FUCK IT!!!! Im so sick of being weak and skinny!

FUCK IT!!!! Im so sick of being weak and skinny!
Starting today Im going to lift everyday and do GOMAD

Day A:
Bench 1rm and 3x3 back off set
Squat 1rm and 3x3 back off set
Some sort of back excercise that isnt deadlifts

Day B:
Bench 1rm and 3x3 back off set
Squat 1rm and 3x3 back off set
Some other random accessory movement that I want to focus on, bicep curls or some shit

Thoughts? Anything you would change?
Give me 2 months and I should be massive! Ill keep you guys updated.

>Having my first glass of milk right now

Attached: whole-milk-jugs.jpg (640x363, 104K)

>Give me 2 months and I should be massive!
only massive thing you will se will be your liquid shits every 2-3 hours

as long as you eat, you will be fine
just make a meal plan,

6 meals a day, 2 bf, 2 ln, 2 dinner

shake first meal, oatmeal or substitute second
lentils or other beans meal 2
meat for dinner, chicken salad or burgers, low carb if you can

6 meals a day, 4 cheat meals a week, eat fast food, just have protein in water with it

I tried Gomad a whole ago, but only lasted like 3 days.
I was shitting 3 times a day.

>6 meals a day, 2 bf, 2 ln, 2 dinner
>shake first meal, oatmeal or substitute second
>lentils or other beans meal 2
>meat for dinner, chicken salad or burgers, low carb if you can
>6 meals a day, 4 cheat meals a week, eat fast food, just have protein in water with it

Fuck that shit, I dont have the time for that.
Milk is easy and cheap and Ill make 10x the gains

Honestly I started doing ss and gomad and it helped me gain an appetite and leave Skelly mode. Just use it to reach escape velocity, don’t stick with it too long because you will start to get fat constipated and feel shitty

T. 170 lbs from 130 lbs

Ive already escaped skelly. But im not big enough

>1 gallon of whole milk costs $3
>30 days of GOMAD = $90
>it will only make you shit your pants

>vial of testosterone costs $45
>it will last 10 weeks if you pin 250mg per week
>250mg will put you way above natty T levels

A vile of test is $150 where I live. Im just not dedicated enough to get involved with roids

>A vile of test is $150 where I live
by $ you mean fucking uganda dollar you retarded piece of shit? Vial of test costs ~$45 PERIOD. Just because someone is your village is selling it for thrice as much it doesn't mean it's worth that much. That guy is simply making money off of clueless idiots. This is how life works.

also, forgot to mention

>Im just not dedicated enough
even with roids you wouldn't gain shit because you need to eat enough. You can ditch your gomad plans because you will never make it anyway.

leave humanity B3H1ND

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No matter who you buy it off in Australia youre looking at ~$150. And its almost impossible to buy overseas and get it through customs

Stop with that bullshit you faggot. I never told you to hop on gear so i don't know why you are lying about the price and make excuses. I strongly advise against using them because you're too fucking dumb to eat enough food and train correctly so you would only hurt yourself.

No its not
T. Australian roid addict

GOMAD here

No liquid shits if you're not retarded.

Big solid shits but alot of shits, and other side effects like cloudy thinking though.

Nothing you can't fix after you're done.

You'll just gain lots of fat. Obviously you'll improve in strength but I think it's worth it.

>Drinking 200 g of sugar a day

>No liquid shits if you're not retarded
>if you're not retarded
key point here

GOMAD is a fucking ADDITION to your diet, not a fucking replacement like all those dyel faggots think. You need to eat big and top it off with milk. If you will rely on milk as your main source of calories you will only shit yourself.

Most people only need like 4000-4500 calories when bulking. GOMAD is 2500 calories which is more than half.

where get test

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Deep web

dont drink a fucking gallon of milk every day you moron

have a glass with every meal. thats it

1 liter glass every meal?

no, a cup. like normal people

>I'm sick of being weak and skinny
>Let me do a strength program

Do a 5x5 with OHP, Bench Press, Squat, Deadlift, Barbell Row, and rack pulls (grip strength).

normal people don't leave humanity behind

This user has a point

>3 exercises
>3x3 rep range
learn how to lift first you fucking idiot

It's not their fault when they're mislead by autists who advice them to do dumb shit like Starting Strength and GOMAD.

like there's no evidence that SS is a fucking meme

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This is something I've been thinking about for a while, I asked here a few times but nobody ever answered:

If you are seriously thinking about doing GOMAD or something similar - is there any real difference between doing GOMAD and taking a mass gainer? One serving of ON Serious Mass™ is 1250 calories, a gallon of milk is like 1600 or so. Both of these methods are good purely for adding calories without nutritional benefits, but one involves less work and is probably cheaper. So is there any good reason to do GOMAD instead of using a mass gainer? Serious question.

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Milk has IGF-1 in it which increases growth hormone in the body


More growth hormone = more gains

Milk is cheap and natural, gainers are literally flour + sugar and some protein powder. Not to mention that they advise to use 250g of powder per one shake. That's like drinking fucking cement. Milk also has great macro distribution.

GOMAD is for people like construction workers where they can't eat meals as frequent as they would like but they can sip on milk and get calories in ez.

do babies drink weight gainers or milk? do baby animals drink weight gainers or milk?

It will not make any difference. It's not like you'll start gaining more lean mass by drinking lits of muscle than if you were eating like a normal human.

Post body

Not an argument.

Attached: mybod16.jpg (480x640, 35K)

GOMAD is for fuckin brainlets.

BOFAD (bottle of Fairlife a day) is much more manageable, with much better macros and will not fuck your digestive system to shit.

>Drinks weight gainers instead of milk
>Develops obesity
Yup. This is exactly why people ask for your body when you say some retarded shit

So it's for shitskins who can't digest lactose?

No you dumb bitch

i used to do gomad a few years ago. just drink your milk over the day i found that worked for me

Would the body respond better to the IGF-1 if you inject the milk instead of drinking it

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bullshit buy local fagot. its $95 or less if you wait for christmas and new years sales

Jesus fucking Christ that pepe

thanks user now im going to have nightmares

>rack pulls
>for grip strength
I'm assuming you mean above the knee. You'd be better off just doing heavy shrugs. Better trap gains, better forearm/grip gains since the bar is in motion, and you're not going to look like a total jackass

>Hasn't seen that picture posted before
>Isn't wise enough to come to the conclusion that it's a bait photo
*crack* *sip* yep, I remember when I was gullible and naive

Farmer's walk is better for grip strength.

That's also a fair claim
Really, anything that involves a moving load is better for grip strength than a rack pull

Rack pull where you hold it at the top will isolate your grip as good as any of those exercises and have direct carryover to barbell exercises because you're using a barbell

IGF1 and other peptides like growth hormone are 0% bioavailable orally, the only igf1 promoting component of milk is its high quality protein, and its sugar.

>wants to get huge
>posts a program that has even less volume than Rippetoe’s program for people that don’t want to work hard that also don’t care about improving their appearances

He’s retarded or trolling, please don’t feed him information either way.