Why even lift when you have low test (12.8 nmol/L or 369 nd/dL)? Pic related is me after 3 years of training...

Why even lift when you have low test (12.8 nmol/L or 369 nd/dL)? Pic related is me after 3 years of training, I still look like I've never touched a weight before. I'm in Canada and thanks to our wonderful universal healthcare system the government gets to decide if I'm eligible for TRT, and they've said I'm not low enough. I don't see the point of putting in so much effort when the results have been so horrendous

Attached: 2018-10-01_08.08.32.jpg (1355x1799, 1.34M)

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There are ways to lower your test.

So quit you fucking retard lmao. No (You) for you. sage

Lowering my test in hopes of getting on TRT sounds way too risky

You dumb bro?
>eat onions and drink beer for like 7 days
>don't sleep for 2 entire days before the blood test
>put yourself in a very stressful situation
>jerk off like 10 times just before the blood test
There you go, lowered test and won't fuck yourself up in the long term.

I know that feel, I’m cutting but I can see that I’m gonna have close to your same build and size. Shit sucks but I’m gonna just bulk slow after

when was the test taken? how many times was it taken? from exam to exam there can be quite a fluctuation because of hour of the day/cortisol levels/how much sleep you've had

your progress looks pretty average for 3 years of training unless you're a gymcel, then yeah its subpar. just because you dont look like somebody in the CBT doesnt mean its your test and not you who were the culprits (usually its the individual)

have you tried supplementic zinc and vitamin D D? getting 8-9 hours of sleep? eating at maintenance?

too little info makes us any useful to you

OP I see this as your option though, just lower your test through means of diet, weed, fapping, lack of sleep, and or alcohol for like a month straight. Then get trt, also you could just gear

Also this, perhaps your routine/diet/commitment is shit.
Just because you say you lift for 3 years doesn't mean you do it properly.
What are your lifts?

gosh sorry for going full dyslexic, I'm on my phone

Not necessary. They have you fast and take the test in the morning for a reason. Simply lie and eat a big, fatty meal a couple hours before the test. Literally SOP for people trying to skew the numbers lower.

Ok this is actually a good idea. I need to find a new doctor first though, I called my last one a dumb paki last time for not putting me on trt

I've always got 8 hours of sleep every day of my life. My diet is optimal, I obsess about it and I obsess about living a lifestyle that is supposed to optimize testosterone that's why I'm pissed off. Zinc levels were high during the test without supplements, but I started supplementing 25mg anyway after that test and I don't feel or see any difference. I can just tell by my body proportions and facial features that I'm low test, I look feminine. Even my mom's normie friends always say how much I look like my mom and they don't realize that is an insult

Lifts are 105/175/235/335 approximately, I don't do 1RM's

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Is that in lbs or kg?

You ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, huh?

>Lifts are 105/175/235/335 approximately, I don't do 1RM's
Are you fucking retarded?
That deadlift and squat are crazy good in kgs, they are however pitiful in lbs.

Only illegal to buy or sell gear. Not illegal to possess or use. I fail to see the problem living in Canada. Also it's up to the Dr interpreting the results to say yay or nay. The government could give a shit less about your feminine test levels.

If you remain in the natty range TRT isn't going to make a massive difference in terms of muscle mass.

>you think OP can do all that
>for reps
>in KG
You ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, huh?

I wouldn't say I'm in the natty levels though, I'm in the natty levels according to (((them))). Oy vey, be proud of who you are goy, you don't need to be a strong man.

It's also been clearly shown that a jump from low test to average test will make a significant difference, however a jump from average to high doesn't do that much.

dude take a break from reading too much Jow Forums , Lookism and RedPill stuff. You don't "look" low test. You have a V taper and visible development on your shoulder, traps and arms (only your chest is kinda shitty). Your main problem is you're on a shitty bodylevel for a natty where you're not lean enough to be ripped but lean enough to be flat

Also you didn't answer how many times did you have your test checked. It could have been a bad day for N factors. Unless you've got 3 results from different time periods taken in similar circumstances, I fear you're only wanting online reassurance to hoping on TRT early in life

I tested twice for 360-390 when I was 20, on antidepressants and dieting hard and felt the same as you. I'm 23 now and my lowest score in a year has been 660 (highest was 710) and between 21 and 23 it was as low as 430 and as high as 730. Test fluctuates considerably so you really need to be sure it's something chronic
(I have all this data because I need to take exams periodically for another condition and ask for an hormonal checkup for the heck of it)

Not trying to persuade you to jump on gear or not, I just want you to take a deep look at the issue before jumping on a lifetime commitment because of a misconception

Lol I'm not v taper. I didn't show my hips in the picture, I have child bearing hips that are almost as wide as my shoulders. My lats won't grow either even though I can do a lot of pullups. I also have a slightly high pitched voice and a basically non existent Adam's apple. Fat distribution is like a girl's, it's concentrated mostly in my thighs and glutes, and slight gyno too. Muscles aren't hard either. I've had two separate blood tests and both were low, one even shows estradiol was above average.

T level charts please? Gonna get mine tested next week and I want to know what is acceptable


The basedboys on BuzzFeed were about 300 ng/dL or so, so you can go from there

Why even lift when you have nigger lips and your head is lopsided faggot

Same fucking boat I'm anywhere from 7-14nmol gymming 3+ years look very similar to you. Feels fucking bad man. Might start my own cycle.

sorry, I've realised you're looking for validation to hop on vitamin T and not just try to find the culprit

good luck with the blast & cruise (and the body dysmorphia)

dont forget to take some AI with the test though

Delet this

>good luck with the blast & cruise (and the body dysmorphia)
What did he mean by this?

there is no way that its 3 years
1 at best or 3 with lot of pauses and bad diet

I train 3-4 days a week. Meals consist of chicken+rice+greens and fish/beef+white potato/sweet potato+greens, snacks include pb&J's, bananas, oatmeal, yogurt, sunflower/pumpkin seeds. No S O Y, no junk food, no alcohol, NoFap, only drink water, milk, and kombucha. My diet is very strict and I count every single calorie, I don't have a social life I get by just by obsessing about this

Are you that guy that everyone thinks is gay, but you adamantly deny when they ask?

Seems good man but
What do you eat when you cheat?
Also is this grass fed meat (theres a lot of estrogen in non organic meat)?

I shit you not some Chad asked me in the gym change room the other day if I was a twink. This is why I want TRT, I'm not respected as a man right now

I buy pre cooked rotisserie chicken from the health food store, it tastes significantly different than chickens from other grocery stores, so I assume it is grass fed. And yes I do buy grass fed ground beef and wild caught salmon/rainbow trout

Do you do PPL or FBW.. Id say do FBW

not OP, but I'm going to check my test/hormone levels too because a: I have a lot the symptoms, albeit not all and b: I literally have lactating gyno (it's a very small amount, I only noticed it because I was bored as fuck)

what are the odds I'm low T? I have an extremely hard time building muscle, but I'm not nearly as meticulous as OP so it's probably mostly my fault, but I'm not as concerned with my body as I am with my mental wellbeing

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Not all girls love high tes guys
I learned to accept im low tes and got a gf now.. I'm older though.. at a certain age these things are not important

doubt girls like unenergetic, nervous skinnyfat spergs (who also don't have the luxury of being handsome)

>369 nd/dL
Bryce Lewis has barely 300 and managed to become an IPF champ. Quit your whining and try harder.

Source: instagram.com/p/BZ4FwerlYDB

That's an extreme. I garantee you that slightly tes like OP pass easily with most girls

You know testosterone is a signal molecule that doesn't really do anything independently of the body it's in, right? That means you can have a much higher response than someone else by having for example more receptors.

Even without admiration from others higher test generally translates into better mental health, and mine is in the shitter right now.

bump in the name of the holy hormone