essentially what I want
Essentially what I want
>no African queens in picture
Brother it’s like you don’t even want to preserve our race.
Getting an Asian gf as a black dude is damn near impossible. Landing a tame negress without ape features is almost as difficult, might as well do what most black men do and settle for a 7/10 latina/Muslim trying to emulate the kardashian look. That or a fat white girl because most attractive white girls that burn coal just want you for the danger/rebellious streak.
>muslims would ever get near black people
Jesus. They didnt even try when they shopped those abs.
It's true. Paki/indian girls have a thing for black guys idk why, but I won't complain.
get off my board Low Iq Ape
fucking kek
also based and redpilled
No they Don't