H3h3 on nofap


>haha check out this weird community of people
>"These people think not masturbating gives you superpowers", I don't know that this is a figure of speech because I've done no research into what this is, and I apparently can't tell this statement is hyperbolic
"These people are pathetic", the people trying to abstain from addictive activities that they think are bad for them. This isn't me
>nofap isn't real, because I masturbate all the time and I feel fine. I've never tried not masturbating so I don't have a comparison, but yeah
>masturbating (not masturbating, just having an orgasm) helps prevent colon cancer, so this negates any negative biological effects it could have. I just heard that that masturbation does something to your biology, but apparently it's still ridiculous that masturbating has any kind of effect
>"I masturbate all the time lol", proceeds to stretch this joke out for another 5 minutes. Masturbating is funny, sex is funny

Another non-opinion, hilarious musing about the world of today that his fanbase of idiot redditors can use to feel above people.

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nofap meme is finally dying, however the TRUE noporn is growing strong.


Did you really need to make a thread about some irrelevant e-celeb who isn't even fitness related in any way?

>listening to a jew

who is this person im older than 22

Jerk off to erotic personal scenarios in your head, not what the porn industry shoves down your urethra
Masturbation is natural
Porn isn't

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>Masturbation is natural

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H3H3 is jewish

Ethan is a cuck but he ain't wrong in this one. Nofap is a meme and even this jew makes fun of you

>Touching your peepee is bad

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