How do I find the right calorie amount to eat? Seems impossible

How do I find the right calorie amount to eat? Seems impossible.

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by posting the same thread again instead of learning how to use a food scale and myfitnesspal

I weigh food and use myfitnesspal dumbass

Stop obsessing over minutiae, autist.

Eat an extra 500kcal/day if you want to gain 1lb/week. If you gain 0.95lbs or 1.05lbs instead of 1.00lbs, that isn't a big deal.

It's not as easy as it sounds. I've been trying and failing to hit the 2 kg/month line this whole time.

if you did you would knew what your intake is and whether you need to increase it or not
and then you would be able to bulk without any problems
so stop lying

I know what my intake is, it's the yellow line. I stopped using the number myfitnesspal gives a long time ago, that only puts you in the ballpark to begin, then useless.

it's obviously 5217

>eats more calories
>gains weight over the longer term

Look at the yellow and the red lines. Forget the blue one. You ate more; you gained weight.

Take a smart pill with your meals from now on, too.

fuck off

It literally is that simple you fucking retard. Either you dont know how to count calories or you're just making excuses. Jfc I dont even know why I'm replying to this bait thread anyways.

Fucking idiot. I mean it's easy to say "eat 500 kcal over maintenance" but it's hard to know what exactly your maintenance is, idiot.

Make a better graph you autist.

>this fucking idiot is posting his stupid graph again
holy fuck what an autist. post body you dumb fat piece of shit

Find your TDEE first. Then figure out what your weight goals are, then dance within 15% of cut or bulk of that.

You know what a bell curve graph is? Absolute average is your TDEE. Above average areas positive is your bulk, and negative is your cut. Outlying points are dumb fuckery; avoid.

There's no exact caloric value that anyone can give you, because every person's TDEE is different. Its the ONE THING IN FITNESS that cannot be generalized--so do this entire board a favor and stop making this fucking thread.

No, I mean even when you do find your TDEE it changes when you gain weight. I'll make any fucking thread I want. A bell curve of what? Be specific. Are you saying I make a scatter plot, because you need that for a bell curve. What's on the x-axis and what's on the y-axis? If it's calories and change of bodyweight it's not going to end up a bell curve. You need to elaborate.

>TDEE changes when you gain weight

No fucking shit. But if you keep adjusting for your weight gains every period where you go up, you'll end up with a feedback loop which is non-conducive.

That's why you have goals, plans, execution windows, outcomes. Why people do X months of bulk and cut with predefined values for how much calories are consumed on a daily basis with fat/car/protein breakdown REGARDLESS of whether you are gaining weight or losing weight.

Then, when you reach the end of your goal period, you evaluate. Adjust, optimize, learn from your mistakes, apply anything newly learned. Make a new plan, set a new goal, follow that.

Why is this so fucking hard to understand? And stop making the same fucking thread you asshat.

I make the same thread because I get nothing but bullshit replies. You didn't explain what you meant by bell curve graph. How do you get calories into a bell curve? And this post is just bullshit as well. Stop trying to sound smart and post some actual fucking advice, clown. I did do as you said, ate a certain amount of calories for a period and then I evaluated, at least 7 days, sometimes more. Every time when I increased the calories after a stall in bodyweight my bodyweight shot up fast and then stalled or I even lost weight. That's why I decided to try a new method, increasing the calories by a small amount every day, to see if the body weight gain rate would become more even. What happened was I began gaining like crazy, I lowered the amount I increase daily from 50 to 30 to 20 kcal, then I also did a lowering of the calories, and then a raise. It doesn't seem like this works so I'll probably forget the 7-day average altogether. Problem is the 30-day average is mostly influenced by stuff in the far past, as opposed to last week, and waiting 30 days to evaluate is a bit too much, you can hit a serious plateau in both bodyweight and consequently in the lifts in that time.

The bell curve graph was an example of what you want to do. The absolute average is your baseline TDEE. Above averages on either side up to 15% is your operation window. Based on your cut/bulk goals, you increase your caloric intake up or down.

>stop trying to sound smart and post some actual advice

I wrote two posts to hell you out you fucking moron.

>ate a certain amount of calories, then evaluatied, at least 7 days
>at least 7 days
>7 days

You're retarded, I can't help you.

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>The bell curve graph was an example of what you want to do. The absolute average is your baseline TDEE. Above averages on either side up to 15% is your operation window. Based on your cut/bulk goals, you increase your caloric intake up or down.
Still didn't answer what is on the x-axis and y-axis. You still haven't explained how you get calories into a bell curve.

>>ate a certain amount of calories, then evaluatied, at least 7 days
>>at least 7 days
Yeah. Much more than that and you're TDEE has changed, hence you stall and need to increase the calories. What's your point, dumbass?