Home Gyms are too comfy

>TFW have a nice and ready home gym but lack the motivation to go workout
for all those with a home gym, how do you guys get the motivation to workout instead of relax in your comfy bed that's 5 meters away and watch Netflix? When i went to a normal gym seeing people workout and me being away from my comfy bed gave me motivation. Said motivation has been lost since i got my home gym. Whats your secret?

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What got me out my home gym was that I was surpassing the weights I had and obviously didn't have much room/equipment in my garage to work my full body. I did also find myself resting too much in my home gym rather than doing work. Would do like 5 exercises within an hour.

Much easier to actually go to a gym because you're there so you HAVE to work out.

You have to motivate yourself. If you're lacking it then you're not gonna make it

I do a lot of my lifting at home while I game.
Curls during mid-game, bathroom breaks or when I die.

Same case with OHP & tricep extensions.

Once you get the blood pumping it becomes a case of "Oh just one more exercise"

prop up your body pillows like they're watching you

Sell your bed and sleep on the bench

I had a hardon for building a home gym until I realised how much I benefit from cable work supplementing my compound lifts (and replacing barbell rows with cable rows) so the idea is fucked now because who has the space for a full size cable machine?

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Never get this problem. Quite the opposite - I work out more now I have a home gym. I don't have to think "Well it's half an hour travel to the gym and back, plus getting changed and showered, do I have time?", just go for it whenever.

I just like workouts. I force myself not to workout to have my rest day. But then i just do kettlebells.

doesn't that stuff up your gains but?

Yeah im thinking about going back to the gym despite having a home one, just cant bring my fat ass of my comfy bed to go suffer for an hour to look like a chad

when ever I don't feel like walking out I think to my self " I literally moved my gym to my house I have no excuse to be lazy"

I actually like to lift

It was good at first because I bought a powercage so that helped a lot but eventually I started getting lazy so I started going to a gym for the first time and I enjoy it all again. It's part of my routine and I get angry if I don't go when I'm supposed to.

Also the benefit of your own gym is you go when you want

Noob here, should I buy an olympic bar or a barbell? I want to do squat + DL + bench with one of these.

>i was surpassing the weights i had
must be one of those fags with sub-200kg then

who has the space for a full size cable machine?
i do, pic related

if you plan on getting serious with the amount of weight, i'd suggest olympic
mostly cuz ppl are idiots about proper equipment care

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>i do, pic related

Fucking nice.

How much did that rig cost?

That is your issue - to you looking better is looking LIkE Chad. Once you realise that you become successful and happy by BEING Chad then you will make progress.

For me my home gym is great. Sure there is less equipment but that's generally an excuse for not working compounds. Do you really NEED cables? No. You just want them.

If something makes it too easy to work out then that's just your lack of motivation.

Very nice, user.

Your living room looks comfy, but you should clean up a bit. Also, your plant is dead.

Homegum is a lot better for me, because I'm alone when I lift I can make autistic games to motivate me. Like
>Pulups are me pulling myself up a cliff to reach the antagonist
>Deadlights are me lifting rubble of of the hatch going down to his lair
>Squats are me piggybacking my harem to safety
>Ben press is sex
>Ohp is me lifting my wufu to reach a ledge so she can escape while lava is flooding the room
>Curls are me imagining a loli fire lizard
And so on

I got to start doing this

literally ALL fitness equipment in the pic was about 3k euro's, brand new

I dont know why but your post made me pretty happy i decided to get a home gym, thanks desu.

what's you guys need is a room with no windows, too much light and gray walls. no distraction

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doesn't that stuff gains up your but?

im thinkin of ordering changeable dumb bells. so i can pump arms and chest at home also squats and lunges. 50 € for 2 15kg dumbbells. you can make one 20kg max. should i?

I got rid of my bed to make room for my power rack

Mirin that setup

Dam, looks nice man

do you have workout challenges when there are people over?

It's the opposite for me. I know how much work and money I spent into putting together a home gym so it makes me more motivated to work out.

Also, with more rain and winter/snow approaching there is no way I'd feel like driving to a gym every morning or night to work out. The convenience of just going down to the basement keeps me going.

sadly no, im way stronger than anyone i know, so there is literally no challenge
not bragging, but im just very dedicated, and no one else i know is this into weightlifting

yeah we like to try and eat cum cookies

Everytime i get lazy i watch myself on the mirror that i purposely installed in my home gym, then i remember why i need to work out.

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I used to do this with friends when I was 17, drank in my parents garage, loaded the benchpress.

It was totally gay except for a couple of times when girls were there.

Becase if i skip a day i feel like a failure.

This is not a home-gym, this is gym-home. You live in a gym.

i fail to see the problem tho

motivation is for faggots.

you pick the time, and when the alarm hits, you go do it straight away. you have to get up and get into momentum before 3 seconds from the alarm sounding.. if you sit still, 4 or 5 seconds in your brains starts making up excuses. after 7 or 8 days your brain will accept that it's your new routine and it'll stop second-guessing it as strongly.

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if it takes no longer than 15 minute drive for you to get to the gym then you don't need a fucking home gym.

yeah it'd be awesome if I had one but I train 6 times a week and it's really not that big of a deal.

There's that word again.. "Motivation".. What? You need motivation to brush your teeth? To wipe your ass after you've taken a shit? To take a shower?

Certain things in life you just do, because you know that it needs to be done. Motivation is a false god. Dedication is manhood.

You can choose to either be a slave of motivation and the fucking emotional roller coaster that it is, or simply suck it up and get the god damn workout done. It's one hour of your life.. 4.17% of your day spent in order to better yourself as a human being, to enjoy optimal health and not have to worry about getting sick to every single bacteria or virus out there.

TL;DR: Motivation is only an excuse. If you don't work out, then you didn't really want it enough to begin with and you won't ever make it. Not just with work outs, but with everything you start in your life.

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>Much easier to actually go to a gym because you're there so you HAVE to work out.
Lol, what? Have you ever been to a gym? I feel like people spend 75% of their time texting and taking up space on the fucking equipment.

It's the opposite for me. Going to the gym(going there,having to park,getting checked in,sharing equipment) is a pain for me while the actual lifting is not. I worked out every day during the summer when I had my home gym. Now I'm in college away from home and I go to my college gym 1-2 times a week and I don't even get to do what I want because everything is always taken

>Lol, what? Have you ever been to a gym? I feel like people spend 75% of their time texting and taking up space on the fucking equipment.

I go to the gym to workout. I pay for a membership so I make sure I do what I need to do. My job is good because I go at times when there's only about 5 people in the gym and there's enough machines for me to use if some retard is busy hogging the machine whilst he's on his phone

I'm 7 foot tall so I need a custom gym, took me years to build it but now I can finally feel great and not like I'm using baby machines