Bench platooed at 185lb

>bench platooed at 185lb
>fit says t to eat more
>bulk up to 205
>bench still stuck
>you tell me eat more
>bulk to 215
>bench still 185

You guys ruined my body and physique.

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why would you ever listen to Jow Forums?

if you're eating a consistent, small calorie surplus, your diet is not the limiting factor, you probably are just not doing enough volume to progress anymore

>weighing more than you bench

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how are your pushups?

Make sure to do incline press and other varients your hit your muscle fibres from different angles, come back in a month if this doesn't help

You have to actually lift you know that right?
If you weren’t benching 3x per week you fucked up.

Did you forget to bench you fucking idiot. If you want to bench more weight, bench more often.

Are you maxing literally every workout? Up the volume, include a low rep/high weight workout maybe once every two weeks (assuming you're benching ~2 times a week), do other chest workouts like flies, dips, and incline and your bench should increase nicely. Mine stalled hard and I fixed it with dips and incline.

Train bench and triceps. Triceps are usually the limiting factor on bench press.

>how do I get my bench higher
>train bench and triceps

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>auxiliary muscles can’t be a limiting factor during heavy compounds

Eat more and you'll break the plateau
>Deload you mong,

>tricep pushdowns will help your bench press

Yes they can. This is literally why people wear wrist wraps when they deadlift.

tricep pushdowns will make your triceps larger and stronger, which will make your bench stronger, so yes, tricep pushdowns will help your bench, i don't get how you could be such an utter retard as to come to the conclusion that a tricep exercise won't help a lift where the triceps are one of the prime movers

do you think barbells are magical or something and you can only get a training response by using them?

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this, or you could just be having an "off week/month", could be lack of sleep or food there's plenty of factors besides getting fat to be strong.

not everyone's goal is to be a strongfat.. if you're lifting as a hobby then have some priority in your physique.

Make sure you're getting enough rest and increasing weight on a daily basis.

Now I know you are trolling or are a retard dyel. Imagine doing tricep pushdowns to get your bench bigger lMAO. Tricep pushdowns do NOT increase bench

Are you implying that triceps aren't used during bench press?

the guy you're arguing with is obviously retarded and or trolling, do not waste your time replying

Do u not understand the green text m8, im saying the auxiliary muscles are important, newfag

post current bench routine

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your back muscles are probably not big enough,need a wider stronger back to work as a base for the weight,also yes do more triceps and delts

seems like you forgot to bench m8
it's training and lifting 50-50

This. I dont even necessarily agree with guys original opinion,
but you need to work on your reading comprehension not to be rude but this is the internet

My bench scales linearly with my weight. It's really weird actually. Bulk to 225, can bench 225. Cut to 200, can only bench 200. Fucking bullshit.

Two words. Eccentric. Overload.

>cut from 220 to 190
>bench hard
>bench pr goes from 245 to 320
git gud

Train grip. Grip strength will help you stabilize the bar and you will get significant gains on all your lifts.


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Shoulders and Back

that's not gonna happen for you are on a completely different level when it comes to bench press genetics, clearly, getting to a 320 bench on a cut is never ever happening for 99.99% of people

I am natty and bench about 5 pl8 and i was stuck at 185 for almost 2 years.

And i did exactly what i do now to progress that 185 bench, but it just wouldnt go up.

Sometimes the body just has these long plateaus but every extra calorie you eat and every set of 185 you bench you are taking the steps closer to your dream pr.

For me i was stuck at 185 for 1.5yrs and 335 for 2yrs.

Now i am stuck at 465 since feb. I feel like ill be here for a while but thats just how it is.

Triceps are used in bench press, but training yoru triceps apart from bench press will not help.. tricep pushdowns do NOT carry over to bench press, or skull crushers or anything tricep isolation

Imagine being THIS retarded

No. Imagine being so retarded you think tricep pushdowns help your bench press LMAO. Brainlet . Dyel, this is the type of people who give advice on Jow Forums dam

Post video of natty 5 pl8 bench

It would look like any other bench but its 465 pounds.

I dont film myself anyway.

5 pl8s is 120kg (265lbs)

lmao bruh

5x5 you pussy faggot retard

2.5 pl8 on each side = 5 pl8 = 120kg

That is actually impressive (from a rarity standpoint), that your bench didn't go up. Seriously.

>tricep isolation doesn't carry over to bench

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eat 36 eggs a day

>I am natty and bench about 5 pl8 and i was stuck at 185 for almost 2 years.

all of this is a lie

nobody with the genetic capability to bench 465lbs has ever or will ever stall at 185lbs unless they were prepubescent when it happened

I feel like many people who bench 4pl+ would agree with me but i never met one irl.

Isolation exercises for strenght training. Most morons here apply body building ideas behind strenght training = fucking dumb. Do tricep dip, narrow grip bench if tricep is bottleneck..

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>he counts all the plates on the bar

Oh no oh no hahhavahahb

Eric Spoto (722lb raw bench, former WR holder) disagrees
>ericspotoTricep Pushdowns, One of my favorite tricep finishers. When you strength gains start to plateau, the best way to break through, is to put on muscle size. Isolation movements like Pushdowns should definitely get added to your program, the added muscle size will translate to strength gains.

i think maybe he might know something about building a strong bench

what the fuck kind of program are you running? whatever that shit is (please do outline what you've been doing), drop it and start the following:

Flat Barbell Bench: 5*5
Incline Dumbbell Bench: 3*5
(6-8 sets each of shoulder and triceps work, all for 5 reps)

Flat Barbell Bench: 5*8
Incline Dumbbell Bench: 3*8
(6-8 sets each of shoulder and triceps work, all for 8 reps)

Flat Barbell Bench: 5*12
Incline Dumbbell Bench: 3*12
(6-8 sets each of shoulder and triceps work, all for 12 reps)

Flat Barbell Bench: 5*15
Incline Dumbbell Bench: 3*15
(6-8 sets each of shoulder and triceps work, all for 15 reps)

Repeat the cycle, but this time instead of regular barbell benching, you're going to do PAUSED benching, with a slow 3 count at the bottom of each rep. If you don't know how to do a paused bench rep, fucking look it up (you'll need to reduce weight some for this). Alternate cycles of regular benching and paused benching. Repeat this cycle until it stops working.
> Do 20 form reps with the bar to warm up, and then move to your heaviest set.
> Reduce weight as necessary to stay at your rep goal. DO NOT DEVIATE FROM THE REP GOALS. It doesn't matter much if you miss a few reps on the accessory movements, but you damn well need to adhere closely to the rep goals for the benching movements.
> These need to occur with no more than two days between them, tops. Every other day is preferable.
> Eat protein and carbs

You'll see definite gains running this.

no, you're the goddamn brainlet, triceps accessory work is integral.

>it's training and lifting 50-50

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holy fucking shit kek

I've been stuck at 175 for a month now. My weight won't go up either despite eating 3.5k calories (172 lb 5 11)

pic related

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That's so fucking stupid. The dumbest shit I've ever read. Who misses a rep near lock out? Yeah, nobody. Next you're gonna say rack pulls above the knee help with deadlifts. Kill yourself

>posts a roider to prove his claim when all his gains is due to roids

Not OP but this seems fun. So can you do it like
What's this routine called and is there literature/some kinda source for it?

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>0 intensity
>no progression plan, 0 mention of used weights
>doing 15 3 second pauses reps


I'm benching 200 for 5x5 at a 190lb lanklet. I'm not trying to brag, all I'm saying is you have no excuse to do better.

*not to do better

How are calf raises going to help anons bench?

lmao give me reasons why it's a bad program or shut the fuck up.

Yeah, exactly. I wrote the routine, it doesn't have any name. The concept is called Daily Undulating Periodization. The literature behind it is solid - performs better in some studies than linear block periodization for strength gains. (Note: In some they note no differences. I've had far more success personally using DUP than traditional block periodization, but that's not always the case. I've only seen one study though in which they claimed that it underperformed block periodization, and several note significant relative improvements with DUP.) I've used this with multiple clients, both as a starter routine with some more advanced ones, and as a plateau breaker for newer ones. I've never had one where it didn't work well - only once has it even looked like that would be an issue, and then the guy told me he was eating 1700 calories a day with a TDEE of 2600. Once he fixed his diet, he put 50 pounds on his bench in the next four months.

You're right that I forgot to include intensity. Intensity should be one rep short of failure on all sets. That 1RM% percentage varies some per person based on work capacity, and I don't know OP's. However, the rest of what you said is wrong. The periodization is literally the regular change in rep ranges. See above - do some research on DUP. And yeah, 15 paused reps are a fucking bitch. They're also fantastic for time under tension, building muscular work capacity, and practicing maintaining tension at the bottom of the lift,which translates to more explosiveness from the bottom, which is the most common sticking point in my experience. It works.


Additionally, progression overall depends on goals - for powerlifters I coach, after they stop making significant strength gains on this, we change the rep goals as follows:
> 5 => 2
> 8 => 5
> 12 => 8
> 15 => 12
After they stop making gains on that (which usually takes at least 6-8 months unless they're already a very advanced trainee), we usually move to
> 2 => 1
> 5 => 3
> 8 => 5
> 12 => 8
After this stops working, they usually can break that plateau by going back to the original high volume one, and so forth. I've yet to have a physique client plateau with the original high-volume one, and I don't have much experience training fighters. Football players do well on the original too. Overall volume is much more individualized based on individual capacity, but obviously the closer to a meet a lifter is, the, more we decrease volume. However, for lifters who don't have things like meets they're trying to peak for, volume generally stays the same.

Here are some videos by experienced coaches with a good overview of DUP, as well as longer term undulating periodization:

If eating more didn't work, then either do more volume or more frequency. If that doesn't work, fix the form. If that doesn't work, kill yourself because you'll be a weak little bitch who can't even bench 3 plates for the rest of your life - you'll die a virgin, your mother won't cry at your funeral, your wife will be getting fucked by a black guy the week after your forgettable death.

>no intensity
I meant that the programs lacks any form of heavy weights. You spent way too much time doing way too many light reps. You don’t even have a single triple, double or let alone single in there at all. No heavy sets, not even one, not even once a week.

And the 15 3 second pause reps are just a shit show. Someone training for strength has no interest in 1 Minute bench sessions. That has absolutely nothing to do with what you want to build your arch for as powerlifter, it has no relevance.

I can see your program being useful for someone trying to do a strength test like doing as many reps as possible with 225 or whatever. But powerlifting bench? Nah.

Did you even read ? Those rep ranges come, but at his current strength level, I can guarantee you he will benefit far more from hypertrophy than he will from singles. Singles and similarly heavy work train the nervous system more than they create size. That's only beneficial if there is already some size there to be trained. Moreover, I've found that the high volume is very effective at helping powerlifters break bench plateaus.


Bench more, I started doing bench 3-4 times a week and my bench has gone up from 235-265 within a month

Did you dirty bulk / increase your body fat percentage? When we say "bulk" we mean increase your lean mass. If you actually did increase your muscle mass, now should follow a maximal strength focused programming. Doing sets of 8 to 12 will not get you gains. You should be staying in the 2 to 5 rep range. When I'm in a maximal strength block. All of my lifts are 85% of my 1RM and higher. Hell the Chinese have a great protocol of doing 10x3 @ 85% and adding 10 to 20 pounds to that every week for 4 weeks, basically the hardest day of Smolov base cycle. You either aren't lifting heavy enough or you're not getting enough volume. It's probably both though.

Greg nuckols has a great high volume 3x day / week program. Check it out if you want to follow a specific program with high bench volume.

Idk, your program just looks like the training of any bro splitter - do a fuck ton of sets with a fuck ton of reps for “the pump”, always reach muscle failure, done.

What was the highest natty (!!) bench that has successfully increased his actual 1 RM (not some random X rep AMRAPs PRs) with the rep ranges of the 1st program that you witnessed?

Best has been from 320 to 380ish with the first one over the course of 9 months, and the last month of that he saw very little improvement. He moved to the second set of rep ranges, went up to 435 in 5ish months (can't remember, may have been closer to 6), and he's now still on the last set of rep ranges and is up to 465 in the past 4 months. This is at bodyweight of ~240-250/6'3" tall.

And are you just unable to read? I explicitly said that training to failure was unacceptable. Repeatedly explaining this shit to you when you're apparently not even reading the damn posts is a waste of time. Do some research, watch the videos I provided of well-known coaches explaining the concept. If you don't buy it, fine. Don't do it.

This looks pretty good because it's a fuckton of volume and has some structure, but the intensity seems incredibly low. There's no usage of relatively heavy weight except for the 5x5. How do you expect to efficiently improve at benching heavy without actually benching heavy?
Smolov Jr. would be better for blasting through plateaus since it does utilize heavy weights. +25-30lbs on max after 3 weeks with typically 15-20lbs that stick around

He took 9 months to move 60 pound from 320 to 380 and then only 5 months to move 55 pounds from 380 to 435? lol
Sounds like a little """"enhancement"""" happened.

Let's just assume it did not and he actually moved across the numbers as you stated then that's pretty fucking impressive. But yeah ...

You keep adding comments to your routine, also very vaguely. The first post only said not to miss reps, which has nothing to do with muscle failure.
Then in a further post you stated that they should be RPE 9.
I however highly doubt that someone performing 15 3 second paused reps isn't deep into muscle failure, even if he could shit out another one (inbe4 "i said no form breakdown").
It also was a statement aimed at summarizing a "bro splitters" training.

Smolov Jr is pretty taxing though. I'm not sure if OP is ready for that type of volume. Greg Nuckols stuff is a good transitioning program for someone with only 5x5 experience wanting to get into more intensive high volume programming.

My bench stalled until I added cable flies and cable crossovers for those lower titties. Use low weight to begin with and really focus on the form and the squeeze at the end of the movement.

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No, he's still natty. He reacted unusually well to lowering rep ranges. He also put on a substantial amount of size during that first nine months. You asked for best natty result, there you go. Take it or fucking leave it.

What the fuck do you mean "missing reps has nothing to do with muscle failure"? If you mean fatigue, then fucking obviously there's fatigue. Under no circumstances should they be seeing muscle failure (i.e. a missed rep) before then. It is fucking obvious, no matter what program you're using, that if form is breaking down, you lower the weight. I didn't fucking think this needed saying.

Again, intensity escalates, see . This builds some strength, but builds more size than strength (something that OP damn well needs if he's struggling with 185). Rep ranges scale down after maximizing strength gains in these ranges. I've seen Smolov Jr. do well for breaking plateaus too, although I haven't prescribed it in awhile, as this has worked well for my lifters. However, Smolov Jr. is intended for far more advanced lifters than OP. OP will benefit most from putting on more muscle, and the routine I gave will absolutely do that.

>from bar to working set

?? You want them to do a 100kg+ jump and basically hit do any warm up for potential 2 rep sets? I don’t get it