Manlets absolutely BTFO

Attached: Screenshot_20180930-173318.jpg (1080x598, 391K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Water is wet

>ugly girls with these high ass standards

western men are doomed

Tbh, at this point I've kind of resigned myself to the fact that being short makes me unattractive.

But out of spite, I will get Jow Forums and fight tall guys in front of their women just to mog them.

Attached: FB_IMG_1537438098403.jpg (480x280, 15K)

So pretty much 6'0 minimum

>6'0 minimum
Yup, just to get an ugly la creatura gf

grills doesn't care if you can dominate tall guys, they will still fuck around and crave tall big Ds behind your midge back. it's evolutionary

>attractive, always getting compliments
>personable, bosses always try to put me with customers
>talk to girls no problem
>28 y/o virgin, last date was three years ago
what the FUCK

Maybe you have autism

Most of the girls in the video said above 6'0 lmao