Squats are not a natural exercise. Exercise should be grounded in nature

Squats are not a natural exercise. Exercise should be grounded in nature.

Take the amount you squat. Lets say 100kg. How the fuck did that weight get on your shoulders? There are no squat racks in nature. Also, why the fuck are you squatting up and down with that weight? It makes no fucking sense at all.

Half these fucking exercises people do are fucking stupid. Ancient greeks looked better than 99% of people today and they didn't use squat racks.

Problems with squats:
>fucks up your posture, not sure why
>there is no way to tell whether you have gone too deep and your lumbar spine has started to flatten out
>single leg exercises prevent lumbar spine flattening
>overdevelops your adductors
>puts too much stress on your fucking spine for no reason
>prowler and lunges and hill sprints and so on provide better stimulus of legs without load on spine and more carry-over to real-life
>you need a degree to carry out a proper squat. Do you brace properly? Have you put your weight in the middle of your feet? Are you bending forward too much? Etc etc etc.
>So many things to look out for, you might start to think it is just a fucking stupid exercise

Squats are fucking stupid. You all just do squats because you were told to do squats. The fitness industry is just the blind leading the blind.

Attached: squat.jpg (760x500, 89K)

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t. never had to carry something heavy in his life

t. compounds are hard

>Ancient greeks looked better than 99% of people today

lmao you know statues aren't real, right?

Chill bro, nobody with some sense really squats over 2 plates

What are some caveman-approved exercises

Squatting along with deadlifting is literally one of the most natural human movements.

You got a point, you wanna be squatting with atlas stones for optimal natty gains

Yeah they just guessed how jacked humans would look you stupid fuck.

Rock lifting from the ground and putting it back.

Squatting improves posture, it's a completely natural movement so you don't even have to worry about going to depth if you have proper mobility and don't just sit all day, overdevelopment of a muscle is a meme why the fuck would you not want a muscle to be bigger and stronger, spinal stress is mitigated by bracing peroperly and using correct form, nothing provides better stimulus of the posterior chain that squats,squatting properly just takes time and practice.
Go ahead and don't do squats for personal reasons if you don't want to, don't make up excuses as to why though, just say you don't want to.

t. thinks he can put 100kg on his shoulders from the floor.

I wonder if wome who squat have easier time in childbirth. Like they can push and it comes flying out like a hail mary pass. Or maybe they have to be careful, tense at the wrong time and theyll pop the fuckers head like a grape.

The old "babies squat with no weight so adult humans squatting with 100kg placed across their shoulders is natural" argument.

Holy shit, are you one of those retards that actually think the ancient Greeks looked like the Hercules statue back then

100kg isn't even a lot of weight you dumb DYEL. Look at every slav ever to exist.

Naturalistic fallacy. Just because something is "natural" doesn't mean it is good, and unnatural doesn't mean bad.

No like, for most statues they used multiple subjects and mix and matched body parts to make the statue look the way they do.

l2clean and pushpress

Everybody who wants to be stronger, not get injured playing sports and stay injury free into old age should squat. It along with push press and deadlifts require more body awareness and use more muscles, and develop and test more overall body strength than any other exercises.

>Squatting improves posture
Only if somehow your quads or spinal erectors are weak. Supposedly the most common postural issue is anterior pelvic tilt, where the quads and spinal erectors are too strong.

In fact, powerlifters are known for having terrible posture. That is where the idea of bracing came from.

So no, squats do not improve your posture.

>it's a completely natural movement so you don't even have to worry about going to depth if you have proper mobility

This is also incorrect. There are multiple causes of buttwink. One of the main causes is structural issues of the hips. Most people cannot squat below a certain depth without flexion of the lumbar spine. The problem is, there is no way to know what this depth is unless you are filming yourself. That is why half the people you see squatting will have buttwink.


>why the fuck would you not want a muscle to be bigger and stronger
Why the fuck would you want to do something that makes no sense and isn't possible in nature.

>spinal stress is mitigated by bracing
Do you even know how to brace properly? That in itself is a science:

>nothing provides better stimulus of the posterior chain that squats
A bunch of different exercises provide better stimulus of each muscle.

>don't make up excuses
Don't make up invalid reasons to squat just because you were told to squat.

That is strange, why are 90% of powerlifters and almost every youtube fitness expert injured pretty much all the time? You should work your legs and back somehow that is for sure, but there are better ways than squatting.


Glutes for the sloots mofugga

There's a difference between chasing PRs and big numbers and working to stay strong and healthy. If you want to be a weak, contrarian troll, that's fine, but you keep using a false dichotomy to make your argument.

>better stimulus of legs without load on spine

Why do I not want to strengthen the muscles of the spine? Is there some reason I would want a weak spine?

The spine isn't a muscle.

>OP doesn't know why toilet seats are unnatural and bad for your mobility/posture not to mention leading reason for hemorrhoids

Let's go through why you're retarded

>false dichotomy
>it's easy as fuck to say to someone who's knowledgeable "hey can you watch me squat and tell me if you see something wrong"
>naturalistic fallacy (something you just argued against lolololoo)
>not an argument
>yeah instead of doing one efficient exercise that will teach your whole body to work together, do 6 separate ones that all together take twice as long!
>don't be a contrarian faggot, faggot

Yes, but the spine does get repeated micro fractures in the small struts that make up its structure. When paired with good recovery these cause your vertebrae to be stronger after squatting than before.

>contrarian troll
This is the sign of a closed mind. Labeling people who question the all mighty squats. That is why you all squat. It is a religion.

1960s humans were so fucking jacked bro

Attached: hulk-statues.jpg (640x457, 42K)

The squat will not result in apt because the glutes will be strengthened at a proportional enough rate to keep in like with the quads and erectors. APT is more so caused by tight hips and weak glutes than the quads and erectors being strong anyway.
Bracing did not come from posture. Bracing is a totally different mechanic that serves to help keep everything stiff and in place along your spine.
Buttwink is not an issue of hitting depth, rather it is an issue of mobility which I already addressed earlier.
Sure it's possible in nature. If your friend breaks his leg how are you getting him back to safety? You don't think humans would abandon each other like that, do you?
Bracing properly isn't a science. There are two main ways to brace. Breathing into the diaphragm and pushing out to build intraabdominal pressure, and the other is to let all the air in you out and bringing your ribs down before breathing into your diaphragm.
A bunch of different exercises do not produce the same stimulus. Nothing trains everything better than a squat. It works the core, posterior chain, quads, erectors, uses the shoulders, biceps, lats, rear delts, traps as stabilizers, trains explosiveness, trains control, helps strengthen your joints and ligaments, and can serve as rehabilitation.
Please stop talking.

When should I stop adding weight to the squat? Is 5x5 at 1xBW acceptable?

Every athlete outside of climbers and one other I can't think of right now can benefit from doing some kind of squat. That's why people squat, because they're beneficial to almost everybody in every walk of life.

grug carry gf rock back to cave. gf rock is same weight as gf in grug's dreams. maybe if carry enough, will happen outside of dream. grug feel so lonely.

Attached: Neanderfeelensis.jpg (1200x1558, 112K)

stay weak DYEL

>>it's easy as fuck to say to someone who's knowledgeable "hey can you watch me squat and tell me if you see something wrong"
Your body is not fixed in time. You will have to get them to watch weekly just in case your posture or muscular balance or whatever else changes. This seems like a good sign that the exercise is shit to me. Single leg exercises require no monitoring. It is impossible to flex the spine with a counterbalance of the other leg.

>naturalistic fallacy
An intelligent training regime should be bound by nature. The alternative is to assume that science knows everything and is a better guide. The opposite is true. My argument is not a naturalistic fallacy because it does not claim that all exercises that are possible naturally are good for you. It merely sets a bounds for what should be done. A guide.

>yeah instead of doing one efficient exercise that will teach your whole body to work together
No, I do not suggest isolation exercises. I suggest multiple compound exercises. Squats are not good at building the glutes, they are not good at building the hamstrings, they are not even good at building the quads compared to a bunch of other exercises.

The only thing squats teach you is how to go from a spine in extension to a spine in flexion. You can't do squats in real life without the aid of modern equipment. What the fuck are you training for? To become a crossfit gym competitor?

>don't be a contrarian faggot, faggot
You don't have any valid arguments so call everyone who questions dumb exercises as contrarian.

>the muscles of the spine

Also, bones respond to training, so I used spine in the second instance to refer to both. Is this clear enough now or do I need to dumb it down a bit more?

Sure lad, it's acceptable. Mediocrity is all you should desire.

>The squat will not result in apt because the glutes will be strengthened at a proportional enough rate to keep in like with the quads and erectors. APT is more so caused by tight hips and weak glutes than the quads and erectors being strong anyway.

This is garbage. Squats are a shitty glute exercise. They work the rectus femoris (a hip flexor) and spinal erectors (anterior hip angle as well) more than they work the glutes (emg studies show this easily).

If you feel like its heavy enough for you then why would you increase the weight more ?

Try to find a reason/purpose for what you are doing.

Do you need to lift a car ? No ? Then dont try to lift 500 kilos.

Look at professional athletes like Judokas or Athletics competitors, they train in the gym for some purpose like throwing a spear with more force.

If your purpose is muscle mass and looks then you dont need low rep sets anyway.

EMG studies aren't worth the paper they're written on. Sports science is as bad as psychology for poor studies which conclude more than they found and never get challenged.

Most people who squat look like shit.
Look at jason blaha and alan thrall, both of them are obsessed with squats and have been lifting for many years
It's a pretty good indication when it comes to health and fitness. The body evolved to function in a certain way based on nature.

Nature in the modern society is deemed ugly by majority concensus.

hot girls that squat is hot

>he's so autistic he puts weight on both ends of the bar

I'd like to try macebells for the reasons you stated, even though your post was shitty bait

Normie gyms aren't going to have macebells tho.

Attached: macebell.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

>majority consensus
you mean whatever people have been brainwashed by jews to believe

All these claims that "all athletes squat" are bullshit. I follow a bunch of UFC fighters, and I can barely find any that squat.

Here is Khabib squatting:

looks like he has never squatted before and also despite being an athlete still needs all these ques like "knees out" because back squatting is not natural.

Yup, most powerlifters who focus on back squats, particularly low bar back squats, look like shit. Apart from having a large anterior pelvic tilt, their knees look like carrots due to the overdeveloped adductors.

>ignores half of my post that btfo's him
>only picks out what he can argue against because

Okay I'll bite.

>single leg exercises are inefficient and don't create the same opportunity to have your body work together. They're a great assistance exercise for squatting. They are not a substitute. Every major compound that you do should be recorded or watched frequently because there's always something that you can fix to make it more efficient, less likely to injure you, or stronger, and by your logic that makes every major compound shit.

To quote you
>Why the fuck would you want to do something that makes no sense and isn't possible in nature.
Is a naturalistic fallacy. Ignoring something doesn't make it go away.
>just because one exercise trains a vast majority of your muscles and not one group in particular means you shouldn't do it? That's why in any well written programming there's knee extensions and hip hinges. Ignoring what doesn't support your narrative seems to be your expertise. You can perform goblen squats or clean a barbell to a front squat without a squat rack. Also see , almost every athlete squats, and you should too.
>if I don't have a valid argument why did you ignore half of it? Is it because you don't have an argument against any?

I also didn't say "all athletes" I said "every athlete outside of climbers and one I can't think of" clearly fighters, particularly boxers won't be squatting much if at all, so thanks for helping me out.

Found OP

Attached: Fit+squat+bodyweight+day+1+bottom+left+is+funniest_ba27d0_5405121 (1).png (1677x2550, 741K)

Most famous lifters have relatively low numbers for their squat. Arnold's squat PR was only 545 compared to 520 bench and 710 deadlift. Squatting is important but it has always been heavily overrated and memed on the internet.

Most people who have stupid high deadlifts compared to their squats and pull conventional have shit deadlift form. Arnold was no exception. Look at modern powerlifters that pull conventional, all of them with good form have squats that are close to their deadlifts.

Get a sledgehammer mate. I put weights on one end of a dumbell fore wrist/forearm stuff.

Found a dyel

Medicine ball push press and medicine ball throws. Combine it in one movement if you feel like it.

>>single leg exercises are inefficient and don't create the same opportunity to have your body work together.
They create exactly the same opportunity for your body to work together. I don't know what you mean by inefficient? As in you can't lift as heavy a weight? No you can't, but who cares. Only retards want legs so big they can't walk properly. My legs can get that big just with lunges.

>Is a naturalistic fallacy.
OK buddy, well you do things that wouldn't be possible in nature and hope that they work out for you. I will stick to nature because I am not a dumb fuck onions munching faggot that eats protein powder and thinks it is "just protein in powder form".

>You can perform goblen squats or clean a barbell to a front squat without a squat rack.
I have no problem with these exercises. I am referring to back squatting with weight that is impossible to lift up to your shoulders so magically just gets there. But you ignore nature so may as well go work on the elliptical or some bullshit and rely on shitty science that knows nothing about the human body to map out your training program.

D y e l

I'm sorry that you have a case of the DYEL mindset. Maybe you should stop sleeping in a bed, forsake modern medicine,.stop going to the gym, and run down your food until it's too exhausted to be able to fight back or run away if you care about only doing what is naturally intended so much.

>There are no squat racks in nature
so what you fucking idiot. So you sound as dumb as this retard in my gym who's reason for not warming up but throws 5 plates on the deadlift for his first set is that "If he's driving down a dirt road one day and there's a massive rock in the road that he needs to pick up he's not going to be able to warm up with smaller rocks first"

Rotfl wtf i dont even

>Exercise should be grounded in nature.
>Squatting is the resting position for humans for the last 200 000 years
>Still not "natural" even though lifting weights aren't natural but ok
>What are "natural" exercises then?
>Lunges.... LOL

Nice filename. Go back.

>you need a degree to carry out a proper squat
powerlifting is literally a sport for retards. you don't need to be smart to be good at squatting.

I just remembered the incident and googled it that was the first result because I don't have it saved in my phone you shit head.

A markdown spacing phoneposter too, you really do have no shame.

But OP, it's natural for a human to want to show off by lifting another human. It is a natural show of strength, of kinesthetic capacity. What is bridal carry? What is pregnancy? Do you think Putin gets to have good photo shoots by skipping leg day? What a trivial concern. OP was a funny npc on this day.

that's why I do front squats

I've been a markdown spacer for 12 years. Fite me irl fagit

i know right! when would a squat ever be used in nature???

Attached: Wasps-Quins-Scrum.jpg (600x399, 100K)

thats not nature dipshit

Exactly, which is why this "appeal to nature" is stupid.

I have never killed a deer and carried it on my back to my tribe

yea i haven't. that's not nature anymore idiot

Wiping your ass isn't "nature". Sleeping under a duvet isn't "nature". Driving a car isn't "nature". Using your computer isn't "nature"

yeah exactly

That is a prowler exercise, horizontal force application, no direct spinal load.

Shocking thought: do less weight and more reps.

Oh look at that no back straining

>no direct spinal load
Obviously never played rugby.
t. Lock (my position in rugby)

What if your ancestors were fighting an enemy and one of your bigger 70-100 kg friends get damaged and you have carry with him ?

Guess how I know you are dyle?


Oh look what he did. He didn't squat. He lunged. You stupid fucks. By the way, to all you DYEL faggots. My legs are fine thanks. I am the FUCKING KING OF MY GYM BITCHES. You know why? Because I went my own way. I did my own thing and stopped following everyone like a mindless zombie.

That mimicks a prowler, not a squat. Go look it up or some shit. You are all wrong, all your arguments are dumb.

Low effort pasta brah!

You go to a shit gym then.

If you want to 'be natural' just do front squats.

Lunge as per deer video below. Lunge is the natural way to get something up from the ground as pointed out in my original post due to its natural biomechanics.

I'm not saying it's a squat but saying there is no spinal loading in a fucking scrum in rugby is insanely ignorant.

I am the king of your gym too. I am the leading fitness expert in the world at this stage. I have developed more knowledge of strength and conditioning training than anyone on this planet.

Sitting in front of a computer all day also isn't natural. Strange solutions for strange problems. Granted, I think the squat is very functional, but the whole idea of needing time in the gym to stay fit is a very modern issue.

>he will never fireman carry an overweight loved one out of a burning building
just kill yourself already man

APT is the result of abdominals, hamstrings and glutes being too weak, not quads and spinal erectors being too strong you dumb nigger

No dipshit. For starters, you know absolutely nothing. Secondly, I was not creating a thorough list of muscles involved in APT, I was just mentioning muscles related to the lift I was talking about.

Thirdly, APT can be caused by various muscles and issues that you don't know about because you are ten thousand levels below me in knowledge. It can be related to a flat thoracic spine, tight lats (they attach to the pelvis), weak glutes, tight hip flexors (which includes one of the quad muscles you dumb fuck), tight spinal erectors, and so on.

>inb4 what is steinborn squat or clean
>ancient greeks(nowadays turks) didnt do squat.
t. Retard
Also check Milo Of Craton and how it is described that he builded his strength.

It's Croton, Milo of Croton

OP is a troll, no body pics with timestamp posted. He is scrawny as fuck telling others not to squat. Probably a large-nosed fella.

Attached: Fridge Carry.webm (480x480, 1.85M)

What is more natural than carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? A man should know this burden.

Attached: file.png (863x1390, 2.06M)

The strongest guy in my gym benches more than you deadlift.

That is a good-morning/squat. All back strength and not a heavy object as he can ride with it. His back was also bent and would snap in half it was of any decent weight.


Nowhere does it say how he lifted the bull onto his shoulders. Also my whole point is whether YOU can lift your squat weight onto your shoulders.