What are your experiences with SARMs? I'm planning to givr LGF s try and looking for some opinions...

What are your experiences with SARMs? I'm planning to givr LGF s try and looking for some opinions. Did you notice any sides?How were the results?

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They're garbage and a waste of money.

SARMS are gay and poison
PITUITARY SECRETAGOGUES are expensive and half-natty
STEROIDS are based and redpilled

>"STEROIDS are based and redpilled"
>coping this hard

here are sarm redpills

>they are hard to source from a reputable vendor that offer 3rd party COA
>they are actually effective, obviously not as much as steroids
>10lbs of lean mass in 14 weeks max
>there are barely any side effects
>they cost about the same as a steroid cycle, despite what roidcels on here want you to think

most people on here are against them because theyre not as effective as steroids, which is trur. those people however dont mind being infertile and generally lack regard for their own longevity, or have body dysmorphia

overall, sarms arent really that great. id rather deal with AAS cycle sides and 5x the gains

thanks for the input. i can get it dirt cheap though and im mostly looking for no side-effect anabolics since im really prone to bad sides having experimented wirth prohormones before.

From experience

>Legit GW is almost as effective as Var at a fraction of the price.

> i can get it dirt cheap though

thats not really a good sign. unless they can provide you with 3rd party HPLC testing, its either fake or underdosed. if ur gonna do an oral only cycle cos ur a needle pussy, var is your best option but there are many reasons oral only cycles suck

Yeah I was selling legit SARMs for a long time with 3rd party COA. Lol, some researchers surveying the grey market even tested our stuff and found it was legit and published it.

FDA sadly caught on and "put a voluntary hold" on our inventory. So we stopped.

Best sarm for cutting? Would a first test cycle be affected if I did an 8 week ostarine cycle to get down to 10% bodyfat before the test cycle (you make the best gains in first cycle)?

Does cardarine fucking cause cancer or not? Thanks.

would't really bother with osta if youre about to hop on test. save yourself some money

Price isn’t a concern, just if doing an osta cycle prior to the test would somehow yield less gains from the test cycle and if ostarine would even significantly speed up a cut when coupled with a calorie deficit. If it allows me to cut 3lbs weekly, then I’ll do it. Only have 20-30 to drop anyhow

LGD and RAD are good with test. Waste of money without. Osta is a waste of money.
MK-677 isn't a SARM but is good all the time.

also more cost-effective than just hgh

>>they cost about the same as a steroid cycle,
This is the only part is don't agree with. Every time I looked into roid cycles the cost was way more than sarms. An 8 week cycle of sarms I can get for $120-200 depending on what it is, and any roid that is worth while costs almost double for the same length

A basic test cycle plus ancillaries will be much cheaper and give vastly better results than that. And don't think you don't need ancillaries with SARMs.

Did them twice. First time I didn't notice anything as they were pill form and honestly think they were just fake. Bought liquid LGD and Mk677 from a different site I am on right now.. Holy shit. Can't believe how good it is. Gone from 74kg to 77kg three weeks in. Feel great in the gym too like really wanting to push myself hard.. My diet hasn't been great but I'm still gaining my muscle.

I suppose bot test and some sarms need a pct but my understanding is that the pct length for test is much longer since it is harder for your body to restart its production after a cycle. This adds to the cost and is pretty undesirable

so just cruise bb

Was on Sarms and stacked for a couple months. Mk-677 had the most effect but you could just work harder.
Ostraine is heart-burn and fatigue in a pill.
The rest recomp stack had no effect.
You will waste time & money

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Not an option. I would like to travel without getting stopped for transporting test, I don't want to have to shoulder that cost for the rest of my life, and I don't want to suffer the ill effects of test from prolonged usage.
There's really a laundry list of reasons not to bother with it, and a very short list of why anyone would want to.

So come off if you want to go on vacation?

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so SARMs aren't steroids? I always thought they were

>Hormones immediately crash into the dirt while vacationing
>Have wild mood swings that cause me to rage out or start crying uncontrollably
>never leave bed while my avoids me
>wife comes back to find me soaking in a pool of my own tears and milk from my now lactating tittes
>she tries to have sex but my dick won't get up due to fucked HPTA
>she fucks guy at the bar
>we return home and she files for divorce and I have to move out
>can't get my test stash back from her
>crash on my brothers couch and tittyfuck myself in the bathroom using my tears as lube
>Test-e not even once

>what is PCT and HCG

MK-677 is legit stuff. But it's also not actually a SARM and probably won't do much for gains on its own.

Why put a chemical with barley any human research in your body when there are roids? Once your off SARMS you lose much more gains than you would if you pinned Test for 12 weeks.

Went from 500 to 545 deadlift on a 6 week cycle of lgd4033 and mk667

literally finished a cycle of this yesterday. posting with a month of armistane.

it was fucking GREAT! remember, this is the only sarm you need to pct, but make sure you do it

i did rad 140, put 50lb on my bench and 100lb on both squat and deadlift but lost it after. was also super lethargic after week 3 but somehow still motivated in the gym

Sarms are steroids except not as effective, have hte same side effects, and are worse for your health.

If you are going to go to the point of taking sarms, you may as well be taking actual testosterone injections (which are cheaper and don't destroy your liver).

Sad. Far reduced side effects- that's the whole point of them being selective- far lower affinity for receptors outside muscle.

A test cycle is dirt fucking cheap. I can get legit test for $20 a vial. It’s the cheapest and most effective steroid out there.

sauce on $20 test


Just finished a cycle of mk-2866. The shit works, just got alot tighter and vascular. Not really much muscle gain desu. And it does make you stronger around the 4-5 week mark. You'll feel a difference but nothing amazing

>have hte same side effects, and are worse for your health.
Completely not true. Guys who have used both note the lack of side effects with sarms over roids.

do you really need PCT after LGD4033? all the sources ive read say you do not. im plannng to run it for 8 weeks 10mg/ed

Ive tried MK677. I got stronger and leaner in 3 months and easily pushed through a lot of plateaus.
I'm interested in trying cjc 1295 or PEG MGF next, anyone done these?

Anabolic steroids are essentially modified testosterone -byproducts and refined metabolites so to speak and all anabolic steroids will shut down your own production of testosterone (thus shrinking your balls literally)

SARMS are even more refined version of these and the idea behind them is to only isolate the anabolic effects, without affecting your natural production of test: thus when they get SARMS to work properly: they will replace testosterone based anabolic steroids because who the fuck wants to destroy their own production

nah i didnt PCT. LGD gave me a nice test boost at the start then it crashed abit then normalized week or 2 later. Shit works. Got some new PB and filled out abit more

Any head sides - mood swings etc?

It doesn't work, if you want something better just run low dose test.

souds good. did you experience any sides? im really prone to debilitating pumps in my lower back and calves, i literally couldnt walk to work when i was trying out prohormones.

Or maybe you got some bunk shit, sweaty

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test by itself isn't that great for anabolic results, its still lot better than training natty but if you add some other anabolic you'll start to see the results

theyre fucking shit stop asking

Tell me, why did you choose SARMS over test? To stay "natty"? "Healthier?"

Yes it is.... You must be pinning some bunk test then.

curiosity. there seems to be a lot of potential for SARMS, im interested in trying it out first-hand. plus im getting ligandrol really cheap from a friend

Sarms are made more for therapeutic/medicininal pourposes, not for making muscle mass. Sarms was mostly used for treating muscle loss and osteoporosis for sick patients and elderly, it's just not designed for mass building. Besides there aren't many great stories that came from SARMS alone, most good stories comes from people who used it WITH gear. Why spend 50~120 sheckles on these things instead of low dose gear that has actual proven results and are designed for athletes and anyone who want pure mass.