They ruin an otherwise decent physique. Bodybuilding is different.
Wide lats are even worse for manlets. they make you look thicker and shorter, like you are compensating. big shoulders, chest, smaller waist are more important. most chicks would easiyl prefer a guy without huge lats
The idea is to not over do them. you cant ignore them. But yeah, most chicks dont like bloated bodybuilder look AT ALL. Just guys and gays.
Ethan Gutierrez
I don't even know why this is a controversial point, there's a reason why so many people were attracted to zyzz's body, and his non-big lats were certainly a part of it look at any greek statue, lats should not be overly visible from the front
lat insertions that result in apparently large lats are absolutely garbage for pull-up strength, and vise versa, just like calves
Anthony Gutierrez
exactly... That even made him seem taller. Obviously lats need to be trained, just not overdone. All about proportions. Guys with naturally narrow shoulders or thicker waists are gonna have a really bad time if they exaggerate lats. Manlets will look even shorter.
Easton Walker
This. Only autists with body dismorphia care about getting big lats.
Brayden Campbell
You need to think of it from a womans perspective. Most guys find that hard. If you dont give a fuck, then you need to think about proportions.
If you just wanna get big and freaky, that is something entirely different, but you obviously dont care about looking aesthetic anymore.
If most guys realised how repulsed women are by most steroid physiques it would be hilarious how much juicing would stop
Nolan Cooper
>lat insertions that result in apparently large lats are absolutely garbage for pull-up strength Apparently you're retarded, my friend.