"lifting is healthy bro"

>"lifting is healthy bro"
>lift for 2 years
>fucked up lower back
>fucked up shoulders

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learn how to lift with good form retard

Nothing wrong with my form

>"water is healthy bro"
>drink 10 litres

yes there is if you fucked your shoulder and lower back

>I'm the one with the broken body so you are the one who is wrong!
It's as if I've seen this conversation unfold before.

Its too late for me anyway

>bad form
>get injured

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Every lifter should do external shoulder rotation work from day 1. No one's told it but it's vital.

That's what you get for egolifting with bad form and focusing only on abstract arbitrary numbers and setting timelimits for yourself.

The barbell jew claims another victim

I fucked up my shoulders from benching and lower back from deadlifting. Can someone tell me how to fix it ?

learn proper form you retard

>>fucked up lower back
>>fucked up shoulders
>Nothing wrong with my form


Jeff told me

>too much weight
>shit form

pick all 3. now fuck off and kys, faggot.

jeff pls go

you absolute at most a couple of weeks lifting retards

unless you've had a coach since day 1 showing exactly how to perform every single movement at the gym, you are never 100% certain that your form is correct.

see you in a couple of years when pain starts appearing out of nowhere.

>what is a mirror
>what is a camera
>what is a video

Not everyone is an absolute retard you know. You can check your form with a camera so your point is absolutely fucking stupid. All it takes is patience which seems to be an alien consept for people like you.

I have been recording myself for over a year

my form is 100% on point, I retract my scapula when benching, I make sure my back is 100% straight when squatting and deadlifting

the point is, it doesn't fucking matter in the end. My back is fucked which started to get better after some physio sessions and now my shoulder has been in a terrible condition since 2 weeks ago giving me pain every time I breathe.

shut the fuck up with your bullshit "HURR DUR UR FORM SUCKS BRO" nonsense.

Congrats you learned that beyond the first 6 months of noob gains lifting has 0 further health benefits

then you dont know what good form is or you used too much weight, fucking egolifter

haha enjoy your injuries haha

you live to learn I guess

thanks for proving my point of you being retarded

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this is true. Don't listen to them OP. Maybe most people itt just go to the gym to curl those 1kg pink dumbells and then do light cardio.
But athletes who are dedicated to a sport are always on the edge of the body's limit, this is how you get strong. And if you're everyday pushing you body to the limits, there will be injuries. I'd say 100% of all athletes in strength sports, such a s weightlifting and wrestling, have had at least one or two injuries. Most of them have had many, even if their form is perfect and are supervised by a coach

Nearly all athletes in general get injured. They made a conscious choice to put performance above health when they decided to go pro.

exactly my point. if you want to lift for health gains, go do some light calisthenics and lifting weights below 50% 1RM

OP stated that he is lifting for health so your point is just fucking stupid man :D
Why are ya'll such huge copelets?

now that's just rude, user

Fucking yourself up is the proof that you are a REEL MANG and DEDICATION

post your form

Face pulls and hyperextensions

Wrong mindset. There is ALWAYS something to improve on.
Either you start doing your face pulls or dont come here complaining about your rotator cuffs. N O N - N E G O T I A B L E

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I've been lifting for 4 years and the worst thing is sometimes my IT band flares up and feels uncomfortable. Your form is probably bad.

OP is correct everyone else is a dyel with no experience desu

thank you, will try these out

thats because of your shit form

Tell us your lifts OP. If you managed to fuck up your body after only two years, they better be good.

>no, it's the people who can walk who are wrong

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>unless you've had a coach since day 1 showing exactly how to perform every single movement at the gym
Ily coach nasser

>back has been hurting for years
>shoulder hurts constantly as well
>still lift heavy
>still mogg the shit out of you


>triple double
But you are an honest to God retard if you are so damaged after two years that you think lifting is bad for you. Your ego lifting and shit form finally caught up with you is all.
>I would say heal up and try again but it's rare to come back to 100% after a trip to snabciti

dw you'll be crippled like Sean in the next few years

i'm absolutely serious btw, remember this post, the spinal reaper comes for all of us eventually

OP is correct. I am 31, I've been a high level athlete since my teen years and have been browsing this board since 2010 or so. I remember back then the older contingent warning everyone about getting adequate rest or shit will start to hurt and brushing it off. Bear in mind I have had weightlifting coaches since I was young so my form is not the issue.

When you get to 30 your rotator cuffs, tendons and cartilage just can't handle it anymore. Lifting weights more than three or four times a week and disregard g periodisation will cause you trouble down the line. And I don't mean minor pains at 30, I mean struggling to pick up your kids and grandkids when you're 55+.

Please, avoid the brosplits and heavy volume unless you are very conversant with the underlying frequency periodisation and physiology. Lift 3 times a week, eat clean, go easy on your shoulders and joints. Don't hammer your lateral delts with 200 flyes a week, that shit is mostly genetic anyway.

The goal in the end, regardless of what you see here, is to be an overall healthy person. Take care of yourself or you'll regret it.

Signed, boomer.

lifting actually isn't healthy, I don't know where that meme came from

now lifting for a sport, sure that is healthy. Lifting alone will make you muscles tight and constrained to a specific range of motion while weight lifting injuries are among the highest of all sports

>nothing wrong with my form

>wtf is a scapula?

unironically this