I know about the Chad tinder experiments

I know about the Chad tinder experiments.

But have the faggots at r9k done the following experiment:

>make two tinder accounts, one with an average fitizen before and after two years of gym
>see if there's any diference between the success rate

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Other urls found in this thread:


>make two tinder accounts, one with an average fitizen before and after two years of gym
>>see if there's any diference between the success rate
dont think they have sounds like a good idea though. got anyone we can use for this experiment?

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maybe someone from the progress threads.

but we need an average guy.


The problem with that is that your success on tinder depends more on the quality of your pictures than you as a person.

An average dude with high quality, interesting pictures will get more matches than a handsome dude with a blurry bathroom selfie.

yeah, but we're comparing the same person.

My point is the only way for you take make this experiment accurate is if you get good quality pictures of the same person both before and after they got fit.

If you take the same dude wheb unfit, but in his pictures hed surrounded by friends and having fun, but then when hes fit he only has shirtless selfies, hell get more matches in the first scenario.

The Chad tinder experiments are a farce anyway. They're only good for padding incels feelings.
Meanwhile if you created the same profile but as a girl instead of Chad you'd have hundreds upon hundreds of thirsty guys lining up for you. And you wouldn't even need to be hot like Chad.

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we can use this.

These are mostly bathroom selfies, that's the issue. Of course, if you find some that arent, they can definitely be used.
Even better is if someone used pictures if themselves before and after getting fit. I'd do it but I have 0 pictures lel

What matters in tinder is the quality of your photos phaggots. Hire a friend or a pro.

90% of dudes have a shitty presentation

T. Top dudes in my area

You're missing the point. Everyone knows even a below average women has tons more sexual value than Chad. But men do not compete with women, men compete with other men.

W-w-why don't a bunch of us get together and take pics, focusing on one of us at a time. Make it look like we're all at a party. Then do a hiking pic. Then go walk a couple of dogs at the pound and take pics with them. It'll look like we're super active. And everyone gets pics.

Hrm. I should sell this as a service to lonely incels.

I get the urge to comment on these peoples posts telling them they still look bad. Why am I like this?

I wish tinder worked in my country

Or any advice from this site desu

Tinder only gives me bots here and the advice for relationships you guys give is good but cannot encompass the cultural background of a different country

It really sucks

You don't need to do this shit, its clear as fuck what women want, why do you make these cope threads??


Is LITERALLY it. Being fit or not is the difference between having fudge or sprinkles added to your ice cream, IT DOESN'T MAKE OR BREAK IT


That's actually a really good idea
Round a bunch of us up and go on a week long trip doing fun shit and taking pictures

>Says face height frame is literally it
>Says to go make money

I mean it's not wrong but

I wouldn't mind it just so I can feel like I have friends for once.

money is how beta providers can get a hot girl

girls aren't sexually attracted to money, but its a loophole we have used evolutionary for millions of years


user, we're here for you. but you need to work on your social gains IRL/boosting your charisma stat

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You're missing the point. Real men compete with themselves. Being the best version of yourself is its own reward.



I'm talking about competing for women on tinder.