20,000 Calorie Strongman Diet

Could /fit handle the 20,000 calorie strongman diet? Is it feasible to actually eat this much?


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I can easily eat 20k a day. I don't get satiated

>I could eat this by myself easy
He's obese so I believe him. Dunno why he says it like we can't tell just my seeing his marshmallow body.

>Could /fit handle the 20,000 calorie strongman diet?
>Is it feasible to actually eat this much?


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He’s gonna age rapidly and die prematurely

That looks so unhealthy. Works for strongmen apparently though.

I think the most I ate in a single day was 5,000 calories, and I vomited my last meal almost completely. I even remember it, because it was only time I ate so much that I vomited. It was 500ml of ice cream + some cookies + two 500ml milkshakes.

Nope. I did a few months of 7k-12k a day and it physically hurt. Couldn't do it clean I had to chug chocolate milk and eat reese's like crazy.

this, I think the guy´s lying about how much he´s eating. I saw this documentary recently about recruits in the royal marines and how they need to eat 5,000 calories a day during training. This guy is claiming to eat four times that amount when all he´s doing is lifting in the gym for maybe a couple of hours a day. It´s probably just a clickbait title.

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The human body was not meant to ingest and process so many calories on a daily basis. He's going to die young.

Imagine the smell

i can only imagine the smelle

You can eat that much and your body can do things with it if you are on a shit load of steroids. It's obviously terrible for you

unless i'm drinking straight olive oil then no.

>royal marines
So fucking gay

What's wrong with royal marines? Aside from fighting for israel of course.

That time when they put sleeping bags over their arms and beat each other while naked and surrounded by other naked, chanting men was pretty gay. I think the referee was the only one wearing clothes and it was a slutty nurse halloween costume

Brian shaw eats an easy 10-12k a day. 5k isn't even that absurdly high, I'm getting in around 4.5k on training days right now at 6'5"

You should see what Terry Hollands does to keep lean and competitive at the same time. Dude is GOAT

Does he do any leg exercises? Serious case of chicken legs in comparison to his upper body.

found the dyel's

found the american

>All those carbs.

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Found the poser who's never honestly tried to eat more than 10k calories consistently. I'm 6'4" and I had to eat constantly. I was doing manual labor with a bag of bagels stuffed in my coat for when I wasnt near my lunch pale.

Post body.

I'll just say I'm 183cm and 71kg. Fuck that Jow Forums attentionfaggotry through selfies.

>I'll just list my height/weight
It'll limit the amount of bullying you'll receive, but that's because it tells us almost nothing about you. Carbs are are pretty much necessary for serious lifters or dudes with physiques worthy of a 'mire

tl;dr on what is he eating? I gave up on that shitty video


Thank you Mr. Skeletor.

Makes me think why morbidly obese people don't do work out so they can eat all that and still have a normal life