Is being poor and desperate the ultimate motivator?

Conversely, does being rich kill your gains?

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Quite the opposite, bodybuilding is a sport of capitalism

That might be the case.

I grew up with constant stress, I finally moved out a few months ago and it feels odd to me having a bit of "peace" in my life.

A lot of my motivation has gone away sadly, its hard trying to keep that up to keep being Jow Forums

certainly you would have better resources such as trainers, nutrition, equipment at your disposal, but does the money and comfort dull your "edge"?

No. Poor people are poor because they're lazy and stupid, and they are also unhealthy as a result. They try to numb the doldrums of their lives with alcohol, shit food, smoking and drugs, while abdicating personal responsibility in favor of gibs and blaming everyone but themselves for their situation,

Sure there's some who rise out of that, but statistically if you were raised by a single mother the likelihood of social mobility is remote.

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some of this is true, but how do you explain superb athletes who came from shithole neighborhoods being raised by their grandma's?

superb athletes are by their very nature exceptions to the norm.

>how do you explain superb athletes who came from shithole neighborhoods
They weren't lazy and stupid...

Basically this.
Because if they're not lazy and stupid they can raise themselves out of poverty

They clearly were motivated to achieve greatness. Genetics will only take you so far.

I don't think we disagree on anything, there's no point in arguing.

ah yes
just take a look at shaq for instance
7’ 1, 320lbs of pure motivation
if only i could be as “motivated” as shaq then i could be a basketball god like him

this might be the most boomer shit ive read today holy fucking shit

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What's your point?
If you're not tall there's plenty of other sports you can do.

Yes and no.

The rich guys that are ambitious and narcissistic are very determined, competitive and motivated. They work hard and have the advantages so they will achieve a lot. But they are the few.

The other rich will become either fat or skinny. Most of them are weak. They are usually content and satisfied with their life.

Similarly, there are two types of poor people. Those that want to soar and rise from their poor background. And those that have accepted their fate and want to be with their "bros" forever.

Hes an outlier. No skill or training required for him. But what about someone like this...

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No, the main outlier may be prison, but for the most part, health strength and income are positively correlated

That will make you money? Maybe, but you have to have the right genetics to compete at a pro level in most sports. Hell the nfl has fucking size and arm length requirements for half the positions.

poor+ at least average intelligence yeah

>someone like that
yeah look at his hand size and arm length if you think he's like any average person walking around you are retarded

Well-bred people are literally better at everything
Mostly because they live in the long term, doing things like sports out if enjoyment and self-discipline
Meanwhile poor people have motivations like "if I push hard I'll get this job" or "I'll get a girlfriend". Extraneous motivations like that are just worse.

Plebs, the whole of you.

Well-bred people are literally better at everything
Mostly because they live in the long term, doing things like sports out if enjoyment and self-discipline
Meanwhile poor people have motivations like "if I push hard I'll get this job" or "I'll get a girlfriend". Extraneous motivations like that are just worse.

Plebs, the whole of you.