Female coworker makes a joke at my expense about something I can't control (being bald)

>female coworker makes a joke at my expense about something I can't control (being bald)
>I make a joke back about something she can control (being fat)
>she goes home early and everybody is mad at me
How was I the bad guy here?

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You made fun of her personally: her personality and her choices.
She made fun of something not tied to you or your personality or your choices. You shouldn't take jokes like that personally.

You're not
But everyone has been conditioned to placate the fatty

Women and weight in general are not worth it, ESPECIALLY in the work place. Just make those jokes here and smile and nod irl. Get paid, go home. Repeat.

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Could you send that again and make the words a little bigger? These ol' eyes dont see like they used to!!

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She made fun of me for being bald. How is that not personal?

You're probably going to get fired.

shoulda told her that once grand inquisitor kavanaugh is on the bench, her time, due to being a thot will come to an end.

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You're the good guy but say goodbye to your job.

hahahahahaha she went home early? What a fat fucking piece of shit.