> We don't want it to turn into a 'roll thread' only, so you have to make an actual useful comment with your roll, either on someone else's post or at least by answering the OP questions.
> Rather than rolling in this thread, you can find a random number generator just right there: random.org
>How is your weekend going? Doing anything fun? >What are you looking forward to next week? Next month? The coming year? >How can you continue to self improve over that time period? >What are some goals of yours? Be as detailed as possible.
Stuff in pic related is good for anyone, but as for specifically sig related books, I'm not sure. Everyone here recommends How To Win Friends and Influence People, I've also heard good things about a book called Eat That Frog, it's about buckling down and doing the shit you need to to in order to succeed. Other than that I'm not really sure.
how do I just do it? I'm killing myself by not acting trying to force myself to act and it's working some
it's stupid to wait for motivation but intrinsically, how do I want it bad enough to keep doing it and succeed?
Thanks Anons
Jaxon Cook
What you're looking for is habit, or good habits I should say. You want to just force yourself to do things that are tough often enough that they just become ingrained in your day to day/weekly life, and you feel weird not doing them. This is how addictions partly work anyway, the trick is to get "addicted" to things that are good for you. At first, going to the gym every MWF was hard for me, for example, now, if I don't go I feel like shit.
Motivations turns to determination turns to discipline turns to habit.
Why are the things I don't want to do generally those I need to most?
James Fisher
I find getting started is the hardest part so break down the task to it's smallest chunks and just get the first done. The rest will then come easy. For example if there's a book you need to read focus first on reading the first chapter.
Camden Williams
>start carnivore >social anxiety is lifting
was it always just diet?
Lucas Foster
Social anxiety is lifting but conditions for cancer are forming. It's not the carbs that caused your anxiety but the fluctuations in blood sugar and dopamine caused by eating too many of them at once.
Robert James
I was keto before though, wasn't a carbivore at all
Wyatt Wood
This is godly. Thank you user.
James Price
Anyone here with good tips on starting to make a schedule or a handy guide/website/whatever? I think I'm in the need for a good schedule to plan my days and to finally start/do the things I want to do, but I'm really bad at figuring that stuff out. If I try to just write up a schedule, I do too much and never get it done. Guess I need to start small.
Any advice?
Nicholas Gutierrez
Write out a weekly schedule, but keep it empty
For the first week, put one thing on each day
do the week, see how you feel
Next week, add a second item to each day. Rinse and repeat until you have a sustainable schedule for the week. Much better than trying to plan everything all at once and failing
Nathaniel Nelson
That actually sounds quite good and manageable, why did I never think of that? Thanks user!
Isaac Robinson
drank way to much and now I can't stop my hands shaking, at least I managed to socialize right sig?
Justin Fisher
How the FUCK do I stick to a weekly schedule? I don't even last 2 days before ditching that shit.
Colton Rivera
To all the /underage/ onhere, spend 2 years in the workforce before you go to college.
Nathaniel Ward
also to all the /goingthroughpuberty/ here, increasing test and HGH during puberty has a massive impact on penis size, exercise, play competitive sport, jack off once per week, use a sauna once per week
This is objectively bad advice. Sure, having experience may make you more employable down-the-road, but only for jobs that are unrelated to your degree. It's effectively throwing two years of your life down the drain, and I'm not going to validate your shitty life decisions.
Better route would be to take summers off to intern at companies relevant to your degree, or assisting professors with their work around campus (research, etc).
Hudson Lee
It's more a question about how to build a good schedule I'll follow for a good time instead of a question for a programme to plan my schedule in. But thanks anyway.
Xavier Hall
Got upset about something and jerked it to distract myself. Does anyone else feel like a self destructing piece of shit sometimes?
All the time. I know how to make the changes that matter, but I often just find myself unable to do them because I lack the discipline. I'm working on it.
Ayden Gray
look at all the kids who go into college with no maturity and pick shitty degrees, make shitty grades, and spend their time at shitty parties. it's extended adolescence with a high price tag. with the perspective of having supported themselves students would choose better degrees, spend their time more effectively and make better grades, graduate in 4 years, get less alcohol poisoning from retarded 18yo drinking, etc
getting a 3.8 in a degree that provides career options over a 2.7 in a meme degree is definitely worth 2 years in a lower paying job
Jacob Bell
just don't be a faggot and stick to your schedule problem solved
Adrian Walker
>How is your weekend going? Doing anything fun?
Not too bad. Got rained out at the resort I usually go to on the weekend, so I ended up going back home and play 40kvwith with some friends and spending time with family.
>What are you looking forward to this week? This month? This year?
Not really anything this week. Next month I'm going to be testing out the new budget I made last night. If it works the way I hope it does, I will be either debt free or close to debt free this time next year.
> How can you continue to self improve over that time period?
Besides getting out of debt, I've started watching the Actualized.org videos, which I'm hoping will give me some ideas to deal with a lot of the personality/ emotional issues I've been dealing with. I really need to get back into working out, but that will come in due time.
>What are some goals of yours? Be as detailed as possible.
For the last couple of years I've been going from being an at-home nudist to a practicing one, so a lot of my big goals are related to that. This year I've already moved closer to the resort I'm wanting to move to and started meeting people out there. That way I at least know people out there when it comes time for the big move. My main focus right now is to get out of debt so I can get an RV so I can live out there. From there I want to get a home gym and a job out there so I would rarely have to wear clothes. Besides all that, I want to be able to get my finances together where I can be able to do any self-improvement or even just hobby related stuff I want.
Elijah Harris
>but conditions for cancer are forming Wrong
Hunter Lewis
>go straight to college >get 4.0 in a good field because not an idiot
huh that was easy
Bentley Gomez
yes beating off is just another way of managing emotions without actually solving any problems
Jayden Cruz
Tfw I quit porn and now I actually feel my loneliness
Ayden Peterson
> William James, the great American psychologist, once remarked that he did not know what he thought until he had written his thoughts down. Been doing reflective writing the past week and this is true as fuck. If you haven't already, start doing this.
William Bell
App name ?
Henry Brown
i got curly hair, what haircut should i get? tried like pic related but didn't really like it
Quitzilla. What really helps with it is that when you reset, there is a popup to write down what happened. Really makes you have to think about why you fucked up.
Gavin Ward
/fa/ tends to have lot of curly hair inspo threads?
Jonathan Rodriguez
There was a cute girl squatting 3pl8 at the gym earlier today. I've been neglecting lower body so I decided Friday to switch to upper/lower split, which should still allow me to go rock climbing. Next week I'm going to to a little earlier and ask her to check my form as an in to a conversation since I'm only squatting at 185lbs for now.
do you expect the average highschooler to do that? the vast majority of people would be better off not going straight to college. they waste the opportunity
Carson Perry
Any other productivity apps or extensions that may be useful? Trying to quit smoking. I first start with shit that I am obligated to do. Work, school, sleep etc. Make sure you always give yourself enough time to relax and sleep at the end of your day. After that I take into considerations shit I should be doing, and for how long. This is what usually comes up with a bit of trial and error. Let's say, for example, you have 4 classes and you want to study 12 hours in a week for it, and give yourself 3 hours a week to do chores and you want to work out an hour for 6 days a week, and you figure a way to logically fit that into your schedule. But then you find that with this set up, you have way too much idle study time and not enough time to get chores done, so you have to give yourself less study time and more time to get shit done, etc. Personally I'm not a fan of marking down every minute of my day. I don't put shit in like times to eat, get dressed, shower, etc. My schedule is very rough. Basically if I catch myself not doing something or wondering what I'm supposed to do, I go back to look at it. Maybe having every moment of your day planned out works for some people, but I need my shit to be more flexible so I can take a shower at night and not fuck everything up. Pic related is an older version of my schedule but basically the same concept.
>be me just back from the gym haven't showered yet, still sweaty >halfway unzip and unbuckle my pants, because about to shower >change my mind, time for Jow Forums and snooker >turn on telly for snooker, hear knock on the door, don't answer >again knocking on the door >open door and see qt, realize in that moment my pants are still all open >qt looks down, proceeds to ask questions about our energy usage >don't feel it's appropriate to zip up to avoid drawing attention to the general area >next door neighbor walks by the door >proceed to fill in form, to give her my information >end conversation and I just burst out laughing upon closing the door >thank you autism
Thanks for reading my blog, just happened.
Nicholas Nguyen
> asking her to help you with her warmup weight you have no chance
Jacob Harris
>Trying to quit smoking just don't smoke another cigarette ever again. problem solved. >>end conversation and I just burst out laughing upon closing the door lmao was your diqq out?
Mason Evans
>lmao was your diqq out? lol no I think I would've noticed that, I still had on underwear, but I did need to hold up my pants during the conversation, I was smiling like an idiot the whole time because I'm such an idiot.
Camden Peterson
No clue what her upper body numbers are, but then again they aren't really relevant. It's also not a competition, and even if it was it's not a stretch of the imagination for me to get to that level at a much faster rate than it took her. Until she turns in her natty card she's still a slave to low-T.
I have nothing to lose by trying, and I rarely ever try these sorts of things anyways. It also helps that the gym is practically and abandoned on a Sunday morning so there's no one around.
Blake Ward
>Are they so young you gotta bottle feed and manually help them to potty? They were, they are 4 weeks old now; they are starting to wean on solid food but they still need to be supplemented with formula. There is no mom so I am doing all of it. 2 are slightly crashing, one of the two is straight up Kitten Fading Syndrome. They were absolutely full of parasites; one died before I even got to foster them, there used to be 6. For the first time in weeks they are beginning to form solid food thanks to 3 deworming medications they are receiving. Only one kitten is stagnant weight/losing weight, and the other is slowly gaining (the two I mentioned before). It's not my first rodeo but it's my first time in a while, first time with so many kittens, and first time I tried fostering bottle babies while going to school. I am actually deeply upset I have to bring them back to the shelter for a few days (going on a trip), because I'm starting to feel like there's no one else that can care for them as well as I can. >How is your weekend going? Doing anything fun? I am visiting a very ill family member in NYC. >What are you looking forward to next week? Next month? The coming year? This week I want these damn kittens to eat so I can get a semblance of my life back, I miss working out. Next month I'm looking to the $20ish I'll make for not buying cigs. Looking forward to >How can you continue to self improve over that time period? Keep up the no smoking, drinking lots of water and praying for no anime >What are some goals of yours? Be as detailed as possible. I would like to be a pretty decorated professional in my field. I know it's not a prestigious field but there are tons of other certifications, specialties, etc and I just want to have a finger in every single one. Not for the dumb labels, but because I'm genuinely interested in it and would like to practice in it.
Pretty excited guys. Started my first job yesterday (bouncer, have connections from a dude at my Muay Thai gym), and the plan is to raise money for a homegym since I thing that would be the smartest long-term investment with starting University. I posted a little while ago that I wasn't entirely sure on my major, but I researched a bit on starting a business, and so on the side I'm thinking of doing all the reading with that stuff. The degree will be a safety net if anything. WE ARE ALL GONNA MAKE IT
Nolan Sanchez
Lincoln Russell
Eli Sanders
>be me >want to go medical school >would not be finished before 33 at the earliest Is this a good idea
well if you want to do it then yes, clearly "you're never too old for X" is not a meme
Evan Torres
yes but why would anyone hire me when they could hire some hotshot 24-25 year old that never made a mistake and wasted time in his life?
Mason Barnes
idk where you live but where i live doctors are in demand
Robert Edwards
This is probably not the best thread to ask but anyway, is there any rule in asking someone out?
Asher Cruz
Be more specific, user. Do you mean how to ask her, when to do it, or what to propose?
Ian Johnson
How and when yeah. I've never asked someone without being blackout drunk so I'm not sure how to go about it.
Ethan Reed
I'd be extremely wary unless you already have a math-based degree. You hear horror stories of med-school dropouts with six-figure debts.
Eli Rivera
Well first you need to build some rapport with the girl. Then you ask her to get a cup of coffee or something similar. Avoid shit like the cinema or restaurants, the trick is to be as casual as possible, don't make a big deal out of it.
Brandon Martin
Did Peterson actually asked his students to do the F.A.P ?
Thomas Martinez
Hoping I can get fit by next year sometime. Right now I'm 5' 11* and 200 pounds.
Starting to notice stretch marks all over my body and it's disgusting The hardest part in trying to get fit isn't starting, but keeping it going and making it a routine you never skip. For me that's the hardest part.
Pic related What I'm trying to do on an every other day basis + leg day whenever I'm not
Why does no one in my family want me to improve besides myself? >just love yourself user >I was way better than you at your age it only goes downhill from now >Neither of us are fat I hate this crab bucket, I really don't see myself staying in contact with my family, they rather demotivate me and undermine my success. I hope therapy could fix the damage.
Josiah Cooper
How do I grow a nice beard? I've been shaving for years now and my facial hair grows really fast. Should I just shave it on the neck and leave the rest? >inb4 basedboy I'm a slav living in Spain, big nose, wide jaw, big build and tall. I also look 5 years older than I am. Should I go for it?
Noah Hall
Oviedo by chance?
Julian Gomez
What's Oviedo? I'm in canarias
Bentley Johnson
I just dont know what to do all day. I go to them gym and when I get back I have no clue what to do so I just play video games. Yeah I could avoid playing video games and smoking weed but wtf else would i do?
Justin Cox
>boss buys me tinder gold "as a prank bro xD" >get liked by an average art school vegan handpoked tatto chick >chat throughout the afternoon >"wow u are a great conversationalist" >"you seem like the type of person I'd like to meet up with" >get her number I'm so starved for female attention I'll probably suggest meeting up for coffee, lads
I slept with a MILF who used to be my teacher last Saturday but struggled to get it up aside from a few times, and even once I was fucking her my erection would only last 2-3 mins
Can't be dealing with ED anymore as a 25 year old, especially since it's potentially ruined a few potential relationships cos I wasn't able to perform.
The last few times I've done nofap it's been unbearable by day 7 but this whole time (started nofap 10 days ago, didn't actually cum with the MILF so) - but since fucking her my urges have been 0. It's like I immediately flatlined.
What gives? Will I ever fix my ED? Morning wood is slowly coming back albeit only semi
Jordan Ross
Life experience.
Jayden Smith
I just want to "do" something, but in the moment of hesitation, regret of all wasted time kicks me down.
Shit downright spiral it is.
Jose Butler
Get creative hobbies. You don't have to vcut out vidya entirely, but you sound like you feel you are wasting your time. So, try something new. Yes it'll be scary and difficult, but if you find something you like you'll learn a new skill and be better off for it, for many reasons.
Here's a short list of things you can do (and no they don';t have to be creative but those are usually the most involved because you make stuff): >reading >drawing >playing music >writing (poems, songs, music, books, stories, comics, screenplays, articles, etc) >singing >painting >animating >sculpting >woodworking >metalsmithing >making electronics >building cars >glassblowing >3d modeling >graphic design >textiles (making clothes and fabric based things) >vlogging >tabletop gaming >kayaking >rock climbing >swimming >running >cycling >martial arts >yoga >meditation >homebrewing alcohol >birdwatching >hunting >shooting >snowboarding >going to concerts >poker >etc
the list goes on and one. Pick some and try them out, really practice and get good at a few and you'll have something to do besides gym and vidya and you'll feel better for it
Christian Russell
That’s a fem haircut. If you’re a man, cut the top to half that length.
Parker Miller
Angel Allen
How do I force myself to get through the boring parts of getting into a hobby? I've wanted to get into drawing for a long time now, but I hit the wall of needing to learn anatomy and I just crumple. I really need a new hobby other than gym and vidya because it's gotten so bad that I can't even do those anymore, I get so bored because I have nothing to work towards, no reason to hit the gym, barely any reason to play vidya. If I could do a comic or something, it would really help.
Kevin Howard
>I have nothing to work towards Work towards drawing a decent, and anatomically correct human male first. Its like learning a fighting game. You have to start off with the basic fundamentals and build on those before you go and start pulling off 70% combos consistently.
Camden Rivera
Just read whatever you enjoy man don't stress it.
I recommended the way of kings by Branden Sanderson and the rest of that series. Not usually in to that sort of thing, my gf lent it to me and it is probably my fav book/series of all time. Couldn't recommend it enough.
I guess to make it on topic with SIG, it deals a lot with the lead characters inner struggles, what it means to be a man, etc. in a genuinely non-clichéd way. Plus he's a total bad ass.
Gavin Ramirez
Sometimes I have to completely visualize the thing I am going to do before doing it to escape my minds defeatists bureaucracy.
If someone else is struggling with doing stuff try visualizing them, completely if needed.
Lincoln Foster
If you don't do it you'll still be 33 in a few years but without a medical degree and maybe regretting that you didn't go for it.
Aiden James
>What gives? Will I ever fix my ED? Yes.
I was in your exact position some time ago, with the exception that I had managed to kill my dick's functionality even sooner in life; I was 19. Now, one year later, I've got puberty tier boners. NoFap, and especially NoPorn helped a great deal. Along with that, lotsa' cardio, which is neglected by Jow Forums anons frequently, is vital to get the blood-flow and heart capacity needed for long term hardness and stamina. Along with that, there're loads of natural supplements, none of which I remember, that help with such matters. It'll get better, just stick with it.
Eli Cooper
How do I deal with not wanting do anything? I quit my job a week ago and I haven't applied to any others because I just don't see the point. I've got enough savings to hold me over for about 3 months but once that money runs out idk what I'll do. I've thought about just killing myself but I likely don't have the balls to go through with it.
I don't feel sad so I don't think I'm depressed. I just don't see the point in anything and I'm tired of forcing myself to act like I give a shit.
Noah Thomas
>I don't feel sad so I don't think I'm depressed. I just don't see the point in anything and I'm tired of forcing myself to act like I give a shit. I don't know the answer to your question, though maybe I can just expand your horizon of introspection.
Is it possible that you just became comfortable with the state you are in? So much so that trying, putting effort and even ironically winning and archiving puts you out of the comfort zone? What I mean is that maybe you got addicted to depression and feel safe and comfotereable when under it.
Dominic Cruz
Maybe. The human brain is such a cunt sometimes. Cant be happy staying in current situation but trying to change anything seems even worse
Isaiah Sanchez
This usually works for almost for me except all having conversations. I have this habit of 'visualizing' the 'perfect' conversation with someone but when or if it falls flat on its face I'm paralyzed.
I messed up and relapsed twice over the past few days. Just another bump in the road, I suppose. With that said, I figured with the first of the month tomorrow, I'll start noporn and (very little) nofap October tomorrow. This will also mark the first day in gym as last week served as my test week.
Halloween this year should be fun, so it seems as if I'm going to have to get serious about everything. This holds me accountable and even though I messed up, I won't let that shy me away from this. Start to get used to these posts from me.
Day one is tomorrow. I will give an update on Thursday.
>How is your weekend going? Doing anything fun? Didn't do anything. Asked my brother to go with me to the local oktoberfest but he didn't want to. Contemplated going alone but I would end up sperging out alone. >What are you looking forward to next week? Next month? The coming year? Good question. I don't know. >How can you continue to self improve over that time period? Well I am lifting and eating properly. I'm reading and writing too. >What are some goals of yours? Be as detailed as possible. I want to get a job and just be normal enough to go out and have friends. The thing is I am a fucking paranoid schizophrenic.
Also been getting a lot of mires. Fuck today felt so good. I went to buy something at the store and this lady mired me bad! I swear I handed her 2 dollars and she said "it's ok I have the extra 7 cents." and gave me back the dollar. as we continued the exchange she commented,
>have you ever been told you look like james mcavoy? >haha no idk who he is >well he's actor
Then I made a small joke and she laughed. She wasn't a QT but it still boosted my confidence. that implies i'm not as bad looking as i think. still though my paranoia and hallucinations hold me back from ever finding a QT to fall in love with.
Joshua Cooper
that list is pretty fucking funny
Jason Moore
Just read bro
Connor Perez
I read a couple books a month, but infinite jest being at #1 is funny stuff
Cameron Long
Seems to be /lit/'s recurring meme, like ITAOTS in /mu/
Camden Hall
Next week I start college and want to spend a lot of time there, what should I do in my free time?
Logan Watson
What are good things to do while in uni? I’m volunteering for something, but it’s just one hour per week.
Jace Gonzalez
Finally getting over my heart being broken while trying to get out of long time depression as well. It was awful, lost 10 kilos during summer and went downhill in everything. Good news is I finally got well enough to start eating good again, and today is the day I come back to the gym. Gonna take some time to get back to where I was but let's hope muscle memory makes it easier. I lost track of my ambitions, why I went to the gym, why I studied and worked on myself but little by little it's coming back to me. Trying now to really invest myself in my studies, to find a weekend job for expenses since I will try to find a therapist (I really feel like I need one) and to go out more and find new people. I was wondering, anyone here working in programming or related stuff knows what I should invest my time learning about that will get me paid? I still have some user's post about learning Java but it did not go in depth for EE (can repost for anyone interested).