties who make fun of us for something we cannot control, making fun of our existence.
We are humans too. Its disappointing seeing some lanklets abandon their brothers for some access to a wet hole.
How can we overcome our height complex if our own bros are making fun of us ?

are you croatian?
