
Fellow fitizens who have done jelqing. What were your results? Looking for a modest 1in increase and waiting to hear some insight from you. If jelqing is a bad idea, share your opinions either way. If you can make yor body bigger, why not try your dick?

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If it worked, everyone would do it.

Exercise and calorie restriction work but there are still fat people

Based and fatpilled

It works i think it’s all over the internet if you look it up, people do get their dicks bigger. It’s just it takes time and consistent work of streching your dick for half an hour everyday for 1 year and who the fuck has time for that. I was gonna try it but then i realized I’m happy with my dick anyways

Seems like a diceroll with too much on the line
>if it works, you get moderately bigger dick but still insecure, wish it was slightly bigger
>if it works and fucks it up, you get a moderately bigger nonfunctioning dick which will make your life far more of a miserable hell, especially when you realize you cannot possibly undo it
>if it doesn't work you just wasted a cumulative 183 hours touching your dick and have to live the rest of your life knowing you fell for stupid gimmicky dick lenghthening broscience
>if it doesn't work AND breaks your dick, then you just basically ruined your entire life for absolutely nothing and have to live with the knowledge that it was entirely your fault, avoidable and now impossible to undo.

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This is a bad argument for anything. You should feel bad.

Pascal's Jelq


never seen a progress pic relating to dick growth. I'm sure we'd see a lot more of them if it was real
CDT when??
[spoiler] n-no homo [/spoiler]


OP here. She is woman. Not that popular but a very distinctive one here in Brazil, because of her heterochromia. Miss me with that gay shit.

Fuck off

I don't know user

There are a few, but mostly I think it's cause
1. Who the fuck wants to post their dick online
2. Of that small subsection how many take pics when they start? Most people don't except this to really work.

I don't do jelqing since I'm scared it might fuck with my dick longterm. I've done some milder shit for 1 month now and I'm up ~1cm in both girth and length and my erection quality is insane. I've also somehow gone from a grower to a shower. Flacid length is up considerably.

so thats why i have the same shirt as her



Look there's two things ITT that are not hetero, "her" eyes are the same color and you're a faggot.

I once posted that evil and test grew my dick 3 inches and was banned. There’s a mod around here who has a small dick lol

one is green, one is brown

your ability to distinguish between colors is poor, make sure not to reproduce

I did a bit of gentle jelqing over a year and gained a bit of length
Could just have been my dick growing naturally though

stay clear of dick pumps though since that shit WILL fuck your erection up for largely temporary gain


What did you do?

different lighting makes eye color look different.

Post another pic of "her" that better displays this "heterochromia"

If this doesn’t make you believe just commit neck rope. Why is it so hard to believe a woman has heterochromia?

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Peak genetics, BTW

see the shadow on the left side of her face? that shows how the light is striking her face. Now notice that her right eye (on our left) is "behind" her left eye, i.e. not protruding out as much. Now notice that her right eye is above her left, further recessing it into the shadow made by the brow. And finally, you can tell just by looking at the shadow on her irises. Notice how significantly darker and lower the penumbra is on her right eye than the left?

All of this contribute to making it appear that one eye is colored more lightly than the other, but it's not. Just a malformed lumpy skull, "hazel" eyes, and shitty harsh lighting makes it appear so. Now please stop this shit, thotspamming retard

Srsly wouldn't care if she's a dude, would still fug

tell us your routine you ass

He probably just did kegels. They strengthen the muscle that is used to pump blood to your dick improving erectile quality. That same muscle is used when you take a piss and stop mid-stream.
>squeeze and hold for 3-10 seconds
>repeat for 40-70 reps daily
You can also do it while you have a boner to see and feel the extra blood pump through your weiner. It'll be bigger and harder and I suppose doing it on a regular basis would improve size slightly over a long period of time as your dick is a sponge and could stretch if pumped all the time.

What I did was, while erect, push down lightly on the corpus cavernosum at the base, just enough to depress it, then drag that all the way to the glans, which makes blood fill the glans up faster than normal. This pulls blood faster from the body and triggers blood vessel growth without the stress of jelqing, since the glans are "spongy" and can handle the larger influx, as opposed to jelqing where you overload all of the tissues which might not take as kindly to the constant stretching.
I do 2-3 sets of 60 swipes usually, the most often I do it is one day on one day off because if I do it any more often I get a touch of something similar to soreness, almost like muscle doms but much much milder.
As you are doing it you should feel intense heat traveling up the corpus cavernosum. If you are incapable of getting/staying fully erect by doing this you likely have a very tight pelvic floor and should try to do something to resolve that.


This is Angion method (2.0, hopefully).

Is that the underneath or two spongy tubes running along the top? Different diagrams have different results

Sauce or @ please

the underneath

similar to it but not quite

Why would she be a dude?

H-have trannies gotten that good at deception...

Fuck this fucked world, I'm going to sandistan to throw gays off rooftops next weekend, who's with me?

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Theres this method that has similar effects to jelquing that you can use. You need to push lots of blood flow to your brain to motivate it to make your penis grow, to do this you will need to drink lots of water to increase your blood volume for a slight bit, this will also make you heavier which helps the effect...

Next step is to tie a short rope to something on the ceiling while standing on a chair and then firmly tie the other end around your neck and fasten the knot tight, after this you want to apply Newton's 3 laws of motion to really shock your system, the rope will act as the outside force mentioned in the first law. The next step is tricky but if you can manage to kick the chair out from under you, you will fall and the rope will jelq your neck, increasing the blood flow in your head for a short while. You may start to feel faint but don't worry the process is almost over, the next step is to cut yourself down and sage this thread or your mother will die in her sleep tonight if that didn't kill you already.

I gained a whole 2 inches

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My buddy tried it and he's down six feet

Don't do this! This is how you make mustard gas

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I soak my dong in creatine. Every night, 30 minute soaks. My dong is engorged all the time.

- Angion method
- Hanging
- Bathmate (or similar)

These will work.

holy shit it doesn't work. nothing fucking works you god damn retard. How many god damn times do you cope faggots have to make these threads claiming bullshit.
The dick is NOT A MUSCLE. You can do kegels to get better bloodflow but dick size is mostly genetic.
Anyone who claims they've gained length by jelqing is full of shit. Because most males have up to 1/2 inch that was never expressed during puberty. Turns out if you just get constant erections it will have cause and effect happen, it has nothing to do with obsessively trying to stroke your dick like some indian massage therapy.
More erections = maximum dick gainage

>Blood vessels/smooth muscle can't grow.
I'd post a brainlet picture with this but I don't have one that would actually capture how retarded you are

tfw girthlet
is there any way to increase girth


>Oh why am I pulling on my dick? I'm jelqing. It makes my small penis a little bigger for a short period of time. It normally isn't this big.

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>Oh, why am I shitposting on a indonesian basketweaving forum? I'm stroking my ego. It makes me feel better about my shitty life choices if I can make fun of someone else.

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Who is this

Been trying to increase girth by getting a boner then squeezing the base with an ok grip and just holding that for about 45 seconds. I do 5 minutes on 5 minutes off for 3 times. Have just started doing this for about a week so hoping to see results eventually while hoping my dick doesnt break. Starting with a girth at 5 inches and wanna get it up to 5.25 at least. Gotta love body dysmorphia.

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Been on a beginner rountine for 3 weeks, now. I have already seen a 4mm or half a cm gain in length. This might just be because my erections are of higher quality now, but fuck its awesome. Its a noticeable difference to me. Its hard to do because you need to put in like 5 hours just to learn technique, then do the fucking routine, and also not jerk offf, not smoking, cardio and be healthy.

Heaps of men wont and dont do it for the same reason most men dont have six packs or have shit aesthetics. The are lazy and this takes work.

meth user here

i have had a many 10 hour fap marathons, it does not work

Fevalanon is this you?

Jelqing made my ball sack travel like halfway up the back of my shaft

Do not recommend