What the hell do you guys eat???

what the hell do you guys eat???

i want to eat healthy but just end up eating chicken thighs and rices with bell pepper, carrot,, broccoli and spices

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Unironically carnivory

Pretty much carnivore.... I do incorporate green veggies and some dairy though. It's pretty great and really not that much cost wise. I eat every meal at home besides a once a week cheat meal.

>half cup oatmeal
>2 eggs
>half bar dark chocolate
>2 slices whole grain bread
>4 tbsp natural PB
>1 cup rice
>1 banana
>1 apple, pear, or kiwi
>8oz chicken breast
>1 cup whole milk
>1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds shelled
>2 scoops when
>1 tablespoon olive oil
>bowl of spinach mix salad with varied dressing
>1 cup Greek yogurt
Every day!

Greek Yogurt
Chicken Thighs
Boneless/Skinless Chicken Thighs
Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breasts
Fiber One Cereal

>fried ham
>fried egg
all stacked on top of each other, plus
>small glass of beet juice
>small coffee
>cooked barley
>cooked beans
>misc veggies
>tomato paste
fry the veggies, add spices and beans and barley plus a little water, cook 10 more minutes
>fried chicken breast
>roasted potatoes
>steamed broccoli with cheddar cheese sauce

Average day bulking.

>oats, milk, protein powder

>yogurt, granola, protein bar

>chicken and vegetables

>2mcchicken, 2 cheese burg

>peanut butter, loads o milk, probably more chiken

Usually 3200cal. R8

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Eggs, Chicken, Fish, Broccoli, Turkey, Nuts, etc.
Drink nothing else except water.
I get cravings for hot foods more than anything else so occasionally I will have hot wings but not enough to put me over my calorie budget.
I have lost 35 pounds in 44 days by doing this and tracking my calories.

Eat small, be small.

All cuts of beef, fish, whole chicken, low sugar fruit, berries, potatoes only after when working out

Red potatoes
Green beans

Inb4 muh healthy fats. Idk cutting with extremely low fat works better for me (not natty)

I eat a lot of organ meats, as well as mushrooms, bell peppers, and maybe a dozen or so hard boiled eggs a day.

I eat whatever i want but no desserts and I restrict my fast food to once a month.
190lb, lean and mean.


12 egg yolks runny
1/2lb liver, maybe a bit more
maybe 6 tbsp tallow idk


Bowl of post Granola Cereal Blueberry
Low fat milk
Protein bar, rotate a lot to not get tired of them
Small bag of apple chips
Cup of grapes
Greek Yogurt


Protein Shake
A thicc turkey or tuna sandwich with:
>bit of olive oil mayo
>8 slices of turkey/tuna substitute
>wheat bread
>two slicers of cooper cheese

Green Tea
Whatever I want, reasonably portioned/served.


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Can someone give me a good calorie food? I always seem to be stuck at the same weight. I need something extra.

Please tell me its not peanutbutter sandwiches every day

Rice and lentils when nothing else is around. Apples for snacking. Fish if I can get it fresh. Beef if I feel like it. Yoghurt if tummy needs it. Honey if eating yoghurt. Bread if I get lazy and forget how terrible it is for me. Then I regret it for a couple of days. Prunes covered in chocolate if I'm feeling frisky. Peanuts sometimes. Peanut butter if I can get the good variety. Kefir. Potatoes are amazing, especially with some good butter. Oats with just a bit of water so they slightly soften up. I try to avoid pork, it just smells weird. Chicken or turkey I haven't had for a while but maybe will try some. Oh and quark is cool. Sorry for the format didn't wanna sound pretentious

Got some bad news for you

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Home-cooked Mexican food whenever I can. Otherwise it's some variation of chicken or groundbeef, rice and vegetables.

then double your portions, fatty.

>late morning
PbJ bagel and glass of whole milk

Skip lunch

>Mid afternoon

Lots of meat, tiny bit of carbs, some veggies and avocado toast to piss boomers off

8/8, dead in 8 years


For breakfast/morning tea I'll make a 1300cal shake with;
>1 Hueg banana
>80g oats
>140g mixed berries
>30g scoop of isolate
>40g peanut butter
>15ml olive oil
>450ml whole milk
>50g choc chip choc icecream

What is something sweet and calorie dense but more healthy and without the sugar that I can replace the ice cream with or does only 50 grams of ice cream not really matter too much. It does at a lot to the flavor.

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>Pic related every day every week.
250g brown or white rice
150-200g steak or chicken
75g steamed broccoli

Some weeks I replace broccoli with asparagus or sauteed mushrooms.
In addition to pic related
>1-2 cup(s) steel-cut oats for breakfast with some cinnamon, light brown sugar, some blueberries
>breakfast burritos every 3 or 4 days. 3 eggs scrambled, avocado, flour tortillas, mexican or pepper jack cheese, dash of sriracha or nandos peri peri sauce.
>taco Tuesdays with flatmate. Corn or flour tortillas, 80%+ lean ground beef, onions, garlic. Salt, pepper, hot sauce. Usually keep ground beef frozen a couple days in advance.
>salad every now and then when I'm feeling depressed. Usually just saute some spinach when I'm cooking chicken n call it a day

Also prep smoothie ingredients too. Buy a bunch of bananas and strawberries. Chop up when ripe and keep frozen in my freezer. Sometimes I'll buy pre-made smoothie ingredients.

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Meat, cheese, eggs, butter, and oils. I don't count calories. I just eat more fat if I feel like I need more energy.

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That looks fucking delicious would do brussel sprouts to mix up from broccoli too

I wanna clean bulk but i dont wanna keep tracking calories cause i eat out at lunch and have no idea what its in it. Cafeteria food not fast food

You have to forgo flavor in terms of health
Most of my food while bulking is just meat and carbs, with a banana or shake thrown in. Eggs only on lifting days as well.
> I know I should eat more fruits and vegetables but they just disgust me with their texture or taste.
Maybe I should incorporate beans but idk

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how many calories do you need?

8oz whole greek yogurt
4oz almonds
877 kcal, 44.4g protein, 68g fat
tons of vitamins b2, b12, and E, calcium, copper, magnesium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, selenium and zinc

Can I replace the almonds with peanuts? I'm allergic to tree nuts.


Almonds. Non-negotiable


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chia seeds
peanut butter

protein bar

brown rice
