Do any of you have an gym buddy? does it make a big difference? I like working out by myself and I am prity good about going 3-4 times a week (not perfect but mostly consistent) but im thinking of trying to find an accountability buddy. Idealy it would be someone who wants to self improve in more ways then just the gym. Specifically, I want to try an learn guitar, read a bit more, and learn a new language. These are all things I could obviously do myself with proper scheduling, but I feel like having someone else doing it as well to talk with about it and keep you accountable would be good. It could even be one of you fags if anyone is interested.
Self Improvement buddys
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Gym buddy done right will push you harder than you would have on your own. Also makes the gym a more sociable experience.
However, I get more attention from gym thots when I'm solo. And I'd say about 50% of the reason I go to the gym is for appearance/self esteem with the remaining reasons being a combination of health, keeping the suicidal thoughts at bay.
I've been thinking the same thing. A small group of 5-10 anons would be ideal. Goals I want to accomplish by Jan 2019:
>get up to $100/day in profits from eBay selling
>move out of parents' house
>improve lifting numbers
>get down to 20% bf (currently at about 24%)
>finish one of my project cars
Anybody want to start an accountability discord?
>have a a good friend turned gym buddy
>refuses to use protein powder because he wants to be “natty”
>won’t eat any protein at all really cause he’s afraid to get muscular and wants “that small European look”
What can I do to convince him to leave humanity behind?
not big enough for that yet
>ebay selling
a little to time consuming with college
>Parents house
>improve lifting
dont know how to calculate and desu dont know if I care. I want to get strong before i look like it
>accountability discord
honestly if we can get enough people with enough similarity in goals if feel like this would be kinda cool
>that small euro look
Ur friend might have caught the homo. I'm sorry for your loss
>What can I do to convince him to leave humanity behind?
Make his gf fall for you
I'm making good gains,
I've been making a lot of social gains lately but I still feel hollow, I still feel like everything is just a boring joke in this world, but I don't know what an alternative would be.
I want to be in a relationship, but I honestly think I'm too ugley to be in one, I don't blame girls for not thinking I'm attractive. I understand their rational, but it still hurts knowing I'll be alone.
THat being said I can't let my self slip because I was born ugly. I want to be most successful uggo there is, I just wish the no gf pain would go away.
In the interest of self improvement, if you are interested in trading stocks and commodities go to
I wish the best for you guys on your journey.
as for the joke part try and find a hobby. Like it sounds so dumb and meaningless, but youll realize you like some things in the world and help you see the good.
lower your standerds, man up, and/or quit bitchin
+1 down for discord