>Be consistently getting enough protein
>Eating more than enough calories
What gives Jow Forums
Not gaining alot of muscle while bulking
gotta eat more
At one point i was eating 5000 cals a day and just got fat
More volume.
The fuck is wrong with people?
>eating 500 calories over tdee
>Lifting normal routine
>not seeing desired results
>keep doing the same thing
If your diet is all good to go, then it's clearly the training methods. Train the muscle groups more often, take shorter rest periods, get more sleep, hit the muscle 3x per week instead of 2x etc etc etc.
Deductive reasoning, start eliminating the shit that isn't working and start doing stuff that does work. That simple.
Without roids average amount of muscles that you can gain in a year is around 5 kg. Someone can get more because of genetics, someone even less.
Of course being a 17 y.o. is equal to roids.
Don't fall for dirty bulk meme, it's only a sweet illusion.
Getting muscle mass is a slow process.
You bulked too hard bro you're going to have to do a small cut
I have the same problem, made some gains but my belly is getting gross so I'm cutting for a bit
But its been months and ive only gained 7 pounds of muscle
But its not like ive gained alot so a cut would be dumb
You said you got fat. You should never bulk past 18% bodyfat
Why not?
The higher your bodyfat, less testosterone you have. Less test = less muscle gain
Your cut ends up being so long to get back down from 20%+ that you'll lose more muscle that way. It should be shortish intervals. The only people bulking past 20% bf are powerlifters and bloatmaxxers
That's why clean bulk is the best. Only filthy junk food addicts and alcoholics go for dirty bulk.
Pretty much what user said below, but some more advice:
It's recommended to cut to 12% - 15% and then bulk from there again. Pretty much to whenever you can see the outline of your abs.
Unless you're training purely for strength then enjoy eating a fuck load
Should I do this even if im pretty skinny?
foot 3 and a half only 195 poinds 21% body fat
Drop to 17-18%, maintain for a while then drop another 2% then do a slow bulk/lean gains
What's the point of maintaining?
Are you on gear? No? Then bulk cut cycles are a meme. You just got fat. You’d have gained that same amount of muscle just recomping
If you are a lifting newbie, stay at a 500 deficit; you'll make gains anyway thanks to noob gainz.
You can also post body (no homo) so we can figure out how you look and what you need to do
I've been working seriously for 8 months
Im in class so i cant post body
You shouldn't go from cutting to bulking all of a sudden.
It's recommended to leave 2 weeks or so of maintenance so the body can adapt without fucking up your metabolism
If you are unsure of what to do, follow the classic "bulk in winter, cut for summer" principle.
In the end, you will need to do both sooner or later; get swole to look buff in your winter clothes, cut for summer to get beach-ready
Bulking natty is a meme
Diminishing returns per gain. You may have gotten 1 gain point per curl your first month, but diminishing returns from overuse turned it to .75 gain points. You're 8 months in, you're passed your gains boom. You'll now gain more fat than muscle. If you've been bulking for 8 months then you're probably bulking too much. It's already almost the end of the year though, so go hard or go home and start cutting at new years so you can look lean for spring.
Does eating clean matter?
How important is eating clean on a bulk?
You should always be eating clean user.
I've been eating 'dirty' (highly processed food and shit) for the last two years, and now my doctor thinks I might have developed esophageal cancer, will get tested in two weeks. Wish it was a joke.
Don't think clean food tastes bad; learn to cook, learn to use spices... I am mediterranean so it is easy for me to cook tasty stuff, but just follow some internet recipes for chicken, pasta, rice... Learn to mix and match veggies (you'll probably find frozen bags of varied veggies in your supermarket), and put some in every dish you prepare.
always eat clean, dude. Dirty bulk is just a meme for fat nerds to gloat while deluding themselves it's any good.
but i like goldfish
Always go back to the basics when you're struggling, those are three things:
1. Is your training going well? Are you following a good program? What's off about it? Are there any tweaks you can make?
2. Are you eating enough? Are you restricting fats, restricting carbs, not getting enough micronutrients or just calories in general? (I can read and can see you're eating enough, I'm just asking for the sake of mapping out the problem for everyone else)
3. Are you sleeping enough? 7 hours is an absolute minimum. Ideally you should be getting 8 or 9, you'll never be strong if you don't sleep.
Not gonna lie I hate this advice. Speaking as someone who fell for the "stay lean all the time bro, it's the best way to build muscle" meme, you'll never make progress if you don't commit to the process of building muscle. If you start at 12% fine, if you start at 20% fine. Do. Not. Cut. If you have no muscular framework to cut down to.
A lot of people wind up leaner from bulking anyway because they're not starving their bodies anymore and gain more lean body mass than fat.
T. Was 155 pounds at 6'3" at this time last year because I thought you had to be *lean* to start building muscle