Is 21 years old too late to make it? I’m a suicidally depressed NEET with no friends. Literally only thing I have going for me is my looks, but I’m not aggressive enough to keep a woman besides hooking up.
Can I still make it?
>neet that can get hookups
you're in better shape than most of the incels on here
yep, it's too late. kill yourself.
Once my looks fade it’s over for me.
post face
Nice try, I’m a NEET, not a retard
It’s not too old to make it, but you won’t make it because you’re fucking retarded for thinking 21 is too old for anything. You’re a fucking child.
Post body
I started training with 21 with 160kg on 1,88m. Today I´m at my peak perfomance with 95kg on 1,89m. You can absolutely make it in terms of physical fitness. So you`re NEET. How is your résumé looking right now and much is legally possible to improve it where you live?
*how much
You're a fucking baby user, at 21 you can literally do anything
Nigger there's a first year PhD student in my lab who's 35.
He worked in artsy stuff on his twenties and turned to engineering at 30
21 is nothing
Not too late man, not by a long shot. You should leave Jow Forums though because it's full of r9k and lookism nonsense these days, and people will happily drag you down because misery loves company.
Dress better. Work out. Try to make money (get a job). Talk to people. Fix your sleep schedule. Fix your diet. Read. Try to be the best version of yourself. The obstacle you should be trying to overcome is not other people, but who you were yesterday. Have humility, aim upwards but set small, quantifiable goals within concrete time periods.
Small steps man. You've got plenty of time, but if you don't start now I'll guarantee you'll regret procrastinating later down the line.
>t. 30 yo boomer
post face, scribble out eyes and mouth
yes it is you total fucking ball bag
If you need to ask, you won't make it
Your life just started. Stop being sad piece of shit and focus on better things, learn to appreciate even small things in your life
Fuck this boo hoo shit, what is a good full body routine? I can only hit the gym 3x a week because of school and work
If you compare life to a 24 hour day where the average person lives to be 72 you're only at 7 am. You've still got a lot of the day left to make things better
It's never, listen kid: NEVER too late to start imrpoving oneself. Results may vary as everywhere else and you may start from a slightly less good point than if you started with 16, but you can make it - whatever 'making it' may mean to you. Just start today.
Get Jow Forums and everything else will come with it. If you are actually good looking and not a manlet getting fit will change your life. Don't listen to any of these stupid retards that tell you it want. It changed my life completely and I went from a skinny, 21 year old, video games playing virgin that jerked off 5 times a day and never went out, to basically a Chad that can get away with anything because of his physical appearance.
You don't even have to change your behavior that much because once you notice how much more people respect and like you once you look good, your confidence will skyrocket and you'll just be able to do and say anything without coming of as a creep or retard. I literally told girls with a dead serious face that I will rape them, kill them, break their arms and shit like that and it's funny. I meant it as a joke, but imagine if I looked like a creep and said that.
I was 21 when I started and in a year my life did a 180 and now I love myself, am confident, had a gf but broke up :( have good friends and became more social and not a sperg anymore and I'm desirable to women and people generally respect me more and take me more seriously. And also I enjoy lifting and watching my body develop.
Sorry for the slight blog post, but lifting really did change my life for the better and I'm genuinely happy and I just want everyone else to be able to achieve what I did because it's a good feel and I wanna try to get people to at least try it
It's only too late if you keep believing that it is.
When you become so fixated on thinking this is all your life is going to amount to, you'll just keep dragging your feet and the only thing that will change is you'll be older and more depressed.
I didn't even start trying to get my shit together until last year and I'm fucking 28. Got back into school for IT and have been crushing my classes, I'm also studying for the Network+ exam. I got a trainer who helped me fix my posture, lose a bunch of weight, and he got me into lifting. Been getting a lot more active, more sociable, I feel even the way people respond to me is positively changing.
Wish I could tell you I've made it and be this great example for people in this situation but I still have a long way to go and there's a lot of stuff I'm afraid of. Even with things being pretty good I'm still scared I won't make it but there's also a part of me that's willing to fight to live even if I were to suddenly end up homeless so I just try to give that part more attention day to day.
I hope you find your way dude, social isolation is utterly fucked, even if you don't have friends at least step the hell outside once in a while then work up to interacting more and trying to get something going be it work, school, or volunteering. And definitely keep going to the gym, eating good, getting plenty of rest, that's crucial to your overall health and it does affect your outlook.
post looks
Now is the best time to get your shit together user. Some talented folks get their shit together before 21, but most start getting their shit together right around your age. Now is your time to shine.
Yes. I started at 21 too. I was failing in college, slightly overweight and virgin. A year and a half late of hard work, clean eating, and unironically taking advice from this place and theredpill and I'm jacked by normie standards and have smashed 3 girls. I also bodymog most of the guys at my gym
>pic related