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>get Jow Forums
>suddenly able to treat women like shit

Why didn’t anyone tell me this before?

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It’s the best. I forgot about this. Thanks for the extra motivation to get my shit back together.

I’m a DYEL trying to make it
Please explain for motivation it sounds hot

It's called submission. Subconsciously people are just animals and still understand strength.

sounds like you're an insecure incel who thinks that just because he can bench more than 95 pounds he can scorn the women who still won't pay you any attention. kill yourself, faggot boy.

Cry harder pussy


Day Of The Pre-nup is coming, roastie. The boyim know

Here’s my experience, as someone who went from a fat friendless loner incel to skelly mode and then got fit. I called a girl I had just met a cunt, seconds after meeting her. She apologized to me the next day and a week later I was banging her. It depends on the girl, but basically if your SMV (sexual market value) is greater than hers or she perceives yours as higher than hers, you can pretty much do whatever you want. You’re an ugly incel? Build the best physique you can and acquire money, you are then better than 99% of women and can fuck most of them. I was and still am socially retarded but I’ve texted bitches telling them to come suck me off after barely speaking to them since we met just to find out they were waiting for that to happen.

>hustle, acquire money
>take it a step further than I did and socialize to build social skills

fascinating, it's almost as if they were designed to be our slaves.

i know this question gets asked a lot, but does height matter a lot? im working on everything else but the Jow Forums memes have gotten to me

From Jow Forums meme to regular meme, I dig it.

Probably. I'm 5'7" weaselmode and broke and I can do that to chubby-but-woman-shaped girls, I'll let you guess what the biggest limiter is.


>nooooooooo!!! how could he figure out our secret so easily?!

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Pics or didn’t happen

To be fair, nobody on Jow Forums thinks anybody on Jow Forums thinks a 95lb bench is anything worth taking encouragement from.
>today's forecast
>85% roasty

what a cuck

>Build the best physique you can and acquire money, you are then better than 99% of women
this basically. even if you're the most inferior of males, you are still better than female. getting a succ is the culmination of her life

>i know this question gets asked a lot, but does height matter a lot?

You just have to be taller than her. A lot taller is better but if you are attractive and only a little bit taller than her she will just stop wearing heels and date you anyway.

tall = big dick

not him, but thank you, that is exactly what I needed to hear.

>start getting tinder matches
>im 26 and live with my parents

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imagine the smell

>unironically talking about SMV
You're still a virgin, aren't you?

She looks too clean imo. There wouldn't be much smell.

same, i'm almost just starting school again. feels like i can't date until i get my shit together

based and alimonypilled

If you’re living with your parents then getting tinder bitches shouldn’t even be considered. You’re putting the cart before the horse.

Let's see what your body looks like. Also how much does money actually matter? You can wear nice clothes even if you're middle class.

I too like to LARP

you dont need your own place, all you need is a car. if you dont got a car it's harder but still doable, just take the bus or make her drive if she's got a car, my friend does that

your friend is probably into cuckoldry

This thread needed this post

well, I have a gov job making 65k a year so theres that. I've saved a fuck ton of money at home.

Don’t let the thots know. Suddenly you’ll be allowed to hit it raw, but they’ll “forget” their birth control

thank you

not too attractive, but im 5’10-ish. shouldn’t be much of a detriment, should it?

funny enough, i have a pretty big dick. not a monster but itll do the job

Not at all. It helps and makes things easier, for example I’m 6’2” but my face is probably 5/10 and I get tons of attention and comments from chicks on the height. But the guys I’ve known who were the best with girls, guys capable of banging girls in a study room at our campus within half an hour of meeting them, were all under 5’7”. They just practiced and constantly talked to girls until they maxed out their game.

Bro move the fuck out. Not because you’re being a fag by living at home still, but because you’re being a fag by not getting pussy and you’ll regret it when you’re older. Do it for your happiness, especially among $65k at 26

A woman who is dumb enough to date someone like this deserve it lol. After you're done with her she's gonna dye her hair neon green and start growing leg hairs out

idk about you guys but I was treating women like shit way before fitness became a priority

Well I have some news that you may find to be pretty unfortunate kiddo, most women flood between their legs for that kind of shit. They say that’s not what they want but they have no idea what they want. It just happens to be more effective on the kind of thot who will go nuts and dye her hair and grow her leg hair out because they tend to be the easiest.

But also, you shouldn’t be dating those types anyway dude. They’re for fuckin’ and suckin’


I have noticed this and I've only been lifting for 3 months and a half.
Always treat women like shit but recently instead of getting hate back they're almost apologizing to me when I do it.
I fucking love this shit

not true
Im not short but i know that big dicks look bigger on smaller people

Lifting literally makes you happy and confident through some the release of some hormones (sorry don't have the references right now). It's that easy...

>Why didn’t anyone tell me this before?
There's a reason why big testicles are associated with confidence.

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Bs, incel men do the same

it's usually feminine behaviour that led them to becoming incels

It does matter, but not that much. I'm 5'9"/5'10"ish and while height sorts out some girls, for the rest it's no problem at all - as long as you're confident. If you're insecure, it does matter a lot.


This is motivating af. The physique I know how to work on, but how do I acquire exceptional amounts of money to stand out from other guys? What methods?

Get a load of this faggot

>>suddenly able to treat women like shit
Try going Natty for a while or seek therapy. There is no reason to treat another human being like shit.

Also only blonde blue eyed women are really human, it is fun to shoot down a thot by telling her you only like natural pure beauty.

Hustle nigga. Get a part time job or two if you can. Depends on your area and why the minimum wage is near you but ideally you’ll take jobs making no less than $12/hour and save as much as you can. It’s hard shit, and it depends on your situation and age, but if you’re around 20 you should work as much as class and studying will allow. If you can do 40+ hours weekly you’ll be good. Or if you can find a part time job that pays more. Look into getting an emt cert, you can start making $35k a year and only work like 10 days a month although it’s long 12-24hr shifts

Excuse me sweaty but this is a women respecting board, imma have to ask you to delete this thread

I can convince my brain to flirt with women by being internally condescending. Their humor is braindead retarded so any actual connection is impossible to make. So instead of fake laughing I laugh about how retarded they are and it makes me laugh super hard. They think Im laughing with them but I am actually laughing at them. There is no other way. External is all that matters to dumbasses anyway.

Autist. Why can't you just learn to fake a laugh it's not hard.

It feels so disingenuous to do so. Sitting there and forcing out a laugh is exhausting and soul crushing in its social pandering and conformity. I felt pathetic every time I did it. This method will work.


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when can i start feeling good about my bench according to you guys