>2 years ago >decide to finally get fit >rapidly lose weight and gain muscle >shortly after realise that I have gyno >decide to get it checked >GP confirms thats its breast tissue and not just fat AKA gynecomastia >tells me that my insurance will cover the gyno surgery(europoor) >tfw I find out the surgeon is female
Should I just cancel the surgery? How reliable are female plastic surgeons? Any of you /fraud/ people that got gyno surgery, how was it?
At least she has real tits. Probably more experience dealing with losers like you too.
Jaxson Gonzalez
Oh I dunno bro, she's just a surgeon with years of experice. I'm sure having a vagina invalidates all that training.
Angel Williams
>getting a complex surgery from some dumb roastie "surgeon"
might as well do it yourself like that guy from bb.com
Noah Gray
>gyno >complex surgery
David Thompson
>Should I just cancel the surgery? How reliable are female plastic surgeons? Any of you /fraud/ people that got gyno surgery, how was it? Fuck this collectivism shit. God. Are all women the same? Are they? I mean, I was just on the road and most of the shitty drivers were indeed women, but I only noticed the shitty drivers, I didn't notice the good ones. Could it be? Could it be that some women might actually be competent? I mean, she is a surgeon. You have to put in a lot of time and knowledge and expertise to become one of those. How many patients has she operated on? How many times has she done this surgery? Does she have any before and after pics you can look at? Her results will speak for themselves. If she shows you before and after pics and they look okay, then you're in good hands.
Matthew Nelson
You have mental issues. Ask her to remove your braun because it is rubbish.
Elijah Morris
Just say you're superstitious about something related to her. Her name or some shit.
Joshua Diaz
>europoor this is more reason to be concerned than having a female surgean
Jason Turner
You might be too autistic for this surgery better just double down on having tits bro.
Logan Young
>Be burger >insurance covers surgery, but plastic surgeons code it as cosmetic surgery
Just gotta tell them it's making you super embarrassed and causing suicidal thoughts. Problem solved
Henry Rivera
don't do it. I had some pain in my groin area, went to a female doc, she convinced me it was a hernia despite ultrasound being negative and other docs saying no, but she said those other docs dont know shit because its not their specialty. got hernia surgery, fucking horrible experience, had to get a catheter for like 2 weeks, groin hurt a lot for about 5 months, went to her numerous times trying to get an answer about the pain and why my recovery was so slow eventually she admitted I didn't have a hernia but put the mesh in anyways as preventative measure (teehee) this was at an ivy league hospital get a dude to do it, interogate him to get a good idea of if he is a faggot or not there are many, many, many horrible doctors and the vast majority of healthcare these days is salesmen pitching sales to you to get very lucrative deals on their end. Healthcare has become a complete corrupt exercise in greed, and its made possible by hiding behind the idea that doctors and healthcare people are these paragons of virtue and that it is a very honorable affair (like teachers, firefighters, police, military etc...any of these professions where you can milk the idea of the profession...muh honor, etc)
Brody James
This. >nigger doc misdiagnoses my epidydimitus as torsion for some fucking reason >female ultrasound tech jams wand around on my balls for a fucking hour >huh I can’t find the torsion better keep jamming this around >in the worst pain of my life the whole time >go to a different fucking hospital
Julian Perry
i'm a doc, i wouldn't work with or under a female doc and i'd never get a surgery from one they are not responsible
Hunter Thomas
user, stop being such a bitch about it. does it really matter?
No, it doesn't. Get the damn surgery and move on with your life.
John Rogers
ONLY get medical care/surgery from white men. to do otherwise is to retardedly put yourself in undue jeopardy. although someone I know had to have brain surgery and the guy who did it was an african super genius surgeon, so that’s a random exception
Christian White
>having suicidal thoughts listed on your medical record I wouldn't tell a fucking doctor that even if it were true.
Jaxon Adams
This, I don't even trust them to suck dick right.
Christian Mitchell
Why are you so fucking autistic
Ian Moore
Jayden Ward
Based spbp.
OP, stop being a retard. She's a surgeon with multiple years of experience. At the point that you're under the knife it doesn't matter what gender they are, as long as they can perform the surgery. And if you don't meet them in a back alley and pay in unmarked bills, they're almost certainly licensed and qualified.
Just find a heterolesbian that loves playing with your tits.
Elijah Hernandez
maybe she's like that twerking whore doctor to recorded videos on patients
Parker Martinez
That gyno's barely noticable, at least in the picture. Stop being a vain faggot
Dominic Hernandez
Jason Cruz
insurance covers removing fat from cis males tits but not from trans males tits. really makes ya think
Matthew Price
Like with anything important, if its a woman try to find a male alternative. You think a woman could have landed on the hudson river? If I get on a plane and see a woman pilot I get off
Tyler Clark
why is gyno so fucking common? There's always threads about it, and even I have it. Are the jews really poisoning the water?