The only lifts that are progressing linearly is my deadlift and barbell row, 100 kg and 60 kg respectively.
I'm doing a slight cut though, losing around 0.7 kg per week. Is my caloric deficit the reason? I am skinnyfat, so i'm cutting until I'm down to 10% bodyfat. Will I keep on plateauing until I bulk? Is it normal to bulk after two months?
Eat more protein. Look into low carb low fat protein shakes if you really want to stay lean. Or just do lots of conditioning along with your strength training and eat whatever you want.
Nathaniel Clark
more to add, I also run 8-10 km three times a week and eat around 2100 kcal a day. I wan't to hit 10% before bulk. So do I just have to put up with the plateaus?
Cooper Harris
Good progress bro
Joshua Taylor
How long have you been on 5 x 5?
You could try Greyskull for a while. 2 x 5, 1 x F.
Joshua Gutierrez
two months, my lifts has gone up but I started low
squat - 37.5 to 82.5 kg ohp - 22.5 to 40 kg bench press - 27.5 to 57.5 deadlift - 47.5 to 100 kg
I really wanted to milk 5x5 for all it's worth, but I wasn't expecting to plateau this early.
Dylan Murphy
Damn should consider roids.
Jonathan Scott
You need to cut a fair amount more. At that height and weight you should be 1/2/3/4.
Owen Ward
Calories are fine, however if you're only running for cardio I would replace it with long walks or other forms of low intensity cardio until you hit a wall, then you can replace it with hiit if you really wanna get to single digits. Stalling on bench and ohp is normal when cutting but I recommend you take a second look at your form on the dl's and squats, you should be able to milk them some more. also make sure that you sleep enough and that you're getting an adequate amount of protein.
Christian Murphy
if you really like powerlifting consider trying wendler's 5/3/1. It's designed to avoid plateaus, although it will be a somewhat slow progress.
It's particularly good if you are staying natty. But please include more carbs in your diet. It is surprisingly energy-demanding and will ruin your cut if you are not careful.
Adrian Myers
Jew? If so it explains it you rats have lower testosterone which is why you love pedophilia and cuckolding so much
Bentley Cruz
also if you're rowing more than you're benching you're 90% doing it with poor form. Lower it to 80% of your bench and make sure that you're really using the muscles and not just jerking it up
Sebastian Sullivan
Another thing that might help is taking a step back (as in, reducing the weight by 10% and then go back up keeping you original rithym) OR doing a deload week every six weeks, and then going back to normal right away.
Angel Martin
because i'm small or?
I'm positive my form isn't perfect. I'm thinking about recording it and getting some feedback
I wasn't a huge fan of powerlifting when I started, but i'm finding myself liking it more and more. Was thinking about doing the texas method though, but my lifts aren't strong enough
nope, pure scandi
I'm unsure on how strict to be with my row. Saw some vids and they all said that It's okay to move your upper body a bit as you perform the row, but my brother who is lifting less is way more strict about not moving anything but his arms. I will cut my rows weight and do the same.
the 5x5 app is telling me when to deload, already doing it on the OHP. Never thought about a deload week though.
Lucas Adams
>Is my caloric deficit the reason? Pretty much.
>Will I keep on plateauing until I bulk? On a linear progression? Yes.
>Is it normal to plateau* after two months? On an LP while on a cut? Yes.
>I really wanted to milk 5x5 for all it's worth If by 5x5 you mean linear progression where you're increasing weight literally every session, then I'm telling you it's not worth it.
You can still do 5x5 (as in 5 sets of 5 reps), it's just that you'll have to slow down the weight progression in order to make it sustainable.
Lucas Jones
>app >never gonna make it. I haven't used any kind of app for this, but I will admit to having a negative opinion about it. Is it ignorant? Maybe.
For me, part of the fun in lifting is sitting down a crunching the numbers for the next 2 months of my workout. It's like looking at the goal, it just feels invigorating to me that I am in control of the process.
But in all honesty, consider reading up and designing your own plan. It's scary at first, but it'll be worth it in the long run. It'll also help you understand the value of the excercise you do.
Kevin Collins
This good user is correct.
Do try doing a 5x5 with a 2,5% increment weekly. There's a really good 5x5 in the sticky that is 3 times a week, squat everytime, deadlift+ohp once a week. It's like a 90-110 min workout, but it's pretty good and it's really that demanding calory-wise.
Cooper Thompson
I also want to say thanks to all you anons for helping me. Call me a sentimental cunt if you want to.
Okay, as long as my plateau is from my cut and less then perfect form then I can manage it.
I enjoy working with numbers, made myself an excel sheet for weightloss that helps me calculate my estimated weekly loss and gain by using my actual loss and gain. Also helps me to calculate my bodyfat and so forth. I really want to make my own program and read into it, but was told that as a newb I should wait atleast half a year before doing so. Have I been bamboozled?
It does sound more manageable to increase the weight weekly instead of increasing it every session. But isn't it too early? my lifts are not even close to my goals.
Bentley Jackson
squats are bad for you
Connor White
How do you get a beer gut while obviously being not be of legal age to buy drinks?
Jose Lopez
The age limit here is 16 years for light alcohol such as beer and wine. But trust me, that gut was as much from having a shitty diet as it was from alcohol.
Nolan Scott
Check out Greg Nuckols programs or Juggernaut method. They're both powerlifting programs so I would recommend also doing some form of hypertrophy block before hand. If you want to destroy yourself but unlock some true gains, do Smolov Jr. Don't do full Smolov until you've done a couple blocks of less intensive programming. Eh. He might need a deload week but desu I didn't really start doing deload weeks until I actually started following more intensive programming. A hypertrophy block might help though.
Ryder Robinson
>i've been told Educate yourself. You are a grown up. Anything you do will give you progress. Discipline is key.
>too early It all depends. It might be early, or it might not be. Improving your PR more than once a week require a lot of ATL (energy). If you are doing a cut you are basically running with extrapounds and with a headwind, you do the math.
If your goal is to lose fat, stay on course. You are doing great. Reduce the weight by 10%, and keep going. Do more reps with the weight that you can actually manage. Add accesory work (this is more often than not a good way to increase your PR).
If your course is to get stronger, eat a little more. Eat different too. Eat red meat. Add creatine (read about it, be responsable).
Mostly, be patient. It is true that the first year shows results quicker, but it is also true that everyone is different and you need to suit your program to your own personal goals as you see fit. That's where reading and educating yourself comes in handy.
Eli Brooks
It's your diet. Start increasing calories by increments of 200, and massively increase protein. If, after a few months of that, you're not progressing, increase volume and frequency.
Michael Robinson
Ok so get this >eat more >do less cardio Only way to get out of babby weight hell.
Tyler Anderson
cardio isn't bad by itself. If you do intensive conditioning plus heavy strength training, it just means you have to eat a lot.
>t. Dude that likes oly / powerlifting and long distance trail running
Robert Sanchez
>I really want to make my own program and read into it Check out pic related. It's a great ebook that explains the underlying principles behind strength/hypertrophy training in a really accessible manner.
Personally I wouldn't follow a strength program while trying to cut. I could be wrong as it seems to be working for you minus this hiccup. I'd train for hypertrophy if I was at a calorie deficit trying to cut.
Gabriel Ross
Switch up the reps for a while or start doing ramping sets. There you go friendo
Evan Wright
Lel, those are some awful lifts.
Nathaniel Campbell
Literally stalled at the same weights doing 5x5. It just doesn't work for me. PPL did.