Welcome to Weenie Hut Jr's, how beta are you?

Welcome to Weenie Hut Jr's, how beta are you?

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im a trump supporter

I lift for myself(women(to hide my insecurities(because I’m a Manlet)))

Jow Forums is my homeboard

I have performance anxiety

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I once had a girl try to get me involved in coitus with her but I called the police and reported myself for rape to avoid it

My Uni classes are all women and I'm like 1 out of the two guys in it. I barely even talk to them thanks to anxiety and have instead befriended a failed trap.

It is possible some women dig me, but I'm too shy to do anything about it.
>water, water everywhere, I cant fucking drink.

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I browse Jow Forums

I can’t bench 2 plate

I live in a country where your appearance is worth more than your knowledge
i´m ugly
i live in a country whit an average income of usd 3409,57 per year, a day of work is payed at 8,74 usd ...
i´m unemployed and have young loking face
since i look kind of like a kid people want me to do things for them and then want to underpay

last week did 2 days of work and got told the money was going to be the next day, they only gave me 6,71 USD and say they could have done the same in 3 hours ...
the guy went to another job of the same size, took him 4 days and charged 671,43

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I have a stepson

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let the kid know he don´t have the same DNA you have and be an awesom dad

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>failed trap
What did he mean by this

Maybe he can't afford dilution anymore and his axe wound closed up

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>where he was cheated on by her
Guaren-fuckin-teed this bitch still thinks of her bio dad as the villain.

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I hide my ethnicity and heritage

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Lately I have thought about getting pegged

She already admitted both of her bios were failures.

Have you done anal stuff before? Prostate rubbing is A+


but why tho?

Because he's a jew and that is natural for them.

It makes me insecure to be called out :(

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Not a golden retriever....is this part of the meme

Clever girl

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I take dozens of pictures of myself until I get one that looks decent and stare at it to soothe the my seething self hatred before I go to sleep.

I nearly bumped in to a girl the other week and she smiled. I still fantasize about it. In fact I do this anytime a girl even makes eye contact with me.

I've folded and backed out of every single fight or provocation in my life, including a guy who looked like McLovin hitting on my ex in front of me.

And finally I'm 24 but mentally I'm still the exact same as when I was 13. Maybe even worse.

but the whole joke was that he felt insecure about being a jew therefore he did irrational things in response to being called on being duplicitous. Then both had funny banter. I don't know if this contradicts your point or reinforces it. The only reason race became something to be insecure about is because John personally chose that interpretation above all others. Is that the joke you're making?

>He doesn't know

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I am, in fact, not a fan of Jews

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just described 50% of millennial guys. If you are a pussy, the lease you could is at least not look like a pussy.

Women constantly pull me in to their love by flirting then act like they are better than me when I show interest. When I start to ignore them entirely again they get all sad and apologise and act insecure. They can go fuck off reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I get mistaken for army whenever I wear camo anything

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based and redpilled

i once cockblocked myself
a girl was asking for dick pocs and my retarded Betabrain™ thought "shes just joking"

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oh man, that's a sad thing

I need an hour to ready myself to make a 5 minute phone call, weigh only 125lbs at age 23, haven't had a friend since high school, never leave my apartment outside of food and work, and have already made peace with the fact that I'll probably die alone and unloved.
At this point I think calling me a beta is giving me too much credit

Repeat occurance:
Girl at a bar seems interested, so I look for where her friends are watching and laughing that she would actually approach me