If you sit on a bench, machine, or anything else in a gym and use your phone instead of actively exercising...

If you sit on a bench, machine, or anything else in a gym and use your phone instead of actively exercising, you are a FAGGOT!

Why do these people exist? If you need to make a call or rest, get the fuck out of everyone else's way.

Attached: talking-cell-phone-bench-press-set.jpg (399x210, 18K)

Nah I think I'll sit and rest fuck you

Lazy faggot, you're only fucking yourself

Top lol.

The only other person i have met who also felt this way was this massive overweight australian who burped and farted his way around the gym flapping his towel, i assume to dry off the sweat?, the only thing he ever did was superset bicep curls and lateral shoulder raises and threw down his tiny weights after each set.

Now dont get me wrong, he worked hard at his super sets. An hour of solid curls raises etc etc and he was very very over weight. One of those chronic expats who spends toi much time drinking in the sun and thunks because he is taller and just fatter then youre average asian b extension he is some kind of authority man.

He came over and said to me as i squatted 3x3 180 kg and rested on my phome between sets

"The gym is for fahkin werkin not fah fukkin instaram"

I was actually listening to a podcast but nice try old man.

I said

M gonna get you kicked out for intimidation.

Right in front of him. Whilst he spluttered away. Only decent gym in town and cant do it any more. I dont care if you think im a pussy for not like i dunno punching him, i loved it. These repurcussions were far more long lasting.

I also got his company black balled as a service provider to my co pany so if they find out why im sure he'll be fired.

Great wednesday night. Best i ever had.

>do 1 set on bench
>rest between sets... welp better GET THE FUCK OUT OF EVERYONE ELSE'S WAY
>vacate the bench
>bench is vacant so someone else takes it
>proceeds to do 12 sets and rests on the bench between sets

th-thanks Jow Forums

>le gym is for working out, not resting xd
eat shit and die of cancer faggot, if you don't need to rest for at least 3 minutes after a heavy set, you're lifting babyweights. faggot

I think most people would be annoyed if they were in a crowded gym and someone -- perhaps multiple people -- were hogging a bench/machine because they were simply on their phone or resting.

It's incredibly selfish behavior, especially if they are sitting on a bench for dumbbells or a machine with pins that can be easily adjusted for anyone.

Checked. You handled the situation well, user. Proud of ya.

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where do you propose I go when resting then?

Literally 3 people in the gym it was 10 pm in kuala lumpur

He never used the squat rack. I of course would be happy to work in with anyone on a busy day but i work late to avoid such situations