Why dont you go vegan you self centered cunt? All the cool kids are vegan. You don't want to be on the wrong side of history right user?
Well Jow Forums?
mindless mainstream drivel
What I've Learned is a much better channel
It literally says to just be more aware of meat that you eat fag
This channel was made by the German government. Their videos are very good and professional. Some of it is just straight up propaganda though.
Here OP you can learn a lot about veganism, incredibly healthy!
Fuck the krauts they can't tell me shit.
>Why don't you conform to my view, you cunt?
Just to make you mad
even if meat was proven to cause cancer 100% (which will never happen) I would still eat it just because it makes vegans mad, i would rather die of cancer and laugh at vegans while i chomp on steak and take my last breaths than stop eating meat. kek
Man, I hate vegans like you. Just be a fucking vegan and don't shit about it or brag. Nobody wants to hear you, people eat what they like.
>What I've Learned is a much better channel
Nice Reddit spacing faggot
That channel is good at explaining scientific concepts in a way that children can understand (simplified with cute cartoons) but don't take any of their more politically bent videos seriously.
They're very biased and when it comes to that stuff they try to hide their opinions the same way all biased news sources do. As long as meat is farmed responsibly there's nothing wrong with eating it, and it's impossible to have a healthy diet without it.
Come on all it says is maybe try thinking about skipping meat sometime
it' not really vegan propaganda
I'm not going vegan because I can't afford to buy protein-rich vegan foods, because I don't have the time to cook everything I eat, and because I'm addicted to dairy and chicken.
That said, I would be the first to try lab-grown meat if it becomes affordable.
Unsubscribed after their refugees welcome video. It's not even the message, but the fact the video is 60% appeal to emotion and 40% horribly twisted and misrepresented facts. Why the fuck would I trust them on other issues, if they spit on factuality to push their agenda?
is that actually what happens to male baby chicks?
thats gross
Yes, because you can feed people with bottom of the barrel fodder crops and grass, what a retarded video
I don't agree with the video, but you either don't understand the argument or you're deliberately creating a strawman. The sentiment is that we use the resources that are currently used to grow animal feed and use them to grow people feed instead, therefore cutting out the middleman, or middle-cow.
idk we could also try developing biological weapon that targets people with high levels of dark skin pigmentation to save the planet huh ever thought of that smartypants
>most of the world can’t survive without some form of aid
>we should create more shit tier food to support them
Brainlet, the post
based AND redpilled
Notice how they lump Animal pasture in with fodder crop (wheat and onions).
I remember when I was about 13 I went to some farming show and saw a chicken pen, even at that age I thought it was awful. I don't know why I would feel so bad for some fucking brainless chickens, but seeing them all crushed together inside cages is so fucking wrong and infuriating to me.
I sometimes feel bad for consuming as much meat/eggs as I do, but then i remember I'm one of the people that deserves to eat meat. Hamplanets have no reason to eat meat and don't deserve the beef that's in their mcdonalds burger. If you're regularly lifting and need the protein then you shouldn't feel guilty about eating meat.
>Misconstrues an argument by introducing irrelevant and unrelated points
>Changes subject for no reason
>ad hominem
Dishonest arguments: the post
Yeah, really weeds out the good honest people who actually want to save the plant from signaling faggots.
This is pretty much the way I feel, except we will be healthy and we watch the vegans starve and die.
But when you crush entire animal families under your combine harvesters, i bet that does not infuriates you lol.
Most of farmed crops goes to livestock you fucking dumb cunt
Underrated best post
>Cites an anecdote from a book as evidence
>haha we *love* meat too btw, just like you! Don't unsubscribe!
Veganism isn't Jow Forums related, report and ignore.
Did you even watch the video?
Grass fed beef has given me more gains than a vegan diet
you just posted a video of a guy who only eats raw meat, stares into the sun for an hour a day, eats year old raw meat that is green, and thinks the earth is flat.
all the video is pictures of ugly vegans. guess what? vegans are 5% of the usa. 80% of the USA is unhealthy. it's not crazy that some vegans could be unhealthy.
>cherry picked underweight peoole
I was underweight when I wasn't vegan
now I'm not.
i like chicken and fish. i dont eat pork or red meats. am i gonna make it?
t. lanklet 16 year olds who live with their parents
in burgerland perhaps
otherwise livestocks eat grass
This is correct, I only buy free range organic chicken that I've verified by actually being on the farm I buy from.
race mix propaganda at 5:30. they have it in every video.
>As long as meat is farmed responsibly
Don't get me wrong I'm carnivorous as fuck, but there's no such thing responsible farming.
i unsubbed that channel when they talked about marihuana and i dont even smoke it
Actually that's a good representation of the cognitive dissonance a lot of us meat eaters have.
>noun: cognitive dissonance
>the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioural decisions and attitude change.
i dont have any inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes about me eating meat.
Wrong fag
Not talking about you then. But a lot of meat eaters feel bad about the suffering of animals and the environmental impact. Obviously, veganism will still result in some suffering, but it's a clear reduction and far more sustainable. The first place vegans become delusional is when they say it's the optimal diet for health and longevity. But there's really no ethical grounds for not at least eating meat sparingly, like only 1 meal every other day for health reasons. cmv
>veganism will still result in some suffering, but it's a clear reduction and far more sustainable
it's not clear at all. soil depletion, monocrops, human-edible vs animal-edible crops/pasture, reduction in medical/psychological costs due to curing diabetes/obesity/mental diseases on meat-only diet, etc.
i buy locally sourced meat from farmers i trust. i live in a small village and have actually been to most of the farms around here. also helps that i live in finland where bad living conditions for animals are really frowned upon.
>curing diabetes/obesity/mental diseases on meat-only diet
citations needed.
Vegans have drastically lower rates of diabetes and obesity than meat-eaters, but I don't know about meat ONLY eaters and I don't know about mental illness. Are there any carnivore vs. vegan studies or meta analysis out there?
There's really no debate on plant-based diets being more environmentally sustainable.
Yeah every vegan I know irl binges on oreos and nutter butters
check out Jow Forumsketo, Jow Forumszerocarb, and you'll find plenty of people curing their shit with a ketogenic or carnivorous diet.
virtahealth cures (obese) diabetics, paleo medicina in Hungary cures a range of diseases (mostly related to gut issues) with a close-to carnivorous diet.
if you're eating a whole foods plant based diet, it's hard to get diabetes or obese, because you're avoiding carbs+fat junk food. however, the lack of nutrients in a plant-based diet can lead to a host of problems, including mental illness.
as far as I'm aware, there are no studies on the carnivorous diet besides what's being published by paleomedicina.
much of nutritional "knowledge" is based shitty epidemiological studies, which basically measure the healthy user effect, not the effect of food on people.
>There's really no debate on plant-based diets being more environmentally sustainable.
why add "cmv" when you're not open to considering a different viewpoint?
t. Drumpfkin
how can humans eat grass without eating beef?
I am well aware of my own selfishness, I won't deny it. I eat meat only because of convenience and for my taste bud pleasure. Unfortunately for ethical vegans I don't have any sympathy towards eating farm animals since I am not emotionally invested in them, I do wish that they killed animals more humanely rather than hulk smashing them onto concrete till they die lol. I am also well aware that this shit is slowly killing me everyday, plugging my arteries. Don't worry about us so much you vegans will out live us and someday we'll all die off.
>check out Jow Forumsketo, Jow Forumszerocarb,
>As long as meat is farmed responsibly there's nothing wrong with eating it, and it's impossible to have a healthy diet without it.
nice delusions
>This channel was made by the German government.
Is it really?
>i dont have arguments so here are some memes instead hehe
WIL is based.
yes philipp detmer the creator is working for the german government
I sent this video to my millionaire uncle thats a farm and slaughterhouse owner in texas.
He just told me vegans are queers
And that people stop giving a shit about "animal abuse" as soon as they sense the smell of steak.
This channel has proven to be extremely biased in the past and is trying to push a political agenda. Calling it a science channel is misleading.
>Stop having children goyim! Immigrants can do all the jobs!
>Nothing matters! Embrace nihilism!
>Support the EU and our dubious crowdfunded projects, though. That's important.