Could you make it by working only on machines?

Could you make it by working only on machines?
>inb4 read the sticky
already did, just wanna know if it's possible

Attached: Machine_Bicep_Preacher_Concentration_Curls-1.png (540x360, 71K)

Sure its possible, but it's a lot of wasted effort. Also some machines are really bad for your joints at high weights (leg extension comes to mind). If you don't want to use free weights for better off doing calisthenics.

Depends on your target, if you lift for asthetics, yes

You can make it easier using machines.
Isolation is literally in every way better.

Read literally the first chapter of SS

Yes. It will just be slower. For example, chest press you will be isolating your chest a lot more, so you will need more tricep isolations to make up for the loss of tricep conditioning that you would get from benching a barbell. Another big one is deadlift, I have never seen a machine form of deadlifts, you would probably need to use several machines to hit everything that deadlifts hit.

What’s the non machine equivalent of leg extensions?

You literally only need to work out your lower back. Are you smoking crack?
Literally everything done with a deadlift can be done isolated and get better results.

Could you share the main points?

>lift for strength
>lift for aesthetics
What's the difference? If i'm a scrawny faggot, how can i look aesthetic if i don't first get bigger?