I weigh 110 lbs and have no muscle mass, but I wanna start lifting to get healthy and stronger. Is it possible to strengthen muscles without putting on noticeable mass? How do I do that?
Can I get stronger without gaining mass
train for strength with very low volume
(big weights, few reps/sets)
>strengthen muscles without putting on noticeable mass?
>can I run stay longer under water without traning my lungs?
lift heavy weights at low repetitions and eat only enough calories to maintain current weight.
thats mean
Stupid questions get mean answers.
You can train without building muscles but you will most likley get to a point where your current muscles will peak and you will stay there.
yes you can if you are gifted with fast twitch fibers and a very efficient nervous system
just lift and and dont evereat, if you keep gaining strenght without gaining weight then congrats...if you cant gain strenght unless you gain weight then sorry you arent gifted
>no I don't lift user, I don't wanna get TOO big
forgot to talk about joint strenght, thats very important when it comes to strenght training without strong joints you wiññ not be able to manage heavy poundages without getting hurt
anyways you weight nothing if you start lifting your body will naturally gain mass if you are healthy
user you're not going to "accidentally" get too big by casually lifting. That's implying that getting big is the easiest thing on the planet. You're not going to be eating at a surplus either I imagine, so you're not going to get any bigger, just more toned
Best shot is to run a 5x5 program for awhile and then start alternating 5x5 with sets of triples or doubles.
Hahahaha, if you feel you're getting big, just fucking this stop. Getting big takes time and a caloric surplus. Just lift heavy with limited volume. All that estrogen is gonna keep you from getting really big anyway
isometrics, my friend.
i-i dont eanna get too bulky meme. women shouldnt be allowed in any serious gyms
>brainlet detected
central nervous system, buddy
How is getting big not easy? Literally lift and eat at a surplus, it's not fucking magic.
To get stronger is to have more force production, which is correlated with bigger muscle. To gain muscle means to gain weight so if you want to stay the same weight youll have to gain muscle and lose weight. Muscle however does not grow unless the body is in a caloric surplus. So basically, no.
Hmm... why does she have a box of tissues next to her bed?
when she squirts out her pee pee
She'd need more than tissues for that
It's simple. That doesn't make it easy. And more germane to this conversation it doesn't make it a fast process that can happen overnight.
Picking a 1000 lb rock off the ground is a simple process. That doesn't make it easy.
>anterior pelt tilt
yeah, that's going to be a no from me, dawg
yes lift and don't eat. Your gains will be neuromuscular