Can anyone conclusively prove that Scooby is not natty?

Can anyone conclusively prove that Scooby is not natty?

I know he's admitted to being on TRT which to me seems like the usual roiders denial. But I've never taken roids myself. Looking at his progress over time, does his body composition look like that of a juicer?

Attached: Physique-Progress.jpg (1200x1321, 381K)

TRT isn't natty either

2001 best don't @ me

He never admitted being on TRT

He was actually fairly handsome too until he went bald.

Balding really does = death

Of course no-one can prove it, but being his age and being THAT shredded year-round (2015 pic) doesn't look natty to me

I think it's more his creepy smile and 1000 yard stare

He doesn't care a RATS PATOOTIE what you think

1991 tbqh

Attached: 1488614515591.jpg (800x1376, 434K)