>be me >busted my ass to become fit >im probably the most chad looking guy at my school >other dudes are chinlets, autistic, fat, scrawny, SPERGS! >girls never approach me or show interest in me >be at campus >notice groups of girls are enthusiastically talking to some of the sperg dudes >sperg:"oh man, i was hoping the vending maching had pretzel m&ms" >chick: "i know right hahaha!"
What the hell is going on here? Im confused as fuck.
you're not talking to girls girls dont come to you, you go to the girls
Ethan Rivera
Are you me?
Can't tell you how often I notice this. I must be autistic or some shit because I can't get any girl to show any interest in me ever.
James Taylor
>chad >expects girls to approach him pick one
Daniel Sanders
Elliot lives
Owen Sanders
here's your problem OP
sadly, the die has been cast when you born. you can't change it.
actually you both can go fuck each other. Problem solved.
Samuel White
What is this user talking about?
Ryder Ortiz
Those are "safe" guys they can be friends with while pretending to be completely oblivious to the fact that the guy wants more.
Ayden Garcia
>sadly, the die has been cast when you born. you can't change it. what a retarded statement. take a charismatic chad, go back in time, and isolate him from society by locking him in a basement with food and water. do you think he would still be charismatic now? no, because charisma is something you learn by lots of exposure to social situations. sure, genetics might influence the learning curve, but if you don't try to climb the curve in the first place then don't blame genetics for your lack of charisma.