Strong natty
Strong natty <200lb females are regularly hitting 4plate squats now
I'm stuck at 280lbs right now I'm trying to push beyond it.
I'm pretty sure I'm just not eating enough though.
shes roided
She didn't once hit depth. I'd pump and dump :)
>knees caving in
imagine squatting 4 plate and having weak abductors
Cause THIS bitch look so huge and roided from juicing so hard huh?
What are those plates weight. Theoretically she does 6 plates
Sorry to disappoint you
Wish she would squat on my face looks hot
Women be different than men.
I know they don't teach you millennial cockblowers that in phaggot class
but its true
>Females squatting heavy weights
yeah have fun shitting uncontrollably whilst you give birth women aren't suppose to lift heavy weights let alone squat heavy weights
also that bitch is roided
yeah take some weight off and do it properly thot
oats my dude
i wouldn't mind if she sat on my face and ripped some seriously loud. long farts
bro she's regularly squatting 5 plates,
Wtf is she doing with her feet in the beginning? Looks like a bull waiting to released from its pen.
she's almost 200 lb of pure thicness
>squatting 4pl8
Not natty.
Best I've done is 4pl8 for 2 reps brothas
>Thinking she's natty because no delts
Fucking dumbass
I'd let Amanda sit on my face just as much as the next person but shes not natty
No depth, typical female
IT's not fair bros, how is it possible for this anavar bitch to be able to do 4plate+ with shit form while I can't attempt anything bigger than 1.5pl8 with out my knees hurting even with perfect form?
I have posted in form check threads beforoe and everyone told me I was ok, but my knees creak and hurt like fuck.
>those traps
You don't dig and stomp into your foot position? Found the sub 1 plate squatting zoomer.