Haven’t seen one all day, so I’m making this one and I’m gonna start it off with this:

So long as I have the energy to train, can I just eat 100g carbs or less while cutting? I try to aim for a 500 deficit but what harm is there going 0 carb on some days or everyday?

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Other urls found in this thread:


How do I adjust my lowbar squat to incorporate more glute/hamstrings and quit overloading my hip flexors ?

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any point in getting casein powder if I eat quark at night? iirc its mostly casein(the quark)
also, is it fine to eat quark pre-workout? like 30m-1h, I have to start lifting soon after waking up due to work

is phraks gslp really a good introductory program (for up to 3 months)?

diddly once per week and no arm work sounds like so little exercise

Are chips really that bad if they fit into my calories and I have enough protein already?

Popcorn vs. chips vs. peanuts as a snack (in moderation each to 300 kcal)

Does it really matter when in a day I eat carbs or sugars if it fits into my maintance?

Is 40 ml of vodka very bad for protein synthesis?

I'm on a cut. is it ok to go over my calories by a bit just as long as I hit my protein count (high). Which is more important? Of course I wouldn't be going over my cut requirement everyday, just on somedays where I may not make my protein hit.

They’re just not really nutritional
Any beginner strength based program is good. Idk about gslp, but all you should really be looking for in that sort of thing is it to bring the main lifts (squat, diddly, bench, rows, OHP) up to par so you can then work on mass building with decent lifts for your weight. Or just to be introduced to powerlifting. It should mainly be a time where you learn the proper forms.
Tf is a quark.... casein should keep you feeling full longer than whey (its slower digesting) but I for one can’t stand that shit

By go over do you mean eat a surplus? No it’s not okay and if you have to in order to meet proton requirements, be sure to get some extra exercise in. But really it shouldn’t be that hard to hit anything under 170g of protein and stay under 2300 calories, just gotta plan it smart

Any vegan version of that pic

aight thanks bro, I won't mess with the program and stick to it

I am trying to fix ATP, is there a list of all the hip flexor and glute activation excersises compiled into one picture/infograph for future referance? Also is there any exercises I should avoid while attempting fix this?

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I'm 6'0 and at 195 and I'm trying to lose 2lbs a week, going hard on cardio and lifting on the side this time. Perhaps it's a bit excessive? My calculator tells me to eat at 1700. I'm trying to hit around 120g's or protein so it's a tad tough!

Where do I run?
My neighborhood has shitty sidewalks and I don't want to run anywhere where there's crowds of people to observe me
I wouldn't mind a gym but none around me have tracks and I've never liked running on treadmills, they suck

These are you problems. If your cutting at 6’0 195 im gonna assume you’re 160-170 lean which is underweight for you. Go ahead and cut to 180 (you can do this in 2 months) and then bulk up. 120g protein ain’t shit. You should be eating atleast 150g protein at your size. Eat 1900-2100 calories. Lift either full body 3x a week or 4-5 days and do cardio 2-3x a week. Nothing too intense, usually just do walking, run once a week if you like running. HIIT on occasion.

No local low traffic parks? You could run in the road in your neighborhood if it’s enclosed (not just a bunch of houses sitting on a main road) and doesn’t have too many cars.

Do front squats and planks

Deadlifts usually kill me, so I have to take a breather mid set, though I still progress. How much time is acceptable between lifts before 1x5 becomes 5x1?

If you're planning to run every day, just get a robber mat and treadmill, otherwise drive to your local trail or park once or twice a week and go hard.

>Jow Forums
>overdrinking water
This is just a normalfag "healthy" diet, sad!

is there any merit to the "don't cut longer than 3 months" stuff?

This vid gets posted here occasionally:

since fitness "science" often seems sketchy, is it preferable to cut until I feel ok with it or are there really that heavily diminishing returns?

Did my first deadlifts today (at least, since I was in high school.) First couple attempts I could feel I was doing it wrong so I quit, looked at some form videos, and did it again. Felt it mostly in my legs but I also felt some in my back and sides, not how it felt with the first two attempts, but just more tense I guess, basically I didn't really feel it in my spine. Is that good? What are some things to keep in mind for deadlift? I kept my back straight, pushed up with my legs, and flexed my core to make sure it was tight. One thing that kept happening was that the bar kept dragging on my shins, one video I watched told me to keep the bar at about midfoot. Please help a skelly out

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Damn. I guess you could say I fucked my bulk, made nice gains but my sides and thighs went to hell. I just wanna cut so hard and lean I'll keep my muscle n try again

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Alright listen closely because not ever again will another human show you this level of compassion that I am about to by simply acknowledging you.
Different diets work better and more efficiently for different people. I am not sure what your point is in your ”carb” greentext, but I can only speculate that it’s either about the pic I posted which was just the last saved pic I had so I could post this thread, but if it’s in regards to my OP question then what the fuck is your point? Are you implying you don’t ever eat any carbs? And you wonder why cry yourself to sleep each night over your lifts?
>overdrinking water
I found the manlet guys. Or you’re just an unathletic inactive fatty. My calculated water intake comes out to approximately 1.5 gallons a day. I can do find on less but I do best on that.
And last but not least,
What’s it like having test levels of an 80 year old woman? How many onions did you have to eat a day and for how long to achieve that?

So recently I have been led to believe the specific type of running shoe you use can reduce your time in time-trial type events by many minutes. I mean, yeah, if you find the perfect shoe it will be better but is it really the magic key to getting perfect times? Or is this just a Jewish trick to get me to spend $150 at a running store.

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Post body bro I’ll hive you an honest suggestion based on that, for all I know you bulked great and gained minimal bodyfat

>drinking water you'll just end up pissing out

I'm gonna get fucking roasted

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Strongly considering using mk-677 during my next bulk without any sarms or test (don't want any suppression/shutdown as I'm gonna try to have kids soon), anyone here used it? How much should I expect from it?

>he doesn’t run 3 miles every morning after lifting and then spend a large part of his day outside working in 80*+ weather
It’s like you don’t even want to make it kid

Who gives a fuck? It’s Jow Forums. Do you care about this random people? What value do they add to your life?

>living in a nigger-tier climate
take the coldpill

Why can't I do it, Jow Forums? Why can't I progress to 40lb assist for pull-ups. I can bang out sets at 60 lbs like it's nothing but can't do 1 I set of 40.

Also the machine all kinds of fucked up at my discount gym. Am I losing out on gains if I use a lat pulldown machine?

Should I just do 5xAMRAP?

>not just taking ice baths and cold showers after training, needing to rely on the climate

body is worse than that bald headed Jow Forums autist. I kind of look better with a shirt on but fuck, I feel like hard cardio is the last way to finally cut this shit

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>relying on technology when you could live in a cold place

>Spending time in the sun

What are you a laborer?

Don’t do assisted pull-ups. Do dumbbell rows, tbar rows, and pendlay rows. Lay pull down is good too, just make sure on all of those exercises you’re engaging your back (mainly last) and adding weight each week. Then do negatives on pull-ups.

How do I mitigate jock itch? I got it for the first time this summer (also started lifting this summer) due all the extra time I'm spending sweating my balls off and I definitely don't want to repeat that experience. But I'm never not going to work blue collar so my routine is kinda stuck.

Focus on controlling the negative of your pull up. Most people, especially those still doing assisted pull ups, have a tendency of just letting themselves kind of drop after pulling up instead of resisting the drop and using your back muscles to control it. If you don't control it you're wasting half the exercise

>Getting an ego boost because you realize you get your cold from the weather and not technology as if it even makes a difference in the first place

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You’re gonna have to shoot for -1lb a week, get down closer to 170, and then go on a bulk of 500 cals above maintenance. Bulk until you’re like 215 and then cut back again, slowly until 10% bodyfat

thanks man, going to cut hard now. I'll adjust my calc to aim for 1lb a week and try to do it as absolutely lean as possible

>not being cold 24/7

Is there any point in supplementing creatine 5g/day while I'm out of the gym for at least a month (getting a surgery)?

are you going for sprinting or mile long runs?

Yeah just remove the meat and animal byproducts, dumbass

I injured my shoulder trying to stretch my tricep. I had it locked in a weird position then twisted and I was met with such strong pain I almost vomited

My question is how do I test for when it has healed, without fucking it up further. It has a sort of dull ache when I use it too much, but I'm assuming that that stopping won't mean it has fully healed

If I'm not getting enough protein do I really need to get some protein suplement? I'm still very much dyel so I'm not worried about looking good right now.

You can always slurp some out of your gym buddy

I have gotten a promotional offer from a company that I bought some supplements from in the past where I can get one free sample of one of their products, whether it be a workout supplement or a vitamin or something like that.
I was thinking of either getting some Vitamin A in hopes that it would help clear up my skin, or some creatine monohydrate for those gym gains. I could also get some Protein powder, but I don't see a in that honestly.
Could someone give me some opinions on what I should go for? There are so many choices and I'm undecisive as fuck.

by a sample do you mean just one serving, or a whole bag/package?
One sample of anything won't give you any real improvement, will mostly just let you know whether or not you like the flavor.
Creatine is definitely worth trying, but one serving won't really do much, you need to take it long enough to increase the creatine levels in your muscles before you'll notice any improvement.

The way they worded it implied that it was a whole package.

So I need opinion on this.

I understand the need for nutrients and everything but implying I was partaking in an unhealthy nutrient-void diet before hand would focusing on calorie cutting alone show results, atleast on a basic ' average ' bmi level.

if i've been having boner trouble the past year should I just go ahead and get my test checked? it seems like its mental half the time with my anxiety unfortunately

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Did you try nofap, or atleast noporn? Seems to work for a lot of guys.

I probably should. I only realy jerk of 2X week max. I should probably just go no porn but its hard with all the pics people post here. I'm on a cut right now so thats probably not helping much

I'm on a 6 day ppl, with no one to spot me. Would it be beneficial to do benc press once a week on the smit machine to make it easier to push more weight?
I'm finding it hard to increase weight on the bench press naturally. Or maybe I'm overworking myself.

I'd go with something you've heard good things about, but aren't quite certain, like you know what protein does, if you need it then you probably already have it, if you don't need it then there's not much use in trying it.
Creatine and vitamins are both relatively cheap but if you're keen to give one or the other a try then go for it, you can always just buy the other one.

meant for

High bar squats. It helped me, plus engaging my core in OHP made me realize that they're only weak muscles making me look like a fucking duck.

Rise your glutes, bloddy shins were my punishment for lowering too much, feel your posterior chain, look up romanian deadlift and take ir from there.

Don't bench on a smith machine, the straight bar path is wonky on your shoulders. Just ask somebody to spot you on your heaviest set, everybody does this.

Another option is to fail a rep by lowering the weight onto your abs (which should be tight and full of air if you're using good form) and simply rolling the bar onto your legs so you can sit up with it. This isn't ideal though.

Honestly though, you shouldn't be allowing yourself to reach failure, especially without a spotter. You don't have to fail if you always make sure to leave a rep in the tank, though if you're a newer lifter you may not have the body awareness to sense when you're gonna fail.

So I have never eaten oats/oatmeal in my life what are some decent ways to make oats. I'm a fat bastard and trying to fix my life

Try once a week until you boost up your test, get enough sleep, that's the game changer

>just started exercising
>can't do a proper push up even after a week of practicing those half/girl push ups
>still can't even do 1
>left elbow really hurts
is it just hopeless

Short answer: yes. You can lose weight even if all you eat is Twinkies as long as you're eating slightly less than you use every day. The downside would be multiple nutrient deficiencies, which even obese people can have if they only eat garbage.

An insufficient diet will fuck up your performance in the gym, and if you have multiple/serious nutrient deficiencies, you will feel it in your everyday life. A lot of people have shit diets and simply get used to feeling bad constantly. Here's an interesting article:


Give it time but if you're expecting short term results you might as well quit or get more realistic goals.

fuck it lads, just going to permabulk wish me luck

What are you user's thoughts on the nSuns programs? Specifically 4, 5 and 6 day dead programs.

I used to be on the 4 day and I really enjoyed it. The spreadsheet meant I could keep track of it pretty well.

Planning to jump back on but considering the 6 day deadlift one to try and fix my poverty dead.

What do you guys think of them?

no, you're just not strong enough YET. Don't worry, you'll be doing pushups sooner than you think.

Follow the pushup progression on this image, start with whichever movement you can do for 8 reps. Follow the instructions (move to the next movement when you can do 3 sets of 8).

As for your elbow, you probably put some strain on your tendon. Rest it a little, get some ice, see how far you can move it without pain and try to slowly increase that range of motion. It'll heal soon enough, just be careful from now on and don't jump right into movements you can't do for one rep.

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Does it really matter whether I start with SS, SL, or GSLP?

I was on the 5 day program for a few months, it's rad but it's a lot of fucking volume (70 reps of deads a week) so conditioning needs to be pretty good if you want to keep workouts short. Deadlift program looks like it's just an extra day dedicated, so shouldn't be too weird if you know how it works. Would seriously recommend underestimating your maxes so you can ease into it better. In fact, I'm advising that now so you can blast through some rep PRs.

It doesn't matter, they all work the same and will get you much stronger than you are now, quickly. These programs are just meant to get you used to the feeling of moving a heavy object safely. Pick whichever one you like, run it for no longer than 6 months (could be much less depending on how much you eat, and how many times you're willing to deload), then move on to something with more volume.

I did all 3, but I would recommend GSLP just because it includes the AMRAP sets. Those are useful for newbies because they make you listen to your body and gauge how much you have left in the tank, which is an important skill. Attached is the version I did.

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you dont need 1g/lb

anybody eat protein bars?
I like them as a desert or part of my meal at work.

Any reccomendations? are Quest bars worth the price?


Is PPL acceptable for a beginner? Does this routine look okay?

what works for you?

What do you guys think about pic related? 25g of protein per 100g.

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Just so SS for the first few months

No one needs more than 0.82g per pound

I listened to the advice i was given last time, dropped some weight off. and i just want to know if i still look like i’ve never been inside a gym? I just want to look like i am sorta fit

I’m gonna admit i dont do protein powder because they all taste nasty and i cant live like that

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why is there parsley on napkins?

yes you look sorta fit
clearly you do something, looking at your legs especially imo

dude, why are you wearin a bra?

He's a cross dresser. Duh

only way to really tell is if you post ass

But, why?
Why hide your pecs on a fitness board
he doesnt have shameful breasts to cover so he wont get banned or anything
could be a cross-dresser half nude

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I can hit 130g of protien in 1000 calories you aren't even trying.

My obliques aren't showing. I found some videos yesterday to specifically target them and I did them. I don't feel the pain today.
Am I working out obliques wrong?

Haha I thought you were joking but my arms are tiny girl arms? Although i have broad shoulders and tiny breasts, i still have natural breasts. I still think you’re having me on actually

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>Broad shoulders
Pick one

definitely thought you were a guy, now you've got me in the middle

i didnt come to Jow Forums to question my sexuality goddamn it

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What are these and how do I get rid of them? 173cm 53kg 14%bf. Do I just need to lower my bf%?

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My body naturally looks like a blank but I’m 5’11 and I weigh 200lb would a basic bench press set up and dumbbells help me look like this true manly man. youtube.com/watch?v=20GkBnhQqY0

you unlucky man
lose more weight, and try actually lifting


get some taste in bed sheets you pleb

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How bad is it to work out thru the tail end of a bad flu? Feeling 80% fit

For fucks sake have you ever seen women irl or do they all havta do stupid poses like this

I’ll admit it was a bad camera angle the first time but also those are my parents godawful bedsheets It aint my taste.

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Not the same user but you give me 10% vibe you’re a guy you but it’s just traps made it harder to believe there’s women on this site without showing the pp or bobs

Nice pose fag. Show penis

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fine, you're a grill
maybe i've been coming to Jow Forums for too long and just expect everyone to be a crossdressing homo
but shit, atleast clean you're room nigga. you're just like my little sister; I was basically cleaning for 2 people when she was living with me and dont even get me started on putting my steel pots in the dishwasher, do niggers even know what rust is?