Any Jow Forums manlets (5 8 and under) here get mogged by college women on a regular basis?

Any Jow Forums manlets (5 8 and under) here get mogged by college women on a regular basis?

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I get mogged by this hot 6 ft tall Swedish track runner everyday

God i want to climb her

I'm 5'9 and have met maybe five women taller than me in my life (I'm 23)

you live in a third world country son?

are tall women aware that they mog men their height and under?

when i see a tall guy, i think its normal but when i see a girl above 5 10 or above, i think theyre intimidating

5’9” and yes. All the worse because I love long legs so it’s just suffering. I’ve been with two girls that were both about 6’0” and I want it the rest of my life

mogging is not a word anyone who aint on meds and over the age of 23 uses

if a girl is tall she is well aware and used to seeing shorter men on a daily basis
if anything they feel insecure for being too big for a girl

I live in Seattle WA

God i wish i lived there
t. 5'9 manlet archduke in Scandinavia

Not really because even though i'm a manlet i'm really good looking so every girl that's 5ft 10 and above is usually uglier than me, so i mog them with my pretty face no matter how tall they are.

Yeah i dont know if its that area of the country he's from or what but where im from people are pretty tall. My sister is 5'11 and I can think of 3 girls in my clsses that are at least 5'10

5'8 is not short. Neither is it tall.

It's pretty short in university, 70 percent of guys are like 5 9 or higher (I live in the US)

>5 8 and under

you mean under 6'0 you scrawny midget.

Kind of true unless you go to school with spics.

Yeah but the plus side is that their maternal instincts kick in and they try to breast feed me.

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do these tall girls only like taller dudes?

Same but 5'11

5'7 handsome manlet here, I'll tell you the heights I've dated in order


the 5'10 girl was the most forward in hitting on me by far

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5'8 is short in any country that isn't manlet-land

it's crazy how much an inch in hight can make such a big difference in overall body volume. mostly you get mogged by anyone slightly taller than you

Can relate to this, 5’7 here


I hate getting mogged by girls half an inch taller than me

I have disproportionately short legs with long torso, arms, and big head.

My wife is all legs.

I am taller than her, but her shoulders are slightly higher than mine. This makes her mog me.

You guys aren't ready to swallow the should height pill yet.

>tall bitches intimidating

You were raised by a single mother, weren't you boy.

99 percent of tall women are self conscious about their height, there's no reason to find them intimidating